SEC17/W3|Experiences come with age or circumstances!

in Incredible India2 months ago

Hello Everyone. I am @msharif
From #Bangladesh

Hello friends how are you all? Hope everyone is well. I am very well with all your prayers. Today I am back again to participate in another contest of Engagement Challenge. Where I will share a few things about maturity. I found this a very interesting contest so I would like to thank Incredible India for organizing such a contest.

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How do you define maturity?

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Maturity is something that comes from different experiences. Or sometimes maturity can come with age. Those who are mature don't have to explain everything in many details. They understand little. Even their decisions are very beautiful. They can put themselves in all situations and then make a very good decision before doing anything. In a word, they do not understand everything only according to themselves. What others might be thinking in this situation is also thinking like this.

I think maturity is very important in every person's personality. Maturity can take a person many steps beyond his own age. And I have seen that mature people can achieve success in life very well.

What do you believe experiences come with age or circumstances? Define.

Experience can come with anything from age or circumstance. In fact, those who are older are often subjected to many situations in life, so they have more experience. So basically I think the experience comes from the situation. What a person experiences at the age of 40, you can experience at the age of 20. So basically the experience comes from the situation. We can gain good experience from good situations. And of course we will get bad experiences from bad situations but we can prepare ourselves for those situations in advance so that we don't have to have those bad experiences again. This is a great benefit of having experience.

If you have experience, you don't have to read the same bad situation again and again. And it is possible to warn others about those situations with their own experience. That's why we often go to very old people or people who have a lot of life experience for any opinion. So I think experience comes from situation or age.

Do you believe older people can also learn so many things from youth? Justify.

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Yes I believe older people can learn a lot from youth. Because there is no age to learn. People of any age can learn anything. And can learn from people of any age. Many things I know that you know, our little ones know a lot more than we do. For example, in today's age, young people understand electronic devices better than old people.

So most of the elders are seen learning these things from the youth. This is just one example. There are many more things that older people can learn from young people. Earlier people used to make many differences on the basis of religion, caste and caste. But at the end of the day we are all human beings, the youth are slowly establishing these things in the society and the elders are learning from them. They are realizing that they are only creating differences between people with this religion and caste.

There are many other things that youth are trying to change in society. Adults are realizing their mistakes and learning anew. And I think it should be done in such a way that everyone can learn from everyone so that there is respect for all people of all ages.

I invite @enamul17 @oneidaa @inspiracion to participate in this contest.

Here is the contest link - SEC17/W3|Experiences come with age or circumstances!

Stay Safe, Stay Happy


 2 months ago 

@msharif I really appreciate Incredible India for organizing such engaging contests. Maturity to me is about understanding beyond oneself and making beautiful decisions. Its essential for personal growth and success. Experience whether from age or circumstance shapes us. And yes older folks can definitely learn from the youth. Learning knows no age! Best of luck to all participants

Thank you, friend!
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 2 months ago 

La madurez no es algo que lo determine l edad ya que hay muchos jóvenes que tienen una gran madurez sin haber llegado a los 25 años que es supuestamente donde se ha adquirido la madurez
Las circunstancias y las experiencias van de la manita que uno no puede suceder sin la otra
Cada día estamos aprendiendo y por supuesto que podemos aprender muchas cosas de los mas jóvenes por ejemplo a ser más hábiles con la tecnología esto es algo que hasta los más chicos dominan mejor que los adultos

 2 months ago 

স্যার প্রথমে আপনাকে ধন্যবাদ জানাই এই প্রতিযোগিতায় অংশগ্রহণ করে আপনার মতামত জানানোর জন্য

আসলেই বাস্তবসম্মত কিছু কথা আপনি এখানে উল্লেখ করছেন। যেটা আপনার লেখা পড়ে বুঝতে পেরেছি। বয়স বাড়ার সাথে সাথে কিছুটা পরিপক্কতা আসে মানুষের । তবে একটি মানুষের পরিপক্কতা অর্জন খুবই জরুরী কেননা যারা এই জীবনে পরিপক্ক তারা অনেক ক্ষেত্রেই সফল তাদের সিদ্ধান্তগুলো তীক্ষ্ণ হয় তারা সিদ্ধান্ত নেওয়ার ক্ষেত্রে প্রস্তুতির উপরে অনেকটাই ভিত্তি করে সিদ্ধান্ত নেয়।

আধুনিক যুগে যুবকদের কাছ থেকে বয়স্কদের অনেক কিছুই শেখার আছে সেটা সম্পূর্ণ সময় এবং পরিস্থিতির উপরে নির্ভরশীল। বয়স্ক ব্যক্তিদের যুগে এমন আধুনিক টেকনোলজি ছিলনা তাই তাদের এ সম্পর্কে খুব একটা ধারণা নাই তবে বয়স্ক ব্যক্তিরা অনেকেই এখন যুবকদের কাছ থেকে আধুনিক প্রযুক্তি সম্পর্কে অনেক কিছুই শিখছে।

আপনার এই অসাধারণ লেখার প্রশংসা করি আপনার জন্য অনেক অনেক শুভকামনা রইল ভালো থাকবেন।

Saludos cordiales estimado amigo msharif, estoy por acá para saludarte, también con mucho gusto leer y comentar tu participación en este reto.

Aprender no tienen edad, nacemos aprendiendo y también morimos haciéndolo, en cuanto a la madurez es una decisión de cada persona ser o no maduro.

Te deseo un feliz, bonito y bendecido día.

It's great to hear your thoughts about age experiences and situations it's really good age is what it is it plays an important role in learning experiences experience and age and experience they owe each other as age goes by That our experiences will mature and we will grow in our wisdom so that as we face people and deal with situations, our wisdom becomes even stronger and we become very mature in taking our decisions. Both these aspects play a very important role in our maturity and in our understanding.

La madurez se logra del aprendizaje de las circunstancias o situaciones, ese aprendizaje se convierte en experiencias.

Es obvio, que las personas de mayor edad pueden llegar a tener mayor exposición a circunstancias, sin embargo, el tipo de circunstancias y el aprendizaje obtenido de ellas hará la gran diferencia en el nivel de madurez de una persona.

Por tanto, ésta estará más preparada por su experiencia para enfrentar, resolver o evitar los problemas difíciles de la vida con mayor sentido de prevención, responsabilidad y seguridad.

¡Saludos y bendiciones!

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Curated by : @dasudi

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