Steem engagement challenge-S12/W5|"I want to change my three habits."

in Incredible India11 months ago
Hello everyone.

Another contest has been dropped in incredible India about habits we want to change. I wish to share my opinion on it. I invite @imuniru38 @muka and @kataali to join in the contest.

If you get the opportunity to change your three habits, what are they? And why?

As humans as we are there are some habit that we have that either have positive impact in our lives at negative impact. At time we want so badly to move on from those negative habit but as hard as we try we just can't seem to get it off our heart.
Me for example. The three habits that I would like so badly to change is
i. Bad eating habit.
ii. Jealousy.
iii. Procrastinating.
As humans we need food to survive on a daily basis. And that is one thing I just can't do properly. Eat. Even when I'm hungry I can't. At times I blame it on the fact that the food I want that particular moment is not available but that is not an excuse as to not eat to and because of that I fall sick alot.

Jealousy is a feature that is part of all humans. It can become a bad habit depending on how often it is used by us. I have this bahit of not liking to share especially when it comes to friends. I know it's funny but that is just how I am. I have been an introvert all my life and I still am. So the little attention that is being taken away from me just riles up the jealousy in me. Hahaha.

The saying "procrastinating is a thief of time" is very real. I don't know how many of us have done it before but to those of us who have you realize it is a bad thing. Doing it for a very long time has made it become one habit of mine. It is part of the reason for my non-activeness on steemit platform. Instead of doing the things I can do today. I shit it forward and just lazy around.

How those changing habit can influence your lifestyle and improve your relationship in the personal and professional field? Describe.

Habit are something that has been with us form childhood. It's something we grow up with. Most at times too we develop them by studying others. If you have a habit that is so bad and you do not plan on changing it, the outcome of it can destroy your life. Imagine growing up with anger issues. This will definitely not take you anywhere in life because you will not be able to cope with people around you because the little thing that happens you blow get angry.
As humans, change is something that we find difficult. But that doesn't mean that we should not try. We should try our possible best to change from habit that bring negative impact to our life's. If not our relationship with our friends and ven families will be destroyed as well as our work place.
I have been working on changing my habit and i won't lie to you. It's not easy. But I know with time I'll definitely get there.

Do you believe before indicating others mistake; we should work on our drawbacks? Justify your point.

That should just be one of the basic principles of your life as a human. You don't get up to point out others mistakes when you yourself you have a heap of them lying down. I used to do it as a kid but as I was growing up I realized that it was wrong. How fair is that you call someone a liar when you just committed that act just a few seconds ago. How fair is it that you call someone a thief when you just stole your parents money the night before. It not fair and does not speak well of us. If you want to point out someone mistakes, know how you do it and make sure there's a reason. That way they may heed to your words.

To sum it up we must change our bad habit and cultivate good ones to always bring positive outcomes in our lives.
I hope you all enjoy my post.

 11 months ago (edited)

Hello Friend,

  • প্রথমেই আপনাকে কমিউনিটিতে জানাই স্বাগতম। আপনার সম্পূর্ণ লেখাটি আমাদেরকে উপহার দেওয়ার জন্য আপনাকে অসংখ্য ধন্যবাদ।

To enter this contest, you should maintain at least one club(50/75/100).

  • এই প্রতিযোগিতায় অংশগ্রহণ করার জন্য অবশ্যই আপনাকে একটি ক্লাব মেইনটেইন করতে হবে।

Only use copyright-free pictures (3-4)with appropriate mentioned sources. (do not use copyrighted source photographs).

  • প্রতিযোগিতার নিয়মানুসারে আপনাকে অবশ্যই তিনটি অথবা চারটি ছবি ব্যবহার করতে হবে। কিন্তু আপনি একটি ছবিও ব্যবহার করেন নি।

Use, #incredibleindia-s12w5 #steemexclusive # club # your country name(eg-India) in the first five tags.

  • Club5050/75/100, যেকোনো একটি hash tag use করা বাধ্যতামূলক।


  • এছাড়াও আপনার #burnsteem25 hash tag এর বানান ভুল আছে। Club maintain না করলে burnsteem25 use করা যায় না।

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