Burnsteem25 Steem engagement challenge-S10/W6|If God gives you the power to read three minds, whom would you select and why?



Beloved Steemians

You all are welcomed to my blog for today. I'm so happy to participate in this wonderful contest, and I assure you all that it will be more interesting and educating. How are you all doing, I hope all are moving fine and good? I will love to throw some more light according to my own perfect opinion concerning this great topic and believe me, you all will never regret going through this content.

Reading someone's minds, if God can really give such power, will be of good benefit to us because as we human we have good and bad intentions and through this power of reading minds we can be able to know who loves us and also who is really against us or betray us in any way. It will be so spectacular and actually make life more save and comfortable, I believe so.

If God gives you the power to read three minds, whom would you select and why?

It will really be a nice and profitable thing if Such power was given to me by God Almighty. Reading people's mind will actually be of good help to me because it will help me know when people are thinking good or having bad plans against. So reading their minds will help direct me if they really have a good or bad idea. The following people below are those I really want to read their minds.


My parents are the first people that I really intend to read their mind to know whether they have good plans for me or not. I believe reading their minds will really be of good help to me and will also help direct me, especially in every aspect of my life. Parents are special people to us that help in our growth to train and make us a good generation so if God should give me such power to read minds, it will truly help me to know what kind of plans they have for me and in which direction they really need me to follow as to progress in life and also consider it whether it's good or bad!



Indeed, I have many friends, and truly I don't really know whether they are good friends or not. If such power is being given to me by God to read people's mind,, they will be the second people I will love to read their mind concerning their plans about me. Indeed, reading their mind will help me know whether they have good or bad plans for me and also know those that are perfect friends and can really impact more profitable things into my life. In life, friends are also an instrument that has only two functions in your life. Either they help you to your success or totally bring you down to the lowest level and also destroy your life. So through such power which is reading of minds, I will be able to know those that are perfect friends.


If I'm given such power to read minds , my business partner will be the third person I will really love to read his mind to know if he really wants to betray me or truly has good plans for me. As humans, we are not that trustworthy enough and I don't fully trust my business partner, so reading his mind always will be of good help to me and will also help guide me on how I run my business. It will also help me to know if he really wants my progress or my downfall.

What are the main things you would like to read from those minds?

Indeed, reading their minds will really be of good benefit to me because it will help guide every aspect of my life and everything I do here on Earth because those people have a way of helping me progress and also can plan for my downfall. That's why I really need to be more careful with my associations with them. Things I will love to read from their minds include the following below.

  • What kind of plans they have for me
  • If really they want my progress in life
  • If they are striving to hinder my progress
  • If they truly love me
  • What kind of person they are
  • If they will really be of good benefit to me
  • And many more

These aspects above are the main things that I would truly want to read from those minds and I believe that after reading their minds and getting some little information about what they are about to do in my life it will help to guide me in every aspect of my life and will make me, be more observant alert and careful whenever they have any plans for me

How could you react after reading their minds? Share your thought.


After I'm done reading their minds, my reaction will be based on the type of information which I got from their mind and what they are really planning for me. If they are genuinely planning of good things for me, I will be so happy and excited that am actually associating with the right people and also those that will help my life.

But if the information that I got in any of their mind is terrible which is all about hindering my progress in life, I will truly feel both sad and angry and if it's any of my friends, I will totally avoid that person and delete him/her from my life in every aspect. If also it from my business partner, it will help guide me and also make me be more careful with my associates with him. If also his plans are too bad for me to consider and endure, I will totally stop any business that is going between the both of us and will also stop every association between me.and him and delete him totally from my life. If it's the information I got from reading my parents kind of are also bad, I will find a way to correct it and also be more careful and guide myself the more?

Do you think some devices in the future will invent that work like our mobile to read other minds?


