Steem engagement challenge-S10/W6| If God gives me the power to read three minds.
If God gives you the power to read three minds, whom would you select and why?
Personally, I prefer not to interfere in the thoughts of a person I meet because I risk getting confused with them later. Every human being has some truth they want to keep to themselves, and I don't think it's respectful to read their opinions without their consent. We would all like to know the secret garden of a loved one.
Let's proceed logically by scanning all the possibilities in order to choose the three best possible candidates:
It is interesting to wonder if knowing what is in the mind of the person with whom you share your life is a good idea. From my point of view, it would help me a lot, never really knowing what women might think. But if it would help me at the time, for example to answer some of my problems, I will have a lot of remorse to choose such a close person. A romantic relationship is based on trust and choosing to know the thoughts of your other half means no longer trusting them at all. And then even for an egocentric egoist, to choose his other half is to run to his loss. Nobody would support someone who does not have "filters" in the medium / long term.
Choosing a person from my family would already be smarter and from a moral point of view, it wouldn't be too much of a sleep concern. However, what would be the use? Indeed, why should you jeopardize the esteem you would have for a member of your family, simply in exchange for being able to read their thoughts. The simple reason you would do this would be to find out a well-kept family secret. Still, I doubt satisfying a little curiosity is really worth using mind reading on a family member. Not to mention the risk of hating this person afterwards, and even if you already hated him, there would be better candidates than a member of his family (even better than the mother-in-law!).
Choosing my best friend makes more sense. It is someone in whom you must have confidence, certainly, but this person must especially be able to help you if you need it. In the worst case you will learn that he has another best friend than you. But it won't be so bad! By knowing what is in his mind you can manipulate him as you wish and make sure you always have a strong ally with you, always present for you. Moreover you will be able to have confidence in his advice for which you will know if they are disinterested or not. However, unless your friend is very wealthy, you won't choose them because you'll prefer someone you don't like.
What are the main things you would like to read from those minds?
Maybe it's to capture a snapshot, a given moment, of someone's opinion. I happen to think something for a moment, then I reflect later and I say to myself: Ah, well… All in all… But not everyone would have the presence of mind to understand it, if they could read minds. He would pass judgment too soon, sometimes on nonsense that the person had thought at a time, perhaps when they weren't feeling well, for that matter.
How could you react after reading their minds? Share your thought.
As far as I'm concerned, there are really times when I would like to be able to read other people's minds...Especially when I have people in front of me whose reactions and feelings I really have trouble understanding. actions.
However, the thoughts are what we have most intimate, it would be a bit like a kind of rape, and we could well find bad surprises since our thoughts have no limit.
And if we think about it, we can already know the thoughts of others...Because we are what our thoughts are, our behaviors are shaped by our thoughts. Admittedly, we will never know all the details of what the other has in mind, but we can at least get an idea of it... If we are observant enough!
Do you think some devices in the future will invent that work like our mobile to read other minds?
Without being an expert, I will answer yes in a way. The work teams (neurologists neuropsychologists, specialists) could not really interpret your thoughts but relate them to emotions by reading scanners.
Currently, there is no technology or scientific method that can directly read a person's mind. While there is ongoing research into brain-machine interfaces and neuroimaging devices that can measure brain activity, these technologies cannot read thoughts in their most basic form.
According to our ways of seeing things, we can be frightened or think of an important advance in the knowledge of the brain even if we are still in the imprecision and that the multiplicity of neuron connections and areas are priesthoods for researchers. .
Additionally, the ability to read minds raises many ethical and legal issues that need to be addressed before any attempt is made to develop such technology.
Do you think some things should always need privacy, like our thought process? Describe.
If everyone could read the minds of others, it would probably have a huge impact on society, including interpersonal relationships, privacy, trust, the decision to confess, etc. Full transparency could lead to a loss of freedom and personal privacy, while unlimited knowledge of the thoughts and intentions of others could cause suspicion and paranoia.
There could also be ethical issues with using this information to influence the decisions of others.
