Steem engagement challenge-S10/W5| The three significant reasons behind environmental pollution.


Greetings friends,

Do you know that this saying; health is wealth, begins with our environment? How often do you tidy your environment Or do you ignore cleaning the environment? I can tell you that our long life span depends on our environment.

Environmental pollution is the contamination and undesirable alteration of the physical quality of an environment.

Pollution must be taken seriously as it hurts natural resources like water, air. We humans and animals cannot live without these elements.

What are the three significant reasons behind environmental pollution? Describe.


Industries have been polluting our environment since the beginning of time due to the increasing use of fossil fuels. In the industry, coals have been used to make the machines work faster and in this light causing air pollution.

Although pollutions caused by industries are mainly air pollution except for power generating industries which can cause water and soil pollution. The transportation of this energy can be harmful to the environment if for example there is a leakage through a pipeline transporting petrol, it will automatically destroy the soil or contaminate water too.


Pollution of the environment has become higher since men abandoned the animal power to travel. Humans have come a long way from horse carriages to cars, trains, motorcycles, and airplanes.

It is so appealing that transportation keeps increasing every day and no doubt, the higher the transportation, the higher the pollution.


Agriculture is the main source of the contamination of soil and water. And this is caused by the use of pesticides, these pesticides are made from harmful chemical substances which help keep animals away from the crops. By trying to keep these animals away, more harm is done to the environment as well.

Furthermore, more and more Agriculture gets more intensive to feed the increasing world, and more environments get destroyed and polluted.

How can we prevent environmental pollution?

Environmental pollution might not be prevented but can be reduced in some ways with our help.

Just like my place of work, there is a car wash around the area but this car wash has no water drainage. The whole water they wash outcomes directly to our environment and dirty the environment and also keeps us unhealthy by producing more mosquitoes.

The disposal of waste should be done appropriately and not littered everywhere on the street.

Bush burning also should be reduced to help in reducing the inflammation of solid substances.

Share your opinion on how environmental pollution impacts all living creatures, including humans.

Environmental pollution impacts living creatures through air pollution, water pollution, soil contamination, littering, etc...

Air Pollution: Air pollution consist of solid particles and gases that are harmful to human health. People who breathe in these solid substances are prone to asthma or health damage. Animals and plants are also affected by this substance, some of the toxins settle on plants and in water that is consumed by animals.

•Water Pollution: Water is a necessity of life. Every living creature needs water to survive. It is so unfortunate that the rivers and lakes commonly used for recreation, are now contaminated by agricultural mining activities, and improper disposal of waste from industries. Most people drink water from lakes or rivers and this type of pollution can cause long-term health problems for humans.

Have you ever taken part to keep your environment clean?

Yes, I have. In my environment, sanitation is done every Thursday from 6 am - 10 am, no one opens up their stores for sales until the environmental cleaning is over. I usually come out by 7 am to join in the cleaning because most times, when you don't join, you end up paying a certain amount of money. So to avoid that, everyone comes out to put their hands together and make it a success.

Share one message that all humans should keep in their mind; to keep the environment healthy.

I wish to pass this message to everyone including myself;

Our environment is worth taking care of because our health is almost dependent on our environment. How dirty your environment is, explains how dirty you are and how clean and tidy your environment is, explains how clean and neat you are inside.

I would urge us to always dispose of our waste in the right place, and do it right even when we are not seen because your wrong disposal of waste could be harmful to someone's health or end the life of an animal.

I invite @mariami @beautiful12 @patjewell

 last year 

Hola amiga @ninapenda:

Fue un gusto leer tu publicación, estoy de acuerdo con esas tres razones, como son la industrias, el transporte y la agricultura.

Podemos ayudar a reducir la contaminación, si cada uno hace su parte.

Te deseo éxito en este desafío. Saludos

I wish everyone puts heads together to get it done, we all will have a conducive environment to live in.

Thank you!

 last year 

Comparto tus opiniones amiga las industrias son causantes de mucha contaminación tanto del agua como.del aire y los suelos, el transporte también es causante de la contaminación del aire y los grandes agricultores por querer producir grandes cantidades usan muchos fertilizantes y pesticidas para que su producto crezca rápido sin tomar en cuenta que están dañando el suelo, me parece muy bien que entre todos mantengan limpia tu comunidad y el que no colabore con la limpieza pues debe ser multado con cierre cantidad de dinero me gustó mucho tu participación

I am glad you enjoyed my content. Thank you for commenting.

Indeed the industry has advanced in terms of technology process but it has left behind a lot of pollution that is making everyone suffer.

Agriculture has also come a long way but in the process of keeping it safe from pesticides we make it non - organic and put various fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides etc and the left over after crop Harvesting is either left out or burned causing environmental pollution in both cases.
Thank you for sharing this with us. Good luck.

Thank you for the beautiful comment. It is highly appreciated.


Oh gosh! It breaks my heart when I see these images of how our beautiful world is being spoiled.
You are right, our environment is worth looking after, and if we don't, we will have to face the consequences sooner or later.
If only people would listen and change their attitude.
Thank you for the invitation, and good luck with the contest!

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