Steem engagement challenge-S10/W1| I do believe in God and Evil power exists.

in Incredible Indialast year


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Assalamu Alaikum steemit friends, how are you all? Hope everyone is well. So today I am back to participate in the wonderful SEC-S10/W1 contest organized by this incredible India community, for which I thank this community. Here is a question asking whether you believe in gods and supernatural powers. So I will share my opinion about the existence of God and supernatural forces, stay with me.

Do you believe God and evil power exists? Explain?

All the people in this world have their own religion. They believe in different religions. I am a Muslim, so I believe in Islam. I believe there is a God. Allah created everything in this world. At the beginning of the creation of the world, God created only two people. One is Hazrat Adam and the other is Eve. So from them more people were created in the world. Without Allah, this world cannot survive an inch, cannot move. Allah is the owner of this whole world. At his command the sun rises. The sun sets at his command. The stars, the sky, the stars are guided by the command of Allah.

So I believe in Allah in all activities of the world. Allah Ta'ala has created many Prophets and Messengers to give right guidance to people. They explained to everyone that the owner of the world is Allah, everything in the world was created by Allah and He controls it. Even though we cannot see God, we can feel and understand His creation. All the rules of the world have been mentioned by Allah in the Holy Quran.


Allah Ta'ala has also mentioned that there are evil forces in this world besides humans. So the most terrible evil force in the world is Iblish evil. God himself said it. This devil is not visible to the eyes but he can be mixed in the flesh and blood of every human being. If people's activities are bad or if people engage in bad, sinful activities then it should be understood that there is influence of evil forces. evil will try to make people do bad things and take them to hell, but Allah will keep us safe. Whoever believes in Allah will go to heaven.

Have you ever felt any supernatural power? Describe.

Yes, I have experienced supernatural powers a few times in my life. When I was a child I used to hear the azaan in the afternoon and before dusk. We Muslims believe that many supernatural powers escape during the Adhan. So they were running here and there in fear of Allah. So we could not see them, it was seen by the surrounding animals like dogs, foxes.

So they used to make noise and bark after seeing that supernatural power. So I could hear the cries of foxes and their cubs. So I was very scared to hear that cry. That sounds like a terrible word. So when I was young, I used to sit inside the room because of its sound, I used to cry. But I never fear any supernatural power except Allah. Because I believe in Allah, I obey him.


I do not fear any supernatural power now. Now when I go out somewhere, I go out with the name of Allah. Even though my body shakes when I walk through some terrible place at night, I wear a sura. Then all my fears disappeared. But as a child, the call of that terrible fox was very scary.

Share your perspective about the power of God and Evil.

I close my eyes and believe that God's power is the greatest. God is the most powerful. I am a Muslim, my Lord Allah is the most almighty. Allah has saved all our people. Allah directs all activities of the world. There is no power in the world that can compete with Allah. There is no power on earth equal to the power of God. Allah is Most Merciful, He is able to forgive all our mistakes.

He has arranged for us Paradise and Hell in the Hereafter. Those who do good deeds on earth and believe in God will go to heaven. Those who do bad things in the world, do not believe in God, they will go to hell. The power of Allah is used for the good deeds of the people of the world. Evil energy is not used for any good.


Evil uses energy for evil purposes. Used to harm people. evil deceives us, makes us do bad things. But God's power saves us. He who does not believe in Allah must choose evil forces, he will harm everyone. But the power of God will benefit all. So I will always say God's power is the greatest power.


Finally, I will say, you have to believe in God, you have to believe in the Hereafter. If you want to go to heaven in the hereafter, you must do good deeds in this world, follow the path shown by the prophets. No evil power can harm those who have faith in Allah.

So I am Inviting my lovely Steemian Friends @patjewell, @fantvwiki, @msharif, @f2i5, @sushanta83 to Participate in this Competition. Below I have shared the link of this Competition.

💜 Take Love From max-pro 💜


Hola amigo ciertamente existe el mal y el bien, pero Dios es el más poderoso y la luz siempre prevalecerá ante la tiniebla, por eso es bueno que todos busquemos el bien y le pidamos a Dios que nos cuide y nos limpie de malos pensamientos, actos y nos ayude a ser mejores personas.

Me alegro que haya podido experimentar lo sobrenatural en su vida y que a pesar que pases por valles de miedo siempre se encomiende a Dios para que lo cuide y proteja, sin duda uno siempre en la carne tiene miedo pero DIos dice en su palabra, esfuercese y sea valiente, él nunca nos va a dejar solos y desea que todos alcancemos salvción.

BUENA PARTICIPACIÓN, deseo que te vaya excelente. Saludos!!

 last year 

Hello dear - @damisvilladiego

Thank you so much for viewing my post and for your valuable comments on my post. I am grateful to you for spending your valuable time reading my blog. Stay healthy, stay happy, May God bless you & best wishes for you.

By @max-pro

 last year 

Hola amigo que bueno que crees que Existe Dios como un poder sobrenatural más grande, sin duda Dios es más poderoso que cualquier mal, imagine por un momento esa experiencia que tuviste de niño y se me erizo la piel, que bueno que venzas todos los miedos creyendo en que Dios es más poderoso y te cuida.

Éxito en el concurso 🙏

 last year 

Thanks for Your valuable feedback


I understood every point you said.Must walk on faith.Thanks a lot for mentioning me here.I will definitely participate in this competition.

 last year 

Thanks for your valuable feedback

Evil does exist, but God is greater! My faith and my trust are in my Creator, and no evil is going to take it away from me.

the power of God will benefit all

I just LOVE these words. God is there for all of us.
Good luck with the contest, and thanks for the invitation.

 last year 

Thank you so much for visiting my post and leaving such a nice comment.


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