Steem engagement challenge-S10/W1 | I do believe in God and Evil power exists.

in Incredible Indialast year

Hello Everyone. I am @msharif
From #Bangladesh

Hello friends how are you all? Hope everyone is well. Today I am back again to participate in a new contest of Engagement Challenge. The topic I will talk about today is very relevant to all of us. Because we all know about our creator and Satan. So I am very happy to write about this topic.

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Do you believe God and evil power exists? Explain?

Yes I definitely believe in God and believe in Satan's power to influence us.

I believe in the creator because I love my creator Almighty Allah very much and I have seen his blessings with my own eyes and always live on his blessings. And by his grace I can do everything in this world. So all in all I trust and love my Creator from the bottom of my heart.

And I also believe that Satan is in the world. Because we humans do such bad things and disobey Allah, Satan helps us a lot behind these things. At Satan's bidding we do bad things even though we shouldn't. So all in all I believe in a great creator and also believe in the power of Satan to influence us.

Have you ever felt any supernatural power? Describe.

Yes I felt supernatural power. The feeling of such power is truly different.

One day I and my mother were returning home from the market. We both got into a rickshaw and left for home. Suddenly our rickshaw collided with a bus very hard. The rickshaw broke down completely. And the rickshaw puller was seriously injured. But by God's grace there was no harm to me and my mother. I had very mild pain. But it could have been a very big and serious accident. As the rickshaw broke into pieces, there was no way for the people sitting in the rickshaw to survive.

But nothing happened to us. Thank God very much for this. That day I felt this supernatural power. It seemed that some force protected us. By our side saved us from such a big accident.

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Share your perspective about the power of God and Evil.

I love my creator my God so much I believe in him with all my heart and soul. I think our creator is one above all who deserves all praise. Because we have all seen his creation. Everything that exists in this world is the creation of our beloved Almighty Allah and we humans are also the creation of Allah. So I always believe in all these things and try to walk the way our God tells us to walk.

Besides, I also believe that the devil always wants to harm people. Satan through his power binds people to various types of crimes. Due to which people suffer a lot. So we should all declare war on the devil and take care that the devil does not take us into his fold and dedicate ourselves to the Creator.

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I invite @kouba01 @ripon0630 @solaymann to participate in this contest.

Here is the contest link - Steem engagement challenge-S10/W1| I do believe in God and Evil power exists.

Stay Safe, Stay Happy



It is great to read about your firm belief in Almighty Allah.

You have shared a great blessing of God to prevent you from any serious harm in an rickshaw accident .

Good luck

 last year 

Thank you for reading ☺️.

Que hermoso que ames con todo tu corazón al creador del cielo y la Tierra y que es el Rey del universo, que hayas experimentado el poder de su gloria, gracias A DIOS tu madre y tu pudieron salir a salvo en medio de ése accidente, fué Dios en ese momento guardando sus vidas.

Es bueno que reconozcas que el mal existe y que el diablo busca manipularnos y hacer que nosotros le creamos a él, pero nosotros debemos pararnos en la brecha y estar firme, siempre obedeciendo a Dios y teniendo en cuenta las cosas que a él le agrada para que siempre nos mire con buenos ojos.

Excelente participación, te deseo muchos éxitos en el concurso amigo.

 last year 

Hola amigo es un gusto leerte y saber que crees en Dios y en el poder del mal, sin duda Dios es un Dios de protección me alegra que tú y tu madre hayan sido guardados en accidente por la mano de Dios, es tan bello sentir el poder sobrenatural protegiendo tu vida, siempre agradeces con tu vida misma y sirviendo a otros hermanos que también Ama Dios.

El mal existe y muchas veces quiere dominarnos, pero si nos mantenemos en la fuente de amor que es Dios el mal nunca tendrá lugar en nosotros así que la clave es mantenerse 4n comunión con Dios todo poderoso 🙏

Gracias por cómo tú perspectiva.. éxito y bendiciones para ti!

because you are a Muslim just like me, I'm sure you can pass every temptation of lust that attracts us to do excess.

Hopefully your family will be spared from the temptations of the devil and demons, I always hope for the best for you.

Good luck for the contest ✌️

@msharif 🌷🌷🌷🌷
Allah Almighty has created man from clay and created jinn from fire and similarly those who are from satanic power are still present in this world thousands of years before the existence of man. And we know that Allah is one and that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) is the last prophet of Allah and this is the reason why the Qur'an mentions jinn and all these things and controlling them is all here. Something is found, this is the reason why Allah has sent man as the best of all creations and surely you have chosen the best post, keep it up...)

 last year 

Saludos amigo, espero se encuentre bien 🙏

Cuanta razón tiene, Dios está por encima de todo y su poder es infinito. 🙌

Ese día, Dios los protegió de esa tragedia. Fue un milagro que no les ocurriera nada. Lo felicito por su fe en nuestro creador. El mal existe y tiene razón, Satanás quiere que las personas hagan el mal, no debemos nunca caer en su trampa. Debemos siempre contrarestar el mal haciendo el bien.

Dios lo bendiga 🙌

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