"Incredible India monthly contest My all- time favorite photographs

in Incredible Indialast year (edited)
Namaste my friends. Welcome to my blog. How are you all . I hope everyone is fine. I am also good. First of all i want to appreciate @meraindia to organise this beautiful contest of photography in @Incredible India community .

Photography is the only way to capture moments by freezing the time . Moments we can’t hold on to but we would like to re-live the moment again and again. Moments likes a a baby’s first steps, childhood in general, the first day of school and all the way through college graduation,weddings,anniversaries, landmark birthdays,etc .

Story behind the photo :
First of all i am want to share a very special memory which i have captured in my camera. It is the photo of my new born son he was 5 days old that time . It was the first moment when I hold him for the first time. Because i had c-section in initial days i could stand properly to hold him like this. After 4,5 days i was able to hold him.I will never going to forget that moment when I held my son for the first time. I was so happy and terrified and overwhelmed with much in love. A part of my mind couldn't believe he was actually in my arms.Having a baby is a really a life-changing experience. I was going through a broad range of feelings. I felt everything from relief to concern to anxiety to pure joy.
why this photographs precious to me and when did I captured this picture?:
This photographs are the memory of the journey of my mother hood. The feeling of being mother for the first time. I can't express it in words. It was the picture of month July 2017. After my son has born and we bring him home After getting discharged from the hospital.

I clicked this picture to capture the memory of this precious feeling,so that i can re-feel the memory again in future.

Which things foremost come to my mind while going through this photographs? Sharing my thoughts behind these pictures.:
The foremost thing come to my mind is time flies so fast.This tiny little boy is grown up. His journey from this stage to the stage of 5 years is very precious. When he was born the sudden joy makes me forget all my pain in a pinch. And i thought i was also like this tiny baby while i was just borned.

My Thoughts towards this picture is the bonding of baby with a mother started before his birth. We feel protective of our baby. It is this first relationship with baby that teaches them to feel secure and good about themselves with other people.

Story behind this photo :
This picture is the answer to all my hardwork and patience. This vegetables are the first vegetable of my organic garden. During lockdown i Started rooftop gardening . There I planted many flowers,plants and few Vegetables for just to spend my lockdown. I have done many research on gardening from internet before starting it. But i was surprised i was succeeded i must say my hardwork paid off . I almost gave my maximum time in the work of garden like, watering , making compost, to get rid of pest etc. It feels me overwhelming. During the time of pendemic the crisis of veggies won't affect me this time . I have got to eat fresh and healthy veggies.
Why are this photographs precious to me?when did i captured these photos :
Because these pictures depicts results of my many days perseverance . I have made lots of efforts in gardening. This is the outcome of my hardwork so this picture is precious to me.

I captured this picture during the 2nd lockdown period i can't mention the exact date.

Which things foremost come to my mind while going through photographs? :
The thing came to my mind that how people advised me to stop gardening it's just waste of time you can only grow flowers and plants in pot . Rooftop is not the place for vegetables gardening, it's need proper land.I made everyone shut up with my actions.

Story behind this photo :


This is the old traditional way to boil water and making tea . My grandmother used to make tea on such kettle using woodfire.

Firewood usage is a very popular method in some villages even today. In our Village house my grandmother and even my mother has used firewood for cooking for sometime during my early childhood. I saw them coating of ash wetted with water was being applied to use on the stoves with firewood. They control fire by increasing or decreasing the number of firewood pieces.A side of the wood will be in the stove and the other side will be outside. one side of wood gets burnt the outside will do on decreasing. I saw my grandmother used to splash a little water on the flame to reduce if required.

1.Why are these photographs precious to me? when did i captured :
This is precious for me because its reminds me of my childhood days. And the taste of tea made in this kettle taste awesome.

I captured this picture last year while my journey to a village there i saw a woman boiling water in this kettle. That time i remember those times of my childhood.

Which things foremost come to your mind while going through photographs? Share your thoughts behind these pictures. :

Basically speaking it's reminds me my grandmother. She used to boil water and cook food using firewood. It brings my mind to the days of my childhood. This is the thing came to my mind while going through this picture.

My thoughts behind his picture is cooking food using firewood is naturally free from chemicals, it's a natural process no harmful additives are imparted in our food during the cooking process. We need cook food with this process sometimes.

I have shared my story behind these all pictures.whille seeing these pictures i reminiscing all my memories. I Hove you enjoyed reading my post. For this beautiful contest i want to invite @enamul17 @poorvik @ahlawat. Thank you for reading my post.

 last year 

আসলে বর্তমান সময়ে আমরাও কাঠের আগুন জ্বালিয়ে রান্নাবান্না করি। মাটির চুলায় যে রান্নাবান্না করা হয়। সে রান্নাবান্নার স্বাদ অন্যরকম হয়ে থাকে।

আপনি আপনার দাদীর মাটির চুলায় কাট দিয়ে রান্না করার, একটা দৃশ্য আমাদের সামনে তুলে ধরেছেন। যেটা আমরা গ্রামে বসবাস করি যারা, তাদের সাথে প্রতিনিয়তই সচরাচর এ সকল ঘটনা ঘটে থাকে।

ছবিটি আপনাকে আপনার দাদির কথা মনে করিয়ে দেয়। আপনি ঠিকই বলেছেন কিছু ছবি আছে আমাদের জীবনে। যে সকল ছবি আমাদের সাথে কথা বলে,হয়তোবা আমরা সেটাকে তেমনভাবে গুরুত্ব দেই না। তবে আপনার পোষ্টের প্রত্যেকটা ফটোগ্রাফি আমার কাছে অসাধারণ লেগেছে। আপনি অসম্ভব রকমের সুন্দর অনেক কথাই আপনার পোস্টে উল্লেখ করেছেন। আপনার পোস্ট পড়ে খুবই ভালো লাগলো অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ ভাল থাকবেন।

 last year 

Thank you for your complement 😊

 last year 

The picture taken with your new born is truly very precious. Be it 5 years or 50 years, trust me these feelings will never change. It's the best thing that happens to a female in her life. Motherhood is magical

 last year 

খুবই ভালো লাগলো আপনার পোস্টটি পড়ে আপনি আপনার পোস্টে অনেক ফটো এবং সেই ফটোগুলোকে ঘিরে অনেক কথা লিখেছেন৷

তার মধ্যে সবচেয়ে ভালো লাগলো আপনিও লকডাউনের মধ্যে সবজিগুলো চাষ করেন আপনাদের ছাদে৷ আপনার পরিশ্রমে সফল হয়েছেন এবং অনেক পরিমানে সবজি উৎপন্ন হয়েছে। এটা আসলেই অনেক খুশির খবর এবং আনন্দের সংবাদ। অনেক ভালো লাগলো আপনার পোস্ট পড়ে। ভালো থাকবেন।

Felicitaciones🎀suerte en el concurso,saludos desde venezuela

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