Incredible India monthly contest July| Three things that bring a smile to my face.

in Incredible Indialast year (edited)


Hello Everyone!

Firstly, I would like to thank @meraindia for bringing such a great topic for the contest because while the participants think of the moment that made them smile, it will make them smile again while remembering the moment. It might even boost the mood of many participants and the readers.

So, thank you @meraindia. I would like to invite @harferri, @ngoenyi and @goodybest to participate in this great contest. Now, I am sharing my views and experience with you all.

1) Share which three things bring a smile to your face and why.

There are many things in my life that bring a smile to my face in a day. The top three things that bring a smile on my face are:

  • Seeing me and my family members healthy: First thing in the morning, as I and my family members wake up and we all are healthy, I smile and say, thank you, god.
  • Seeing my parents happy and laughing brings a smile to my face. Their happiness is all I want in life.
  • Playing with kids and observing them, brings a smile to my face, as I adore them a lot. Their innocence is all that makes me happy.

2) Share with us if there is any surprising story hidden behind your smile.

There is nothing surprising story behind my smile. It’s just the gratitude and positive thoughts that make me happy and bring a smile to my face. And, as I am a nature lover, watching the sunrise, the sunset, and gazing moon or stars brings a smile to my face as all these make me feel how blessed I am and how beautiful this life is.


3) Have you ever been the reason to bring smiles to other faces? Share the story if you did the same.

I would like to share the story of my birthday. This birthday, I decided to celebrate with the kids at the orphanage. We took cake, sweets, snacks, and fruit juice for everyone. They all were so happy that their smiles made my day. It was my best birthday till date.


At last, we all played and danced together. I feel that I didn’t bring a smile to their face, it’s their smile that made me smile, and happy that day.

 last year 

আমরা হয়তোবা অনেকেই নিজের ‌জন্মদিন অনুষ্ঠান করি বিভিন্ন ক্লাবে লাখ লাখ টাকা খরচ করি কিন্তু শুধুমাত্র ধনী লোকেদের মুখে হাসি ফুটানোর জন্য, যদিও তারা মন থেকে হাসতে চায় না যদি কোন কিছুর কমতি হয় তাহলে অপমান করতে ছাড়ে না,
কিন্তু আপনি ভিন্ন ধরনের জন্মদিন পালন করে অবাক করে দিয়েছেন, আসলে আমাদের সমাজে এতিম অনাথ বাচ্চাদের দেখার মত কেউ নাই আপনার জন্মদিন শেয়ার করছেন তাদের সাথে তাদের মুখে যে হাসিটা সারা জীবন স্মৃতি হয়ে থাকবে আপনার কাছে। আর এতিম বাচ্চাদের মুখের হাসি আল্লাহ সুবহানাল্লাহ তালা খুব পছন্দ করেন, অন্তর থেকে আপনার জন্য দোয়া চলে আসছে ভাই, আল্লাহ সুবহানাতায়ালা আপনার রিজিক ও হায়াতে আরো বারাকা দান করুন (আমিন)

 last year 

Hey! Thank you so much for your kind words:)

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