SEC17/W2| While making decisions, what do you prefer to follow: heart or mind?

in Incredible India5 months ago

Decisions making is very important in our life journey because the decisions that we take will definitely affect us either in a positive or negative way.
Sometimes when you want to say sometimes you will have two taught which is from the heart and also the mind but is hard for me to choose between this two, so am happy to share my points with you all below.

What is your preference while making decisions, heart or mind?

My happy self after taking a decision that worked out for me

I must confess that it is sometimes hard for me to choose between hearts and minds because any decisions that I take will decide our future.
But to be honest with you all while taking a decision in my life I always follow my heart because it is very precious to me, our heart is what define our lives because when our heart is clean we will definitely prosper in life and we will have good friends who will always wish us well.

The mind is not like our heart because for me I have a heart of gold and all the decisions that I have made from my heart have really helped me a lot in life, our heart is different from our minds so I prefer taking decisions from my heart than my mind.

Do you think we need both in terms of making decisions? Describe reasons.


Yes for me we definitely need both of them when making decisions in our day to day activities and also in our life because they are important aspects of our life.

The mind will give us decisions that it can contain because they are some people who don’t have mind in life and when they take decisions that is big for them it will definitely affect their growth in life which is very bad and unhealthy.

The heart is a very important part of our body, and it is what defines a human being when you have a good heart people will be happy with you, so taking decisions from our heart will really help us because I am a witness of it.

Are you an emotional or a practical person in real life?


I am a very emotional person and that is why i always respect and stay far away from people that will play with my emotions and also make me sad.
I am a very good girl who always treats people that way I want to be treated, which is why I am very emotional and it is very easy for me to get hurt.

All my friends know that I am an emotional person and they know how to treat me.

I am sometimes practical as I see life in black and white, our life journey is not easy so I always try my best in everything that I do in life.

Do you have any suggestions for youth which one they should follow in their day-to-day lives?

I am also a youth so I will only recommend the one that is working well for me.

As a youth if you want to be successful in life, you should always follow the decisions of your heart and also saty far away from people that will bring sadness to your life.

Decisions are very important in our lives and as such we shouldn't rush in taking them, we should always caml donw and think through before taking any decisions in our life.

I invite @goodybest, @mona01, @victorlives and @pandora2010

 5 months ago 

@perpetaul Your post really resonated with me. I totally understand the struggle of choosing between the heart and the mind. Its fantastic to see someone else who values following their heart like I do. Your advice for youth is spot on trust your instincts, but also take the time to think things through. Wishing you the best of luck in the contest

Thank your very much sir for this wonderful comment.

 5 months ago 

¡Saludos amiga!🤗

La esencia de la vida es ser compleja y, debido a ello es que, diariamente nos enfrentamos a situaciones donde se requiere que tomemos decisiones que repercuten en nosotros y personas que hacen vida en nuestro entorno por ello, es elemental que decidamos desde la vertiente que el corazón y la mente nos permitan llegar a las condiciones más adecuadas visto que, si solo pensamos con la mente o el corazón, vamos a ver resultados desfavorable en muchos sentidos.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Thank you for your wonderful and motivative comment i appreciate my dear friend

La vida en blanco y negro nos lleva a la toma de decisiones entre el sentimiento y la razón, seguir las decisiones del corazón siempre es saludable cuando tenemos modelos que nos puedan orientar en los pro y los contra

You're very correct my dear friend, thank you for commenting on my blog

Keep posting, you are going on the right track.

Thank you very much

It's so wonderful to read through your post and also to know that you prefer using your heart to make decisions since you have a gold and pure heart and as such, God will make you prosper in life. Being an emotional person is always amount to you being hurt severely but God will give you the grace to be able to overcome all this wicked people that will want to take due advantage of your emotion and hurt you, stay safe and good luck on your post.

Thank you very much for your contribution to my blog

It's a pleasure.

Dear friend I also take my decisions by heart, in this way I live happy life. Heart is very precious for everyone, our heart is what define our lives because when our heart is clean we will definitely prosper in life and we will have good friends who will always wish us well. In many times hearts make good decisions and save our precious relationship. Best of luck dear

You are right, i wish you the best too

When it comes to decision-making, you believe obviously in a balance between the heart and the mind. emotions provide valuable insights, rational thinking ensures practicality and logic. By considering both aspects, your aim is to make a constructive decisions that can go with your values and goals.

You're right mam, thank you for this wonderful comment I really appreciate it.

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