SEC17/W3|Experiences come with age or circumstances!

Hellow my sweet Steemian FELLOWS aslam-o-alaikum. HOPEFULLY everyone will be fine anjoy your beautiful life. 😍💓



Hi i am Maryam Nadeem from #pakistan. Come once again to join an amazing contest which is the titel is Experiences come with age or circumstances. This contest is very well organized which will be based on everyone's life and everyone will share their life experiences with us. I will be very happy to read others' entries in this contest. I hope you will like my entry too. So lets start. 💕

How do you define maturity?

Improvement is an intricate thought that wraps significant, insightful, and social development. It will in general be portrayed as the ability to grasp and manage one's sentiments, examinations, and approaches to acting in a way that is reasonable for one's age and social presumptions. Improvement incorporates a mix of care, self-rule, compassion, commitment, and adaptability. Here is a more serious gander at the different pieces of improvement:

Up close and personal Turn of events

Up close and personal advancement incorporates the ability to fathom and manage one's own sentiments as well as those of others. It consolidates:

  • Self-awareness: Seeing and getting a handle on one's sentiments, resources, and deficiencies.
  • Self-regulation: Managing and controlling up close and personal responses, especially in testing conditions.
  • Empathy: Understanding and discussing the considerations of others, and replying with compassion and respect.
  • Resilience: Returning rapidly from setbacks and acquiring from dissatisfactions.

Insightful Turn of events

Insightful advancement is the ability to think essentially, seek after informed decisions, and gain from experiences. It consolidates:

  • Fundamental thinking: Breaking down information fairly and surveying substitute perspectives.
  • Open-mindedness: Being willing to consider novel contemplations and change one's perspectives when given new verification.
  • Curiosity: Searching for data and sorting out through tending to and examination.
  • Issue solving: Recognizing issues and creating rational game plans.

Social Turn of events

Social advancement incorporates the ability to team up truly with others and stay aware of strong associations. It integrates:

  • Correspondence skills: Articulating one's considerations clearly and listening actually to others.
  • Battle resolution: Regulating clashes accommodatingly and finding normally helpful plans.
  • Respect for others: Regarding the ends, opinions, and experiences of others, regardless, when they differ from one's own.
  • Adaptability: Changing as per different social conditions and being versatile in one's correspondences.

Commitment and Obligation

Improvement incorporates expecting a feeling of responsibility with one's exercises and being liable for the results. This consolidates:

  • **Obligation regarding: Perceiving mistakes and acquiring from them, rather than blaming others.
  • Dependability: Absolutely completing liabilities and being strong in private and master associations.
  • Moral behavior: Keeping up with moral principles and going with decisions considering sensibility and uprightness.

Flexibility and Versatility

Mature individuals can acclimate to changing circumstances and are accessible to new experiences and considerations. This integrates:

  • Embracing change: Being accessible to new perspectives and experiences, regardless, when they challenge existing convictions.
  • Acquiring from others: Being available to analysis and prepared to acquire from others' experiences and encounters.

In frame, improvement is most certainly not a legitimate trademark yet rather an extraordinary cycle that advances long term. It is separate by the ability to manage one's sentiments, contemplations, and exercises effectively, stay aware of strong associations, get a feeling of pride with one's approach to acting, and conform to developing circumstances. While advancement regularly increases with age and instructive experience, it is moreover shaped by one's characteristics, culture, and personal development tries.



What do you believe experiences come with age or circumstances? Define.

Experiences can rise up out of both age and conditions, as each expects an obvious part in profoundly shaping a singular's life and improvement.

Experiences from Age

As people age, they typically experience various experiences due to the movement of time and the different periods of life. These experiences include:

  • Life milestones: Showing up at key accomplishments like completing the process of tutoring, starting an occupation, outlining associations, and raising a family.
  • Total learning: With age, individuals gather data and capacities from past experiences, whether through appropriate preparation, work, or personal development.
  • Challenges and resilience: All through the long haul, individuals face different troubles and sort out some way to investigate them, making strength and approaches to managing pressure.
  • Reflection and introspection: Developing often prompts extended care and reflection on one's important choices, achievements, and locales for improvement.

Experiences from Conditions

Conditions imply the specific events, endlessly conditions a singular encounters, which can happen at whatever stage throughout everyday life. These experiences include:

  • Social and social contexts: Different social and social circumstances can shape a singular's characteristics, convictions, and direct.
  • Open entryways and challenges: Life is stacked up with important entryways and troubles that rise up out of external elements like monetary conditions, individual associations, prosperity, and work ways.
  • Astounding events: Conditions, for instance, surprising clinical issues, accidents, or critical life changing occasions can incite exceptional experiences.
  • Receptiveness to diversity: Encounters with various people, spots, and perspectives can extend a singular's cognizance and work on their experience.

Exchange Mature enough and Conditions

Both age and conditions add to the experiences an individual has generally through their life. While age gives the construction to life's stages and the consistent assortment of data and improvement, conditions present express events and conditions that shape a singular's trip. The trade among age and conditions can provoke a rich weaving of experiences that portray who an individual is and the manner by which they investigate the world.

