Steem engagement challenge-S10/W1| I do believe in God and Evil power exists

in Incredible Indialast year

Steemit engagement challenge has been opened again and this is an opportunity for us to take part in this contest, here is my entry, which I posted in the incredible Indian community, Happy reading friends, this time the contest with the title;

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Do you believe god and evil power exists


I also invite my friends to join this contest @asiahaiss @sailawana @liasteem @lirvic @nexcis @paholags @crismenia @mariami @elrazi To immediately take part in this contest, the contest link is On;
Do you believe in God and evil forces exist? Explain?

Do I believe in god?

I am a Muslim, of course I believe in God, the god who created the heavens and the earth, it feels so weak if I don't admit that I was created, I am a human Which is full of flaws. The God I worship is Allah, the one god, neither childless nor begotten.

Proof that God exists, Every day we see many new things in our lives, The appearance of a fetus in the womb that was previously only sperm, the growth of plants that were previously only seeds, towering trees after previously only small plants, or we ourselves are born into the world after not existing before, then growing up after previously only children, The body is getting taller, the nails are getting longer, the hair is getting thicker.

All of these things show that this universe is new, that it came into being after it didn't exist before, and that our testimony of seeing parts of this universe appear after it was gone before is enough to show that everything in this universe came from nothing, something that doesn't exist. then there must be a creator.

Do I believe that evil forces exist?

satan / devil is an angel who rebelled against God, so he was banished from heaven and then traveled around this world to incite people to sin, God has never intentionally created something bad to then be intended to tempt humans, it is the devil who wants to tempt humans after being wasted from the sky, his goal is for the people he seduces to go to hell.

In my religious teachings it is explained that the beginning of the devil's rebellion was when God ordered the devil to prostrate to the prophet Adam, then the devil arrogantly said that how could he who was created from fire prostrate to something that was created from the ground, namely Adam. So because of his arrogant nature, God is angry with the devil, so this is the initial cause of the devil's hostility towards humans.

So of course I believe that devils or evil spirits exist, because in our teachings we are required to believe that evil spirits exist, in Islam we have confidence in the explanation of QS. Al-Baqarah Verse 34 about the origin of the devil angers Allah, may God keep us away from evil spirits.

Have you ever felt a supernatural power? Describe.

What is supernatural?

Supernatural is an event or activity related to nature and its contents and beyond the power of human reasoning in general, against everyday events and makes a person unable to think normally like other people in general. it relates to good and evil energies, supernatural beings, sciences and activities that are beyond human reason and everyday natural events.

Prilly's background photo was edited using the @PicsArt application

If asked if I have ever experienced a supernatural event, the answer is of course yes, I will tell you about the supernatural incident that I experienced.

When I was 9 years old there was a tsunami in Aceh. At that time I was still in elementary school, At that time I was just a child who didn't know anything, all day long I just played, I also often came to the beach which is close to my house, To play in the sand on the beach, Long before the big waves hit the people in my village, in fact I had several dreams of seeing a tsunami occur in my dreams, not just once, but several times I had dreams, in a dream I saw many residents in my village die when hit by big waves, the water was thick black full of trash, I ran fast until I climbed a tree to take shelter, From the top of the tree I saw everything that happened very clearly, starting from the big waves as tall as a coconut tree on the beach, hitting people's houses, all property carried by the currents of sea water, In that dream I cried so much that I woke up at night, I had that dream many times, at At that time I never told anyone about this dream, And one month later, after I had dreams like that many times, the events in the dream finally happened. On December 26, 2004 there was a natural disaster called the Aceh tsunami, which paralyzed several cities in Aceh including my house, as well as my relatives who died because of The disaster.

Even though if I think about it logically in my mind, there's no way I can dream something that has never happened, but the dream seemed real, and then it actually happened in real my life, Those are a few stories of supernatural events that I have experienced, although actually I have experienced many supernatural stories other than dreams.

Share your perspective on the power of God and Evil?

Allah has said: "And when My servants ask you about Me, then verily I am near. I grant the request of a person who prays when he prays to Me, then let them fulfill Me, and let them have faith in Me, so that they will always be in the truth." (Q.s. al-Baqarah: 186).

so from the word of God above, my perspective is that God's power is always there, every time God will help me, as his servant, I should always ask him not to fall into evil deeds, where there are many trials in living that life, there are many tests and trials that will plunge me into evil deeds and disobedience, the temptation to do things that are forbidden by God either from the whispers and temptations of the devil, or from the evil desires in my heart.

