Contest of May#1 by @sduttaskitchen |Things for which I want to thank the almighty.

in Incredible India2 months ago (edited)


Everyday is a good day to be thankful for the goodness of God, waking up every morning is not by my making I have every reason to thank God especially for the unseen battles that he has been fighting for me and my family. The days we live in are evil, some people can hate and unlike you for no just cause. In this post I will like to share about the things I'm thankful for.

Mention three things for which you are grateful to the almighty.


I'm thankful for so many things but I will mention only three.

  • Protection. In my country having good security that can secure me is highly paid, if I was to employ a security personnel that will protect me by now I will not have enough money to pay again , but here I'm receiving God's free protection.

  • Life. Is not by my might or strength that I'm alive today , it's God's wonderful mercy that have kept me till this day.

  • Good health. I visited hospital not quite long , I was crying, see people laying unconscious, people waiting for doctors to pronounce them dead ooh my goodness it was a treble situation. But here I'm breathing the natural air and I'm healthy.

How those blessings of God impact your lifestyle..

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Only the living can praise the Lord. God's blessings has greatly impacted good morals in my life. I live an accountable life. I used my days to say thank you to him by showing love and kindness to people around me.

I tried my best to live a selfless life. I do things without hurting others even when I do unknowingly If I discover it I will sincerely apologize.

The blessings of God has showed me humility, After seeing one treble death of a wealthy man that could buy life if life is to be sold. I rethink and humble myself for the blessings of life.

Do you believe if we wish anything by heart;
the almighty fulfill those wishes? Share if you have any story related to the same.


The Bible said out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speakerth. God is our creator he knows the desires of our heart . If we wish anything by heart with faith God will definitely answer them and make it a reality.

The wish in my heart that God fulfilled for me is getting married after my service, I prayed and wished to have a good partner after my service year , it's my wish infact my innermost wish, because I didn't want to go back to the village . As at the time I was about finishing my service God brought someone that I admired and loved so much . Today the wish of my heart was fulfilled.

Summarily, Looking around me and my family I can't withhold my thanks to God Almighty, may his name alone be praised, the economy situation and the happenings in today's world we can only find refuge in God. And his sufficient grace is ever green.

I'm inviting @xkool24 @bela90 @muzack1 @stef1


It is really sad when you go to the hospital and see how critically people are lying on the sick bed, so the good health we have is something that we all need to appreciate God for.

Best wishes🙏🙏

Truly the gift of life should not be taken for granted from God. Where are we certainly going to be without God actually protecting and guiding us all through

Well said by you, and it is very true that only the living can praise the Lord and I pray he continue to bless you with good life and also protect you and your family, cause today's world is so cruel, and you can only get protection from Jesus

 2 months ago 

Hay muchas cosas por la que debemos agradecer a Dios desde amanecer cada día hasta gozar de buena salud y tener alimentos diariamente en nuestra mesa
Disfrutar de plena seguridad en tu país es un gran ayuda de Dios y no tienes que pagar para que te cuiden así como gozar de muy buena salud

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