Finally, while age can affect such experiences a singular encounters, conditions every now and again direct the specific events and conditions that occur at some arbitrary time. Together, they shape a singular's point of view, character, and improvement.



Do you believe older people can also learn so many things from youth? Justify.

Without a doubt, more settled people can definitely acquire various things from youth. Intergenerational learning is a two-way process that licenses individuals, things being what they are, to benefit from each other's stand-out perspectives and experiences. The following are a couple of inspirations driving why more settled people can acquire from youth:

1. Fresh Perspectives

  • Youth every now and again give new perspectives and novel insights of genuine worth. Their viewpoints can challenge spread out norms and move more prepared individuals to think unmistakably or see conditions from a substitute point.

2. Technological Proficiency

  • More energetic ages are consistently more familiar with development and modernized movements. More prepared individuals can sort out some way to use new devices and stages from youth, helping them with residual related and partook in an unquestionably mechanized world.

3. Adaptability and Flexibility

  • Youth will commonly be more open to change and adaptable to new conditions. Seeing this adaptability can ask more prepared people to embrace change even more expeditiously and remain versatile in their ways to manage various pieces of life.

4. Creative Approaches

  • More young ages oftentimes convey creative mind and advancement to decisive reasoning. Their ability to consider a few new potential outcomes can persuade more settled individuals to examine new strategies and contemplations.

5. Understanding Current Trends

  • Youth are ordinarily more on top of most recent things in culture, music, style, and social issues. This data can help more prepared individuals with staying instructed and better interface with additional young people.

6. Optimism and Enthusiasm

  • The energy, fervor, and honest intentions of youth can overwhelming and move. Being around youths can help more prepared individuals with remaining prodded and keep a persuasive viewpoint on life.

7. Cross-Generational Communication

  • Sorting out some way to talk with additional young ages can update the social capacities of additional laid out individuals. It can similarly support normal respect and understanding, associating generational openings.

8. Awareness of Social Issues

  • More energetic ages are a large part of the time more vocal about social equality issues and regular concerns. More settled people can learn about these huge topics from youth and become more partaken in advancement and activism.

9. Networking and Collaboration

  • Collaboration among additional carefully prepared and more energetic ages can provoke significant frameworks organization astonishing entryways. More settled individuals can learn about emerging undertakings, livelihoods, and markets through these correspondences.


Coordinating the perspectives and data on youth can improve the presences of additional laid out individuals and lead to mindfulness and progression. It develops a sensation of well established learning and flexibility, allowing more settled people to stay critical and partook in an affecting world. By embracing intergenerational learning, both youth and more prepared individuals can benefit from the characteristics and experiences of each other.

I would like to invite my friends to take part @anasuleidy @wilmer1988 @graceleon @chant @goodybest @kouba01 @heriadi.
Thanks 💕

Best Regards 😍

Maryam Nadeem


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Hello my friend, i am really enjoy to read this post you define maturity as a complex process that includes personal and social development. In your thoughts experiences come from both age and circumstances, and each plays a significant role in shaping an person's life and growth. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful post with us. Good luck for your participation 😊🍀❤️.

Thanks dear for nice comment. Best of luck too you too. 😍


It was great to read your post and you have expressed your thoughts in a very good manner with great presentation as you have told about age and experience and with so much detail that too. So it is really true that with age the experiences mature and as time goes by we become mature and strong in our life and are able to take our own decisions but when we reach our final age. When we reach the age, we again need each other's support, then our nerves, which we have, become weak, and we return to childhood. When experiences become part of our life only when we are similar to people and have lived a long enough period of life.


Thanks dear for your beautiful comment. Best of luck too you too. 😍

Cuando se tiene un conocimiento, manejo y control de las circunstancias que nos rodea y desarrollan nuestra existencia, sin la necesidad de tener todo en un control exacto, es donde podemos entender que estamos en un proceso evolutivo de la madurez.

No existe un parámetro exacto que nos permite relacionar directamente la madurez con el paso del tiempo. Claro que esta sujeta a esto, pero no es un hecho exclusivo.

La experiencia de vida es un factor que puede acelerar el proceso de madurez. De allí que existan personas con corta edad pero con un grado alfo de madurez y casos contrarios.

Eso si, la madurez no crea una situación o sentimiento de perfección, quien caiga en estas acciones esta cometiendo actos que van en contra de la misma.

Lo que es necesario, es poder compartir abiertamente la madurez adquirida. Esto puede ser a través de las relaciones inter geracionales existentes.

Hasta la próxima...

I really appreciate from your beautiful comment. Best of luck too you too my brother. 🤗

 2 months ago 

@maryamnadeem I appreciate how you have delved into the multifaceted aspects of personal intellectual and social development emphasizing the importance of wisdom and adaptability in navigating life's challenges. Your insights on the interplay between age and circumstances in shaping our experiences are profound. Best of luck in the contest

Every day of our life, the more we grow, the more we actually get more experience and experience because we will be exposed to a whole lot of circumstances as we grew older


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