Steem engagement challenge-S12/W2|I would love to prefer(A Village lifestyle)

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Lifestyle, is the style in which we live our life. The lifestyle we choose depends on personal preferences and needs. Everyone's need is different and so is our desire.

Which lifestyle do you prefer, A Metropolis or A Village? And Why?

I choose a village lifestyle.

A village is a very open place with less number of houses, people, properties, and noise. I don't think you have been to a village, because if you have, you would have a clear understanding of what I'm talking about.

Oh!, Can you view the natural resources in the the village, the fresh and less polluted air, the water; streams that have the coolness of nature, the tranquility from within the neighborhood?

The relaxed environment I get when I visit the village is second to none. Do you know that in the village, there is nothing like a scary life, everyone moves freely unlike the city where you have to cover your face or be in a tinted car because everyone in the city is a suspect?

Talking about the culture and traditions in the village, wow! It is topnotch. In the village, you learn more about the culture and traditions of where you come from. There are so many people in the city who doesn't know their root, they don't know anything about their tradition and culture and you know it is very bad.


Employments are available in farming, yes farming. You know as a farmer, you don't have to toil to feed yourself and your family. As a farmer, you make so much money from the farm produce, unlike the white-collar jobs in the city. The lifestyle in the village is sweet and beautiful.

About eating healthy meals, who do you think eats more healthy meals? It is the villagers. Everything in the village is fresh no added color, fertilizers, sweeteners, etc.. You can get fresh fish directly from the stream and prepare your meals and not like the city we have ponds for fish. Vegetables in the village are so green and have no added fertilizer in them, and they have a natural taste.

Oh! I wish I could continue with the village lifestyle so you can understand why village life is sweet and enjoyable. Living in the village does not cost you a fortune like the city. You work and save more in the village because you have fewer expenses. The cost of items in the village is very affordable and fresh.

Share some good side and challenging sides of your choice.

The good side of a village

It is said that "God made the village because of its nature and human beings made the city." Do you agree with that?

Do you know why children in the city crave for village? I will tell you, It is a sign that the village is the most natural and healthful life for man.

village-937138_1280.jpgthe sweet nature of a villagesource

•The quietness and peaceful nature in the village give opportunity for study, mental development, and good thoughts, and you know these are impossible in the city.

•The village environment gives clean and pure air to its inhabitants, they breathe in better air than the city where we have polluted air and environment.

•People living in the village are more healthier, cultured, stronger, and simpler in habits than the people in the city, that is because village food and environment are very healthy.

•In the village, you get the opportunity to enjoy the beautiful gift of nature, yes you swim for free, you don't have to pay some money to swim like in the city.

•Above all, the village gives peace. You know that saying "no place like home" Yes, no place like a village. The life in the village is so simple.

The challenging side of a village

The village gives less opportunities for education and job opportunity are far less in the village than in the city. The villagers miss the conveniences and opportunities the city has to offer.

Life in the village can be dull and boring making the dwellers remain backward from what the world is evolving into. The Polish life is limited in the village.

Do you think lifestyle and environment often influence thought processes? Describe.

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The environment and mental health are intrinsically related. The places where we spend so much time - school, work, home, and social can have a significant impact on one's mental health. In psychology, these are referred to as factors of mental health.

Identifying those environmental factors that can affect you psychologically, helps to know whether that environment is adding or subtracting, that is- contributing or distracting you from your mental wellbeing.

•Poverty, The stigma, stress, and trauma of living in poverty can negatively impact the thoughts of anyone both adults and children. Employment opportunities can become an issue due to what the mind is saying.

A student who has a sense of belonging in the school environment will relax and feel welcomed to the school. The thought he/she gets will be the warm welcome that was given to him and that alone will put the mind in the right shape to think positively.

On the other hand, a student who is been bullied in school, what do you think that environment will leave him with? Fear, anger, suicide, all the negative thoughts you can imagine.

The environment has a role it plays on human lives. Some persons would say that they are very conscious of the environment they live in and they don't want to be affected or influenced by the environment, but my dear, no matter how careful and conscious you try to be, the environment influence our thoughts

Haven said all these, I would invite some friends @okere-blessing, @sahmie @princa @mariami @udyliciouz @marito @eliany to come participate in this awesome contest!!!

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 last year 

Truly village is a good place to stay, but on a second thought how about all those lazy jealous uncle's that wakes up in the night for another man's progress, I will say without them village is the best place to stay. I WISH YOU GOODLUCK

Thanks a lot friend for your reply, I appreciate!

 last year 

Your choice of a village lifestyle, allows you to get an idea of the great tranquility that you breathe there, without so many noises, people rushing from one side to another and allows you to breathe a more relaxed atmosphere in unparalleled villages.

In the village there is not as much fear as in a big city, which allows you to lead your life in security and confidence.

Your lifestyle is my own choice and I share the advantages you describe.

Happy and blessed evening. Success to you.

So grateful Sir. Thank you for the nice comment

Hello friend greetings to you. Hope you are doing well and good.

Village life is more peaceful and calm one. Their are limited population there. It's true the resources are limited, but they have limited desires too. Their lives are more of a natural one. I have spent time in both village and cities. I found village better.

Best wishes for the contest.

Awww, thank you for the choice of village you've made. Life in the village is so sweet and I love it.

I am doing so well dear, thank you again!!

Ud es muy de las mias miestimada amiga, la vida de pueblo es mas serena y disfrutamos mucho mas de la sublime naturaleza. Gracias pir la invitacion y felicidades por tu exitosa entrada.

Thank you friend,,,, your comment is well appreciated...

 last year 

@ninapenda your post beautifully captures the allure Of a village lifestyle . Your vivid descriptions Of The serene surroundings The sense of community and the slower pace of life Paint a lovely picture of the tranquility that village living Often provides . Your personal connection to village life As evidenced by your childhood memories adds a heartfelt touch to your post. It's amazing how different experiences Shape our preferences and your perspective adds depth to the ongoing Conversation About village life versus city living . Thank you for sharing your thoughts & experiences on Steemit . Your post is a reminder of the beauty & simplicity found in rural living. 🏡🌳

Thank you so much Sir....

 last year 

Greetings friend,
It's true that you won't find anywhere else the tranquility as well as the relaxing atmosphere in the village. The natural environment of the village is good for our health as well as helps in reducing our mental stress.

You mentioned the village culture which really affects us a lot. However, the people of the city remain largely unknown about these cultures.

Thank you so much for sharing with us your beautiful publication. I wish you the best of luck and success in the competition.

Thank you my great friend., I appreciate your comment.

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