This photo is mine

As a human being who has lust, he always prays to God to keep him away from wanting to do disobedience. I am aware that human beings essentially have a desire to do things that are forbidden by God, That's why I should have asked God for help to be kept away from the temptations of the accursed devil.


God and evil forces are two different things, people must believe that these two things exist.As we are only human beings who are weak with knowledge, then there are things in this world that sometimes the human eye cannot see. But it all depends on Your faith and your heart, God will help every good,

and if there is evil that you do it is only incitement and temptation from evil forces, wherever you are seek refuge in God from all temptations Accursed Satan, and may God protect us from all the dangers that come from us or from other temptations, remember that God is always there for us if we ask and Ask.

Up to here first my post this time, my biggest hope is to get support from the community team, success is always for all of us!!!See you in the next Steemit engagement challenge!!!


Good luck for the contest...

Thank you, brother, for visiting my post, Amen, we wish you all success.

 last year 

Hi, @prilly
Anda telah membuatnya dengan sangat bagus dipostingan ini, saya tertarik melihat gaya tulis anda disini.
Semoga sukses temanku 👏

I edited this post for a very long time, the goal is to provide the best for the readers, it's really sad if I don't receive good support from you. Thank you, El Razi, for wanting to visit my very simple post, success for you and success for all of us

 last year 

Good Luck @prilly

 last year 

Hola amiga 👋

Imposible no creer en Dios si todos los días vemos si manifestación en nosotros, el simple hecho de tener la bendición de despertar cada día debemos creer en el Dios Todopoderoso.

Fue un placer leer tu participación. Éxitos en el concurso 🤗

 last year 

আপনি এক আল্লাহকে বিশ্বাস করেন,, কারণ আপনি একজন মুসলমান। আপনি বলেছেন শয়তান তখন থেকে হয়েছে,, যখন আদম নবীকে সেজদা করতে বলা হয়েছিল কারণ শয়তান নিজেকে অনেক বেশি শক্তিশালী মনে করে! সে বলেছিল আদম মাটির তৈরি,, সে তাকে কেন সেজদা করবে।

আপনি যখন ছোট ছিলেন তখন আপনি সমুদ্রের কাছাকাছি! যে বালি গুলো রয়েছে সেখানে খেলতে যেতেন,,, এবং আপনি ব্রাশয় স্বপ্ন দেখেছেন,,, একটা সুনামি এসে আপনার গ্রামের,, প্রত্যেকটা মানুষের ঘরবাড়ি ধ্বংস করে দিচ্ছে।

এই স্বপ্নটা আপনি একবার না অনেকবার দেখেছেন। আপনার এই স্বপ্নের কথা আপনি কাউকে শেয়ার করেন নি,, কিন্তু পরবর্তী এক মাস পরেই ২০০৪ এ ঘটনাটা ঘটেছিল আপনাদের গ্রামে।

আপনি সর্বশক্তিমান আল্লাহকে বিশ্বাস করেন,, তবে অশুভ শক্তির আভাস রয়েছে। সেটাও আপনি অনুভব করেন।

অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ প্রতিযোগিতা অংশগ্রহণ করার জন্য। এবং এত সুন্দর লেখাগুলো আমাদের সাথে শেয়ার করার জন্য। আপনার জন্য অনেক অনেক শুভকামনা রইল,, ভালো থাকবেন।

Hi rubina203, everyone has the right to have their own beliefs, but, but that's what my religion teaches. Hai rubina203 , semua orang berhak punya keyakinan masing-masing, tapi, tapi itulah yang diajarkan dalam agama saya. Terima kasih sudah berkunjung di postingaHi rubina203, everyone has the right to have their own beliefs, but, but that's what my religion teaches. Thank you for visiting my post.



This post has been supported through the account Steemcurator06. for containing good quality content.

Curated by : @muzack1

Thank you for the support from the 3 curators team.

 last year 

¡Saludos amiga!😊

Dios es el mejor arquitecto que existe. Su obra mágica y perfecta no tiene replica y lo mejor de todo es que, cada creación nos hace ver que está allí por ello, creer en todo lo que significa, es el mejor acto simbólico que podemos tener.

El mal existe, eso no lo vamos a negar pero, Dios en su momento lo va a eliminar y cuando eso suceda, conoceremos una nueva era.

Excelente publicación amiga. Un fuerte abrazo💚

YO pienso que ambos son reales, tanto el bien como el mal, pero eso si; con el gran poder de Dios nadie puede, el provee del bien y permite el mal con un gran propósito.

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