Ultimately, this could have a significant impact on how we build relationships and communicate with each other.
Thank you very much for reading, it's time to invite my friends @chiabertrand, @nahela, @steemdoctor1 to participate in this contest.
Best Regards,
Wow, what an absolutely incredible view. You really looked at this topic from a different angle. And I agree that we don't need to be able to read what our family is thinking. It just puts us at risk of hating them if we find out something bad from their thoughts.
Yes, it would have become such a habit to check everything and nothing when we deem it necessary, to the detriment of the privacy of others, that we would end up looking at a glance tempted by the idea of satisfying our curiosity, rather than our necessities. A healthy dose of virtue would be needed to give people their space in such circumstances. Thanks for the comment.
I agree with you sir, privacy is a very important and precious thing for we humans, our privacy needs to be completely secured.
You are right my friend, we might read the other person's mind and discover something uncomfortable we are not supposed to know.
I wish you good luck in this contest.
Creo que ningún candidato es bueno para leerle la mente, ya que con seguridad eso se convertirá en un problema. No tenemos ningún derecho, por otra parte, a penetrar en las intimidades más recónditas de nuestros semejantes. Las situaciones y los problemas que debemos enfrentar cada día bastan para mantenernos preocupados y ocupados. Si además de esto pretendemos cargar con todas los complejos y percances de los demás, podemos volvernos locos ante tanta carga emocional. Éxitos, amigo...
Sí valido eso, ya que sería un infierno porque el mundo no está poblado solo por personas honestas y bien intencionadas. Tendríamos que estar constantemente en guardia para no traicionarnos, escondernos para preservar un poco de privacidad, nos sentiríamos vigilados constantemente, cualquier idea personal podría ganarnos burlas o enemistad, a las personas creativas les robarían sus ideas, las mujeres podrían sentirse acosadas si los hombres, no necesariamente malintencionados, vieran revelado su interés por ellas, se sintieran constantemente espiados pero también constantemente vigilados para no violar la privacidad de los demás...
Leerle la mente a tu pareja sería un arma de doble filo jaja aunque sería interesante quizá esto te pueda ayudar en algún momento determinado a m tratar de entenderla.
Ciertamente, estoy de acuerdo contigo en este punto, pero creo que la mayoría de los problemas y desacuerdos que surgen entre los cónyuges son el resultado de la incomprensión, la comunicación y la buena escucha de los demás, incluso cuando se presta mucha atención a la otra parte, y se hace un esfuerzo para el éxito de la relación con él La capacidad de comunicarse bien y eficazmente con los demás es el camino a una vida social tranquila, profesional y sin problemas.
Hola amigo que gran participación Y qué gran punto de vista de tu parte referente al tema de leer la mente de los demás.
Tener este poder sería bueno en una pequeña parte Porque podríamos ayudar a solucionar muchos problemas a nivel mundial Pero sería catastrófico en un 90% porque sabemos la gran maldad que rodea el mundo y muchas personas utilizarían estas informaciones y estas violaciones mentales para aprovecharse de otras personas.
Allí mencionaste sobre saber algo de la mente de las mujeres y recordé una película que trata sobre un hombre que por alguna razón logra leer la mente de las mujeres y es muy cómica y divertida.
Te deseo mucho éxito y bendiciones en tu participación cariño.
Hola mi belleza, me alegro que mi participación y mis opiniones en la lectura de pensamientos te hayan gustado, claro que si pudiéramos leer los pensamientos de las mujeres sería un desastre porque suelen aparentar lo contrario de lo que esconden .
Thank you, friend!
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Me parece sugestivo tu punto de vista, aunque estoy un poco en desacuerdo contigo en algunas cosas también te doy la razón en otras, creo que todo depende desde el punto de vista de cada persona, suerte! :)
Thank you my friend.
Reading the mind of your best friend will really help you sir, you will really know the kind of person he is.
I do think that a device or machine that has the ability to read human beings mind will be in the world soon.
I wish you good luck in this engagement challenge contest sir. Happy Sunday.