Looking at the world today, we all will see that it is really growing faster in every technological aspect that will actually make life easier and faster. And also, the level of technology in the world as for now is really above humans expectations. So, I strongly agree that in the future to come some device will actually be invented which will be capable of reading people's mind. And indeed, if such a thing should in anyhow come to existence it will genuinely be of good profit to we humans, and also it will help guide every aspect of our life.

Do you think some things should always need privacy, like our thought process? Describe


Yeah, as humans we really have our privacy, not everything should be exposed. Some should be kept in secret and private to ourselves only. When looking it our thoughts process in agreed that some should be kept secretly because some thought about plans on how we will progress in life if being exposed might be hindered by some evil hands that while some of our thoughts and plans should be kept secretly to avoid hindrance in any aspect. Also, our thoughts process are things which should be kept secretly and private within ourselves and not to be exposed, especially to be on the save side and not to encounter any hindrance of any kind which may destroy our life totally.


I hope you all really learned a lot from this wonderful content of mine. Thanks for going through this content of mine, I really appreciate.
I will also. Love to invite most of my friends to participate in this interesting contest, they include the following people @chukwu10 @okete-blessing @lhorgic


You are right dear parents are very important to us
I like your these lines most

My parents are the first people that I really intend to read their mind to know whether they have good plans for me or not. I believe reading their minds will really be of good help to me and will also help direct me, especially in every aspect of my life. Parents are special people to us that help in our growth to train and make us a good generation so if God should give me such power to read minds, it will truly help me to know what kind of plans they have for me and in which direction they really need me to follow as to progress in life and also consider it whether it's good or bad!

Wish you best of luck



ہم سب اپنے پیارے لوگوں سے پیار کرتے ہیں، ہمارے قریبی لوگ ہماری ہر چیز ہیں، ہمارے والدین، بیوی، بچے، دوست، ورکر ساتھی، اس لیے یہ اچھی بات ہے کہ ہم انہیں خوش دیکھنا چاہتے ہیں اور اپنی زندگی سے مطمئن بھی ہیں، اس لیے آپ کے خیالات خوبصورت ہیں۔ اس کے مقابلے میں آپ کے لیے میری نیک خواہشات

 last year 

Saludos amigo

Has escogidos la mente de tres personas que tienen influencia en tu vida y realmente la que mas te debe interesar es la de tu socio porque realmente a veces es necesario saber en quien podemos confiar ese tipo de cosas.

Saludos y suerte en el reto.

 last year 


Una elección realmente buena porque son personas con las que compartes a diario y además con las que tienes una estrecha relación.

Dicen que no sabemos con qué nos vamos a encontrar en los pensamientos de los demás por eso debemos estar preparados para todo.

Cómo has elegido personas cercanas de seguro todo saldrá bien. Éxitos y buena suerte en el concurso.

Saludos amigo rico20, tus padres tienen por supuesto buenos planes en su mente para ti que podrás logra, en cuanto a tus amistades y socio siempre tienes que confiar en tu instinto esto te ayudara mucho no importa que te digan o proponen. Feliz día.....

I love your entry my friend, is amazing.

Yes I agree with the three set of people's mind you will love to read if good gives you the power to read their minds.

Is very important that we have the power to read most especially our friends mind so that we can know how we can flow and follow them, so that we wouldn't make drastic decisions.

Thank God you think almost like me as you also believe that device that's able to read mind we be in existence soon, I wish you good luck.

Hello friend, greetings to you. Hope you are enjoying the best moments of your life.

Your parents, friends and business partner are your options. I would also wants to explore my mother mind for me, as she loves me too much. I want to feel that experience through her mind.

Friends and business partner are wise option too. It will make you active. The negative and toxic people will be unable to deceive you.

Your blog was awesome. I really enjoy reading it.
Best wishes for the contest.

Parents never think wrong about children. After reading his mind, your problem may increase. In which the bond he has done in front of you can be difficult for you.

It would be good to read the mind of friends. you might know. what is the problem in their life and how to solve them

Your business partner is really amazing. Because he is reading this article then he will understand. What does my business partner think about you?
Thanks for sharing. Good Luck

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