SEC-17/W6|Do you believe history repeats itself?

Greetings steemians, Welcome to my post it's another exciting week of an incredible topic Do you believe history repeats itself? please get a glass of wine as we dive into the topic fully.

Do you believe history repeats itself through genes? Justify.

Yes I believe history repeats itself genetically whereby the family has a medical conditions like Eye problem, diabetes, cancer etc
My colleague at work her family has an history of diabetes, where it was transfer from the parents to the children and most likely grandchildren, according to her, Her mum takes less of sugary things but still end up having it genetically. They're history where the family are genius they are all intelligent 🧠 it's transfer from one generation to another generation and in each home one person is a genius.


Also i have seen a family that reproduce only Boys, the parents gave birth to boys and it happens that when the child gave birth it was boys No girl genetically the history is repeating itself several times in that family.

Which habits transfer to you from your parents, or your children (if any) get the same from you?

Currently ain't married and I don't have children yet but my parents had literally transfer a lot of positive habits to me, we have positive and negative habits. Some of the positive habits are

  • The act of gratitude like my parents they are always grateful to God for where they are, how far they've gone, for life etc same as me am always appreciative no matter how little the thing you gifted me is I will always be grateful,Am grateful for my past,present and future.
  • Smiling habits:- I love smiling, smiling makes me more beautiful, it take a lot of muscle to frown but smiling fights against stress.. my Dad and mum can smile for Africa..
IMG_5080.jpegMy parents
  • Charity and love:- Loving one another as yourself is one of the habit I learnt while growing up as a child and now an adult, love is sacrifice and that brings me to charity, am the kinda person that can share whatever I have no matter how little.. I enjoy doing it self because if am happy you are happy the world will be a better place.

Share any of your habits that make you smile, proud to believe the proverb.

Charity and love is one of the habit that always makes me happy, caring for people should always be found among everyone.
A lot of people are in need of help in these current economic situation so rendering charity to people will make them happy and feel loved, I pray that someday I will be able to open an orphanage home for people.. So I can be giving out to the poor ,the needy it's makes me giving can be my time, my service, attention etc.


Do you believe history somehow carries the legacy of our previous generation? Share your opinion.

Yes it does carry legacy of our previous generation, with these present generation where alot of this is happening I wonder how another generation will be like when I give birth and my child also give birth.
In the generation where immoral conduct and dressing is rampant am just wondering how the next generation will look like God will help us

Thanks @jasminemary for the invite an I will like to invite @seancryil @josepha and @bonaventure24 to participate in this contest.


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Thank you for inviting me. I have taken part in the contest, and your entry is great. Good luck to you.


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