Steem engagement challenge-S10/W1| I do believe in God and Evil power exists.

in Incredible Indialast year
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Hello Everyone,

Thank you, community authority, for choosing such a beautiful topic. A wonderful opportunity to present the greatness and miracles of God.

Welcome everyone to my today's post.

So guys, without further delay let's get to my main point.

Do you believe God and evil power exists? Explain?

Yes, I believe in the existence of God and evil forces. In fact, God exists, I have known it since childhood. And there is no way to avoid it.

But now I have a different feeling about God after understanding. This walk in our world, everything happens by God's will.

"Who ever loves life, serves God."

We all have heard this phrase. Here it is said that the person who has love for living beings is God. That is, the presence of God in the form of soul within the living being.

God is loving, God's existence must be realized. I feel the presence of God everywhere. I believe God exists everywhere. God always looks favorably on our forgiveness.

God exists in every creation of this world. Because God exists, we can walk in the right path. We turn to God when we are in danger. Because God willed all situations are possible to deal with.

Again, the presence of this evil energy is noticeable in some people. They always have bad thoughts in their heads. Many may be affected. But once upon a time a believer in God, this evil is soundly defeated.

This evil force is also important. As the power of evil exists, we exist by the power of God. Where is God? I don't find that.

Have you ever felt any supernatural power? Describe.

Yes, this happened to me too. When I was preparing for university entrance exam. It happened in 2012.

My elder aunt's only son (13-Sawrav) went to the market in the afternoon. Afternoon and evening is approaching, but Saurabh is not coming home. No one known could give any information.

Only son, my aunt and brother-in-law started crying. We all reached Sawrav's house that night. There is an active temple near my aunt's house.

We all went there together and started praying. Suddenly a great man named Niragosai arrived there. He said Sawrav was taken by traffickers.

But Sawrav will return home in next twenty four hours. The next day I and my great uncle Rupsa were sitting at the trawler ghat. Suddenly there was a call. From the other side, Aunt said in a tone of happy tears, "Your brother has reached home."

I and uncle reached Sawrav's house. Sawrav then said, "Two/three people took him in a room under the ground and kept the door closed."

Sawrav was chanting "Krishna Naam" without any help. Suddenly someone opened the door, then gave Sawrav a new towel. Said "Sawrav, you will throw this towel in the water after reaching home".

Only one way, it will be slow from Rupsa Ghat. But uncle and I could not see Saurabh. It seemed to me then that all evil forces were defeated by divine forces.

God is everywhere. Sometimes he himself appears as a spirit at the call of a devotee.

Share your perspective about the power of God and Evil.

A car has two wheels. The car needs two wheels. In the same way bad energy harms us. On the other hand, good people surrender to God.

Maybe the influence of bad energy spread quickly. But that glory is temporary. At one time Ishwar India fulfilled the hopes of the people. God's beckoning sapling does not move even a leaf of a tree.

I believe with all my heart that God exists. God is found by calling with a pure heart.


God exists, and we must believe in it. On the other hand, the existence of evil forces must also be believed. But the divine power is above all.

@wilmer1988 &
Dear friends, my humble respect and invitation to you to participate in this season-10 challenge.

 last year (edited)

It seemed to me then that all evil forces were defeated by divine forces.

God will support you at the right time, all you need is awareness.

 last year 

Absolutely right, my dear honourable friend. Thank you so much for your meaningful words.

I got goosebumps when I read about the experience you have shared. So easily things could have gone wrong.
I believe in God the Almighty, the Father of heaven and earth.

the divine power is above all

TRUE! It is actually amazing to think that all that we must do it so believe and leave the rest in His hands.

Good luck with the contest and thank you for the invitation.

 last year 

Most welcome my dear honourable ma'am.
Thank you so much for your valuable feedback.

Pleasure! ☕

It is true that God exists everywhere and His presence can be felt everywhere. All we need to do is to believe and trust in Him while we will do the rest. I expect your comments on my entry as well.

 last year 

Saludos amigo, concuerdo con usted. Dios está en todas partes y nos ama muchísimo. 🙌

Es correcto el mal hace que las personas hagan cosas malas y debemos estar con Dios para poder derrotarlo.

Al igual que usted, siempre he creído en Dios, y su amor me fortalece muchísimo.

La historia de su primo es bastante impresionante, Dios siempre estuvo con el y su familia, regresó sano y salvo a su casa. Cuando confiamos en Dios y en el poder de la oración, suceden cosas maravillosas. Me encantó mucho su maravillosa publicación. Le deseo éxito en el desafío.

Mil bendiciones para usted 🙌

Feliz día ☀️🙌

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