Steemit Engagement Challenge S10/W2|Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos- Whom would you like to choose for an interview and why?

in Incredible Indialast year

Assalamualaikum steemians ❤️

Alhamdulillah now finally we are in week 2 of season 10 and its my first participation of week 2 and I am very happy that today I have an opportunity to imagine and interview from one of these famous personalities

We all know that Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos are the well known and the most influential personalities for this generation as there are many reasons to say them the most influential personalities but if I have a one chance to take an interview from one of them then which would I like the most and what would be my questions and my suggestions to that influential personality let's discuss in detail!

Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos- Whom would you like to choose for an interview and why(describe the reason for selection)?

I would like to choose Bill Gates for an interview who is a successful and most powerful entrepreneur or businessman of America and he is not only and entrepreneur he is also a software developer and philanthropist.Philanthropy means to having a strong urge to help others and think for welfare of others in different terms like charity or donation etc...We all know the most successful software company of the world which is Microsoft corporation and he is the one and only person which is the co-founder of that corporation.


There are several names which are successful in the field of Technology but if I choose from best of them then he is the one and only whose name is Bill Gates which is the most successful person of the technology nowadays and that's why motivation for all.

In his past he was well known because of his integral role in the development of personal computers but now he is also famous because of his philanthropy.

Reason for choosing Bill gates for an interview

There can be several reasons for choosing a person foreign interview and as I choose Bill Gates so I would like to share the reasons for choosing this influential personality which we all know:

  • If we talk about technology, philanthropy, industry, software and many other fields then we all know that there is no one better than Bill Gates who can understand all these methods because the person who have more experience can give you extensive responses also and makes the interview fruitful as well as successful in which you don't only interview a person but also gain many more things from that person so I can say he is a person from which I can learn many more as he is very experienced.
  • Bill gates and Melinda gates are the two most influential personalities nowadays who also have a foundation in which they have donated more than thousands of dollars in the different charities like related to education, related to health, related to poverty and many more things so they are the most successful philanthropist also so a person can learn from him that if you have something in your hands then how you can have a big heart to be a good philanthropist and to do charity work.
  • I would like to choose Bill Gates for an interview because he is a person which is old but with broader vision. It means Bill Gates have a deep sight for future matters and we can see the most challanging things of the future and is also able to suggest the best solutions for the future problems like climate changes and health issues and the role of technology in both these things.

Which three guarantee questions would you like to ask during the interview from Bill gates? Give reasons behind those questions

Now I am here for presenting some of the questions that I would like to ask from Bill Gates in an interview!

What's the greatest current challange world today and how technology can address it?

We all know that Bill Gates was the vocal advocate for the purpose of addressing some of the most challenging world situations which also includes the climate changes and overall effect of climate on the global Health also.

So it can be a valuable and important question to ask from Bill Gates that how he sees the future of the most challenging situations and how he thinks about handling them by the use of Technology and is technology also playing around or could play a role in combating with all the future World most challenging situations.


The second and the most important question that I would like to ask from Bill Gates is below!

What is a piece of advice for all new entrepreneurs before starting their entrepreneurship?

Bill Gates is a successful entrepreneur throughout his career and he knows very deeply about technology industry and he has a grip on it so obviously have a lot of experience.

Everyone can have the most best tips from him. When I would ask this question from Bill Gates then I would come to know about the deep insights of Bill Gates and will also come to know that what are the factors for the things that let him go towards the path of success. Especially for youngsters this question would be a valuable thing who wants to start and entrepreneurship and leads theirself at the path of success so it would be a kind of pure guidance for all from Bill gates.

Third question again I would like to ask from him and it is also very important and valuable according to me!

Which motivates you to be an philanthropist and what goals you have set for your charity?

It's a big thing when you have a big heart to donate your own wealth or to give your own wealth in the form of Charity for the purpose of different reforms like education,health etc and then you be a philanthropist one day as today Bill Gates is well known and becomes influential for the world.

He have a positive effect on the world has he is a successful philanthropist of nowadays so I would like to ask from him in interview that which thing compels him to do this and what was his great motivation and in which way he wants to motivate others to also want to do some Charity work and want to be a good philanthropist and as well as wants to become the influential personality on the world and give the world the most positive and the impactful gesture through their philanthropy.

Which would be the one suggestion you would like to take from Bill gates ? Describe the reason, how that suggestion would assist you in your life

Lifelong learning are the most easiest words that everyone can say but it's very difficult and also very important to follow these words and to implement these words in your life because the successful person is those who can implement lifelong learning in his life.

The most important suggestion that I would like to take from Bill Gates is the role of lifelong learning in our life as I think no one can understand these words more than Bill Gates because he is the most determined person that's why I also want to write some of the words of Bill Gates which are below:


The most important skill that you can have now a days is the ability to learn

Knowledge Is Power and learning never end these are the extremely true words by which no one can deny and I also agree with them completely because you never stops to learn so if I take a suggestion from Bill Gates about lifelong learning then it would be definitely very valuable for me because it would let me know that how I should remain up to date about the latest trends and about the latest news and latest information as I see the continuous research.

If I implement the suggestion of Bill Gates in my life after that then I would personally feel that I am grooming myself personally as well as professionally because I would know at that time that I am learning something new everyday and I don't stop to learn because I see many of the persons who stops to learn and they thinks that now they have enough knowledge but learning should never be stopped and we should always learn on the principles of continuous work and again lifelong learning are favourite words of mine.

Bill Gates suggestion would be also very fruitful for me because it motivates me everyday that I am growing with the passage of time because I can also gain more experience by reading research based articles everyday and by setting my targets and continuing them everyday to learn something new and then to remember everything in my mind so it would also be a path of growth as well as success for me.

I want to give an invitation to @wilmer1988 , @josevas217 , @sduttaskitchen , @ana07 , @enamul17 , @stef1

Thank you ❤️


Sería interesante conocer algunas recomendaciones o consejos de parte de Bill Gates para todos aquellos que desean iniciar un emprendimiento, pues él fue un hombre que dejó muchas cosas de lado para materializar su proyecto.

El aprendizaje es permanente es una frase muy acertada de este personaje, y que todos debemos tomar en nuestras vidas, pues todos los días hay nuevas cosas por aprender.

Éxitos en el concurso.

 last year 

If Bill Gates is at the path of success today then in the past there are many sacrifices which he gives for the sake of getting a rank of successful persons in his life.

He always works on the principal of hard work and determination and that's why he is the role model for youth also.

¡Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through -steemcurator07. We support quality posts, and good comments anywhere, with any tags.
Curated by :<@Josevas217>
 last year 

Hola amigo muy buena presentación de esta información en esta semana.

Sin duda alguna este personaje que has elegido es uno de los más ilustre e inteligente cabe destacar que desde muy temprana juventud comenzó a correr tras su sueño y es emocionante y motivador ver hasta donde ha llegado.

Muchos éxitos y bendiciones en tu participación amigo

 last year 

Bill Gates is legend and the biggest example and role model of hard work for all the people who want to achieve success in their life.

Thank you so much for your comment and I am very happy that you give your precious time to my post and keep on working....

Dear @khursheedanwar,,,
It's really nice to hear that you want to interview Bill Gates. And you've given several reasons for interviewing Bill Gates that are really reasonable.
Especially Bill Gates and his wife engaged in human service this matter will really attract anyone.

And to be honest, I like Bill Gates a lot myself.

Thank you very much for sharing such a beautiful post with us.

 last year 

Thank you so much for reasonable comment and for giving me a review of my post in a summarized way and I am happy that you like my blog so I would keep on streaming and keep on hard work day by day and never give up here

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