Steem engagement challenge-S10/W5| The three significant reasons behind environmental pollution.

Steem engagement challenge-S10/W5: What are the three significant reasons behind environmental pollution?

Assalamu Alaikum
My steemit id name is @mahadisalim.
I am from Bangladesh.

How are you all? I hope you are all well by God's grace. I am also fine by the grace of God. Today I am going to participate in Incredible India Community Engagement Challenge. The name of the engagement challenge is Steem engagement challenge-S10/W5: What are the three significant reasons behind environmental pollution? I hope everyone will like my writing.

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What are the three significant reasons behind environmental pollution? Describe.

To me, the three main causes of environmental pollution are:

  • Air pollution
  • Water pollution
  • Soil pollution.

Below I have described these three reasons:

Air pollution

According to me, the main cause of environmental pollution is air pollution. Air pollution is the increase in the amount of harmful substances such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter in the air in the Earth's atmosphere. These are caused by man-made causes. This noxious air is very dangerous for people, animals, plants, etc.

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There are two main causes of air pollution:

  • Man-made causes
  • Natural causes.

Some of the man-made causes are:

  • Smoke from vehicles: The diesel, petrol, and kerosene burnt by our vehicles pollute the air.

  • Smoke from various factories: We release the smoke from various factories without purification into the atmosphere. We pollute the air by creating factories in the area or in the locality.

  • Deforestation: Population growth and unplanned cutting of trees are destroying forests. Due to this, the amount of carbon dioxide in the air is increasing, and the amount of oxygen is decreasing. Air pollution is increasing.

  • Development and use of nuclear weapons: People are developing and using nuclear weapons for power. Due to this, air pollution is causing damage to human beings and the living world.

  • Use of pesticides in agriculture: The use of pesticides in agricultural land is causing air pollution with the smell of toxic gases.

Some of the Natural causes are:

  • Fire: Due to fire, the forest area is being destroyed, and it is polluting the air. Every year the forest is on fire due to natural fires.

  • Volcanic Eruption: Pollutant smoke produced due to volcanic eruption is polluting the air.

  • Emission of natural gas: Due to the emission of natural gas from under the ground, the atmosphere is getting polluted.

Harmful effects of air pollution:

  • Air pollution causes more damage to the human body. Air pollutants cause various diseases in the human body. Air pollution is a major cause of lung diseases and respiratory diseases in particular.

  • One of the causes of air pollution is CFC gas. Due to this gas, the ozone layer of the atmosphere is destroyed. As a result, the ultraviolet rays of the sun directly enter the human body and cause diseases like cancer.

  • Due to air pollution, animals are dying due to toxic substances mixed with bird food. Due to this, many animals and birds are disappearing from the world.

  • Acid rain occurs when the air is polluted. Due to this acid rain, animals and birds suffer a lot.

Water pollution

In my opinion, when water is mixed with dust-sand, disease-germs, and toxic substances and is unfit for use, it is called water pollution. Contaminated water is harmful to health. Water is polluted mainly due to two reasons.

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  • Man-made causes
  • Natural causes.

Man-made causes:

  • Our household waste rots and mixes with water and pollutes water.

  • Wherever the feces pass urine, it mixes with rain water and pollutes the water by going into ponds, rivers, and drains.

  • Pollutants from our factories go into the river and pollute the water.

  • Due to the lack of waste disposal systems in our city, it rots and pollutes the water.

  • Bathing with soap in water and washing clothes with detergent pollutes the water.

Natural causes:

  • When a big oil ship sinks in the sea or river, the water becomes polluted.

  • Due to the eruption of the volcano, the lava produced goes into the water and pollutes the water.

Harmful effects of water pollution:

  • If water is polluted, different types of diseases, such as diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, and hepatitis, can occur in the human body.

  • If the water is polluted, drinking plants, animals, fish, etc., will die and become endangered.

Soil Pollution

By soil pollution, I mean the damage to the soil by chemicals and non-decomposable materials. Soil pollution is one of the causes of environmental pollution. Soil pollution affects people through natural disasters.

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Causes of soil pollution:

  • We use pesticides and poisons on agricultural land is the cause of soil pollution.

  • Plastic, glass, and iron items which do not rot in the soil are one of the causes of soil pollution.

  • Wherever garbage is dumped, the soil becomes polluted.

  • Extraction of mineral resources from under the soil leads to soil pollution.

How can we prevent environmental pollution?
Ways to prevent environmental pollution:

We have to work together to prevent environmental pollution. Laws and awareness should be raised to prevent all activities that cause environmental pollution. Below I have mentioned a few reasons.

  • Arrangements should be made to treat industrial waste. Discharge of industrial waste into rivers or canals should be stopped.

  • The black smoke of the factory should be purified. Air pollution should be removed by purifying the air.

  • Stop throwing plastic, glass, and iron wherever. Because they do not rot in the soil, so they pollute the soil.

  • The black smoke of vehicles should be stopped. Alternatives to black smoke fuel should be used.

  • Tree cutting and deforestation should be stopped. Legislation should be made if necessary.

  • A lot of plantation should be done.

