Things To Do Every Morning For A Great Day

in Incredible Indialast year


Hello Everyone!

Today, let us talk about the little things. You might have heard that little things can make a huge difference. Right? So, I will share the little things we can do every morning for a great start to our day.

Smile: When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you should do is smile. Smile because you woke up. Many millions of people who slept last night did not wake up today. It’s a great thing that you woke up, so smile. Now, check on everyone close and dear to you, if they all woke up, smile again. That’s great. Right?


I have realized that we should never take any relationship for granted. As we never know, when it’s too late or on the last day, we get to see that someone or talk to someone. And, for many people, someone dear or close to them did not wake up today. So, please don’t wait to realize the value of someone when they are alive. So, feel blessed and be grateful for all the relationships in your life.

Rub Your Palms Together And Place On Your Eyes: Before you get up from bed in the morning, you should rub your hands together and place your palms upon your eyes. It has a scientific reason behind it that says there is a heavy concentration of nerve endings in your hands, and if you rub your hands together, all the nerve endings are activated, and the whole system awakens immediately. The whole range of nerves connected with your eyes and other aspects of your senses awakens. We should do this because, before our body moves, our body and brain should be active.

Count Your Blessing: Counting your blessings is one of the most powerful practices you can do to transform your life. When you start counting your blessings, your mood gets uplifted because while counting your blessings you remember the great things you have in your life. One should always be grateful for the things they have in their life, no matter how small they are. If you count your blessings, you will see those small things are of great value to your lives.

I remembered a great saying by Willie Nelson, “When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around”

Practice Yoga or Meditation: Yoga is more than just twisted turns and postures. Yoga benefits our body both externally and internally. It works on all three levels: mind, body, and soul.



If you think you don’t have time for yoga or meditation because of the hectic schedule. Let me tell you that, in this world, you have got time for everything and everyone but no time for yourself. You mean this. Right? You are doing everything for your family, friends, and kids. That’s good. But you know what? With that everything you are even giving your anger, irritation, and anxiety to your family, friends and kids. So first, we need to do things for ourselves, and then only you can do your best for others.

These little changes in your routine, will get you charged up for your entire day.

Keep smiling and make people smile around you. Take care. Have a nice day.


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