Steem engagement challenge-S10/W6| If God gives me the power to read three minds.


If God gives you the power to read three minds, whom would you select and why?

It's fortunate that godly providence has bestowed upon you these extraordinary abilities to perceive the thoughts of any three individuals. It would be most profitable for me to acquaint myself with the inner workings of my dearest confidant, my professional associate, and my life partner. I've elected to gain sapience into the minds of these particular individuals due to their proximity and significance in my life.

What are the main things you would like to read from those minds?

It seems like you are interested in understanding the thoughts and perspectives of three important people in your life your friend, your business partner, and your implicit wife. While having the capability to read minds would really provide insight into their thoughts, it's important to consider indispensable approaches to communication and understanding. Building strong relationships and open lines of communication can often be more effective in fostering trust and understanding.

Friend Instead of relying on mind- reading abilities, it would be salutary to have an open and honest discussion with your friend. Ask them about their thoughts and passions regarding your fellowship. Effective communication can help address any concerns or doubts you may have.


Business partner Maintaining a successful business partnership relies on trust and effective communication as well. Regularly discussing your goals, concerns, and expectations with your partner can give clarity about their thoughts on the business and their commitment to the partnership. Trust is often built through transparent and open dialogue.

Wife When it comes to choosing a life partner, it's pivotal to base your decision on collective trust, respect, and shared values. Instead of relying solely on mind- reading abilities, invest time in getting to know your implicit partner through open and honest exchanges. erecting a strong foundation of trust and understanding will help you make an informed decision about compatibility and shared goals.

Remember that true understanding and connection are often built through genuine communication, empathy, and trust. While the idea of mind- reading may seem tempting, it's important to prioritize healthy and open relationships with the people in your life.

How could you react after reading their minds? Share your thought.

I hope that everyone has positive perceptions of me. Once I'm apprehensive of these uplifting thoughts, I'll express gratitude to God for blessing me with similar awful individuals in my life. I cherish the way they perceive me and feel incredibly fortunate. However, even if some harbor negative opinions, I'll still appreciate God for revealing their true nature, helping me distinguish between those who are genuine and those who hold ill will. This ability to discern people's thoughts feels like a superpower to me. I sincerely pray to God to grant me the power to comprehend the minds of every human being.

Do you think some devices in the future will invent that work like our mobile to read other minds?

Certainly! It's conceivable that technology has advanced to a stage where the thoughts of individuals are deciphered using a redoubtable instrument. This could prove salutary for people, but it could also be exploited to infringe upon individuals' sequestration. Technology has achieved the pinnacle of intelligence, and there may even exist a gadget able of scanning the minds of individuals.


Do you think some things should always need privacy, like our thought process? Describe.

Indeed, I believe that different facets of our lives should consistently require privacy, just like our thought processes. It's pivotal to keep our thoughts private and they should always remain as similar. Sharing them with others would be unhappy. Privacy is essential for aspects similar as our thought process. As long as it remains protected, our privacy will be upheld. Failure to protect our privacy can escalate the risk of disorder. We should confine our studies and mentality to ourselves, ensuring that no one can exert control over them.


Thoughts are an important part of the mortal experience and can influence our perceptions, feelings, and behaviors. It's important to take care of your thoughts and take care of your internal and emotional well- being. I'll always hope my favored bones to think positively aboutme.However, I'll know that this person is sincere to me and to all other people, If ever God gives me the power to read the mind of any mortal being.


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