  • Each country and international environmental laws must be properly applied.

  • People should raise awareness about environmental pollution.

  • We should reduce the population growth by adopting different ways to reduce the population of the countries which have a high population.

  • Finally, we all should be aware of environmental pollution.

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Share your opinion on how environmental pollution impacts all living creatures, including humans.

The effects of environmental pollution on all animals, including humans, are as follows:

Effects on humans:

  • Through air pollution, people suffer from lung diseases, respiratory problems, pneumonia, and sore throats.

  • If the water is polluted, people get major diseases like diarrhea and hepatitis.

  • Plastic and harmful lead enter the human body through polluted water and cause chronic diseases.

  • Soil pollution reduces human crop production. Depletion of vegetation increases the incidence of natural disasters.

  • As a result of noise pollution, human heart problems, hypertension, ear problems, and headaches are caused.

  • Materials like plastic, polythene, and glass do not rot, so they remain underground. Due to this, the number of earthquakes is increasing in the world.

  • After all, as a result of environmental pollution, the life expectancy of the earth and people is decreasing.

Effects on other animals:

  • Due to air pollution, animals, birds, and plants are dying by eating food mixed with toxic substances. Biodiversity is being destroyed.

  • When the water is polluted, the fish and the animals and plants in the water are dying. Many fish are disappearing from the earth.

  • Plants are dying due to soil pollution. Forests are being deforested. Natural disasters, including floods, are on the rise. Animals living underground are dying.

  • Above all, due to environmental pollution, the animal and plant world is going on the path of destruction.

Humans and other animals are intimately related, so the harmful effects of environmental pollution bring harm to all.

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Have you ever taken part to keep your environment clean?

Yes, I have taken measures to protect my environment.

  • My company manufactures steel. A lot of smoke is generated here. The responsibility of clearing this smoke is given to me. I am involved in the installation of Air Treatment Plant(ATP) machines. The Indian company Electrotherm installed this machine and explained its functionality to me. The company makes a lot of money by purifying the toxic substances from the smoke through these machines.

  • I have liked planting trees since childhood. I plant trees in empty spaces in village houses. It works to prevent environmental pollution.

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  • I do not throw plastic products anywhere on the way. Keep it in a certain place. It prevents soil pollution.

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Share one message that all humans should keep in their mind; to keep the environment healthy.

Earth will last longer if the environment is pollution free. So everyone should be aware to prevent environmental pollution from every place. I want to convey this message to all the people of the world.

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Thank you to the Incredible Community for giving me the opportunity to write engagements about a topic I love so much. There was a lot to write about environmental pollution, so I have written as much as possible.

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Thanks, everyone, for viewing my post.
I invite three friends @eglis, @drhira, and @hasina78.


 last year 

I often think if it is a natural way for human to destroy ourselves, when we forget that we live on this planet and there is no plan B planet. It seems that we have a lot of time but if the situation so bad in many countries that means it might be too late if we do not stop and think.

Well written and enjoy reading it. Wishing you success in the challenge!

Dear, you are right we forget to save the planet. By polluting the environment, we are taking this world to the path of destruction. Thank you very much for your nice and valuable comment.

 last year 

Me alegro que tengas el equipo necesario en la empresa para limpiar el humo, hay que pensar en el bienestar de todos , la contaminación del aire es tan poderosa y dañina que debemos atacar cada día hay más monóxido, desforestación en dónde liberan más calentamiento,, para poder disminuir debemos unirnos todo se relaciona y solo nosotros sabemos que es importante y que es malo decide vivir con salud

Saludos y éxitos

Dear, our company earns a lot of money from smoke purification. It is a very profitable project. Thank you so much for reading my post and leaving a nice comment.

 last year 

Éxitos !

Feliz día 👏🙏

I completely agree with your sentiment. Protecting the environment and preventing pollution is crucial for the long-term sustainability of our planet.

Dear, Thank you so much for reading my post and leaving a nice comment. We have to save our world.

I agree with your statement that air pollution is a significant cause of environmental pollution

Air, water, soil and noise pollution are very harmful to the environment. If it cannot be prevented, the world will go towards destruction. Thank you so much for reading my post and leaving a nice comment.

Great post vai. Thank you for inviting me. All the best

আপু,ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে আমার পোস্ট পড়ে সুন্দর মন্তব্য করার জন্য।

 last year 

¡Holaaa amigo!😊

Mencionas 3 tipos de contaminaciones que actualmente están muy acentuadas y, eso es demasiado peligroso porque, tanto el aire, agua y suelo están 100% relacionados con la fertilidad de todo por lo que, es indispensable que detengamos la contaminacion.

Te felicito amigo, hiciste un gran trabajo💚

Dear, Thank you so much for reading my post and leaving a nice comment. It is our responsibility to raise awareness about environmental pollution.

@mahadisalimভাই, আপনার লেখাটা খুব সুন্দর হয়েছে। তথ্য বহুল একটি আর্টিকেল আপনি লিখেছেন।এই পলিওশন এর কারনে আমাদের সবারই অনেক বিপদে পড়তে হচ্ছে।
আপনাকে শুভকামনা।

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