SEC17/W2/ While Making decisions, what do you prefer to follow, heart or mind?

in Incredible India3 months ago

Hello everyone across the globe, I believe you are all doing excellently well. I'm excited to also participate in this week challenge. I am @missyleo and this is my first post here, I believe I'm highly welcome.

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The heart and the mind are two different words, some people do mistake for their meaning, I hope you will fins pleasure in reading my post as I dive into the guiding questions.

What is your preference while making decisions, heart or mind?

The mind and the heart plays an important role in decision making depending on the scenario or the personality incolves.

I have always found comfort on relying in logic while making some certain decisions. I believe by using logic I can make decisions that are not partial or rational, rather will have solid foundation. It is very essential for me to have a clear head while dealing with such emotion.


In our lives we have to make different decisions, sometimes it is very hard for us to but very necessary because at the end the outcome will benefit us.

Do you think we need both in terms of making decisions?

Yes we need both the mind and the heart to make decisions because it plays an important roles depending on the scenario like I earlier said.

Depending on the heart alone to make decisions might sometimes make you regret in life. Using your heart means .among use of your emotions, not minding the consequences but doing what really makes you feel better that particular moment.

Whereas your mind is all about logic and reasoning, it will help you weigh the pros and cons, and also analyzing your facts in other to make the rational choice.

Therefore, the combination of both patterns of decisions making will help create a balance and produce the best result.

Are you emotional or practical person in real life?

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I am a realistic person, I evaluate the risk to see if the resources I have before me can make something work out or not. Even as a practical person that I am, I love making taking certain decisions because I want it that way.

In as much as I am always practical and logical in decision making, I always make sure I leave a smile on people's faces while trying to avoid muddy terrain.

Do you have any suggestions for youth on which one they should follow in their day-to-day lives?


Our youths should be guided on both pattern of decisions making. They should try and embrace mine decisions making for the attainment of the purpose. They should avoid decisions that are full of sentiment, the youth have to view things objectively without being bias on what will work or not work and be ready to deal with whatever outcome you get.

Another thing is that, youth should learn from other people's life experiences and also see what's happening around them, with these they can take reasonable decisions concerning their lives without any form of regret at the end.


In decision making, it always advisable to use both the heart and the mind because the both play a vital roles in our lives. The mind critically analyses things and bringing every factors together into consideration, then the reasoning faculty take place before the heart will then bring intuition which has great impact on the emotions.

I hereby invite @megareigns @winrgo and @glorious1 to share their ideals regarding this topic.


Achievement-1: My Introduction Post


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You're welcome.

 3 months ago 

•আপনি লজিক্যালি চিন্তা করতে ভালোবাসেন এবং মস্তিষ্ক দিয়ে আপনার সিদ্ধান্ত নেন। তারপরও আপনি হৃদয় ও মস্তিষ্কের সমন্বয়েও অনেক সময় সিদ্ধান্ত নিয়ে থাকেন। আসলে সঠিক সিদ্ধান্ত তো এ দুইয়ের সাথেই আসে। বাস্তব জ্ঞানসম্পন্ন মানুষ আসলে আবেগের তোড়ে ভেসে যায় না।

•যুবকদেরকে আপনি অন্যের জীবন থেকে শিক্ষা নিতে পরামর্শ দিয়েছেন। সিদ্ধান্ত নেওয়ার ক্ষেত্রে আবারো আপনি মন ও মস্তিষ্কের সমন্বয় সাধনে গুরুত্ব আরোপ করেছেন। আপনার লেখার উপস্থাপনা আমার খুবই ভালো লেগেছে।

•আপনি প্রতিটি যুক্তিকে সুন্দরভাবে তুলে ধরেছেন এবং তার বিশ্লেষণ করেছেন ভালোভাবে। প্রতিযোগিতায় আপনার সফলতা কামনা করছি।

Thank you dear @hasnahena for stopping by my post and also with your wonderful comment, I appreciate it 🙏.

It is very essential to clear your head before you take decisions so that you will not regret your actions later. Its a good thing to do when you take decisions and still put smile in the face of the person that is involved. Learning from other people's life experiences sometimes helps in decision making because you have learnt one or two things from them that will help manage your own situation. Nice write up. Success all the way


I strongly believe both of them can give us a right decision making at the end of the day. What depends is for us to actually make sure that we do the right think at the right time. Both the heart and the mind can make wise decisions

That's true, no matter which one we used, either the heart or the mind in decision making, let it be at the end we will be satisfied that we did the right choice.
Thanks for your wonderful comment.

Yea no matter the one we used whether the heart or the mind , we can still make wise and right decisions. It just depends on how we actually use them

That's right.

Hi @missyleo,trust you're doing great.

Life is very complex and to a large extent, this is because we must always be deciding because everything that will come next depends on it, therefore,we want said decision making to be the most accurate, we must balance the mind and heart.And I
also agree with you tha tcombination of both patterns of decisions making will help create a balance and produce the best result.
I wish you much success in the dynamic, a good luck to you.

Thank you for stopping by, I appreciate your nice comment on my post.

Being logical in situations that are somewhat gravy is the best.

People fail to really understand that mind and heart are two different words and act differently and as such fall into situations that would've been resolved if being approached logically.

Thank you for stopping by, I appreciate your nice comment.

Dear steemit fellow! Greetings! You have always found comfort on relying in logic while making some certain decisions. You believe by using logic you can Make decisions that are not partial or rational, rather will have solid foundation, it is good thing for you and your family. Best of luck

Thanks for stopping by,I appreciate it

the heart and the mind are both valuable tools in decision-making. By using both aspects effectively, individuals can make informed and thoughtful choices that lead to positive outcomes. It is essential to strike a balance between logic and emotions to ensure that decisions are well-rounded and impactful.

Thank you for stopping by and with the wonderful comment, I appreciate it.

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