SEC-17/W6|Do you believe history repeats itself?

in Incredible India2 months ago (edited)
Hello Incredible India Community

Many factors like genetic composition of population, the education, environment and the economic level of country marks for the beginning of history to repeat itself. It doesn't need the genes or DNA, education or any type of factor. Though education, economic difficulties impose big change and have deeper impact on timeline.

But still as water paves its way, in the same way history repeats itself. It may not be true in some cases or at small scale but it is true and seen in many lifes. You must have seen the one who does wrong will eventually get the same thing in return somewhere in his life.


Do you believe history repeats itself through genes? Justify.

Yes I believe that the history repeat itself.

I want to mention the real life example here of Prime Minister of Britain Rishi Sunak. We all know that our country was slave of British rulers for about 500 years. They used to treat us as animals. There behavior towards Indians was very derogatory and lowkey. They disrespected and exploited our resources.

Their greedy nature is enlisted properly in our History And Civics Subject. We have studied about their hatred and attitudes towards Indians. They reserve seats by putting disclaimer on the boards - "Indians and dogs are not allowed ".

They not only exploited every resource of our land but also didn't left even a single human being to live . We all know that the freedom which we breathe today is the result of the life sacrifice of many freedom fighters.

But History repeated itself. The Prime Minister of UK (aka British Island) is Rishi Sunak. In my opinion, This is one example can be taken as History Repeats itself.


Which habits transfer to you from your parents, or your children (if any) get the same from you?


As the same genes do not pass to the offspring but surely many habits and traits pass from parents to children. From my parents, I have received aggression because my father is little aggressive in nature but due to mom, I am able to balance my anger issues. I have also received the immense devotion towards my God. The third thing which I have received from my parent is the intellect.

Share any of your habits that make you smile, proud to believe the proverb.


The habits which I am proud of myself is responsible nature received from my mother. If you will not fulfill your responsibilities, you will surely loose all the things of your life. Firstly your self respect and love will erase from other hearts. So due to my responsible nature I never find myself alone in this world. I have friends who are always ready to reach me out.

Steemit is my responsibility towards my family. I always look ways to upgrade my work and help my family financially. I made this responsibility as my habit.
Secondly, my habit of meditating in morning and connecting to my god helps in my spiritual growth. It is leading me to the golden treasure. I have made some rituals as my habits concerning my devotion. My innocent nature helps me in winning hearts 💕

Do you believe history somehow carries the legacy of our previous generation? Share your opinion.

Yes, I believe that the history carries the Legacy of a previous generation.
If parents are diagnosed with genetic disorder only then those disorder will transmit to their offsprings . That's why before getting married, one should undergo proper consultation through the doctor.

Via making the chart of blood groups of both the respective partners. Rh incompatibility is the medical term in which the Rh negative blood group of mother will lead to destruction of foetus's blood cells. Ultimately the death of foetus.

Similarly, kids learns faster than others if his parents have generally acquired that skill. Many positive benefits like intellect, hard working and ability to adapt in surrounding faster than others are seen which help them in life.
The legacy of previous generation is seen and gets somewhere encoded in our genes.


We should be blessed for the trait like emotional intelligence, Strenuous working and ability to learn new things faster than others. We should know that our actions will have impact on our generations. And it is being recorded somewhere in the corner of Universe. We should always choose right path and do our best.

Cc - @meraindia


India, April 14.05.2024


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Hola @moyeon concuerdo contigo en que nosotros decidimos que rasgos copiar, evolucionamos, por ejemplo tienes un padre que demuestra poco cariño, porque así quizás lo vivió él, como cuestión de cultura, pero tú has decidido que copiar, en este caso el amor y la bondad de tu madre, debemos seguir creciendo para ser mejores. Un gusto leerte y te deseo mucho éxito para que sigas ayudando a tu familia.

It is not necessary that history keeps repeating itself but it has often been seen in big things that history definitely repeats itself. That is why the elders say that one should always be careful while creating history and no such thing should be created which may be dangerous to be repeated.

 2 months ago 

¡Holaaa amiga!😊

Tu historia es un ejemplo contundente sobre la difusión de patrones. Fíjate, tengo un amigo que su mamá fue muy dura con él e incluso, los orientó a que ni siquiera debían sentir dolor y, cuando a él le tocó tener hijos y uno de ellos resultó asmático, le quería implementar la misma disciplina que a él pero, cuando su esposa notó eso, se dispuso a caminar ese dogma porque, no quería que ninguno de sus hijos adoptaran ese mal hábito.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

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