SEC17/W2| While making decisions, what do you prefer to follow: heart or mind?

in Incredible India5 months ago

Assalamualaikum steemians

Decision making.png

What is your preference while making decisions, heart or mind?

For making decision one of the most important thing is time because either you are giving preference to your heart or mind you always need proper time to make any decision of your life. It all depends upon the type of decision that I am going to make because if decisions are related to my beloved relationships then most of the time I give preference to take decision through heart and through emotions.

Still in most of the cases I use my intellect, my sense of humour and logics and reasons behind the worth of decision so all these things are done by brain so in this way I never neglect brain so brain is my first preference for making decisions of all types.

Do you think we need both in terms of making decisions? Describe reasons.

I extremely agree that we need brain as well as heart for making decisions because I think the decision in which we are involving brain but not heart then there would be a lot of lack we would observe in preciseness of decision and if we would involve heart but not brain then we would realise that we have made a decision which is just based on emotions and there is no logic and reason behind a particular decision making.


Medically we all know that heart and brain both are equally necessary organs so in the same way in our life for making daily life decisions both have equal importance also due to the reasons I have explained above.

Are you an emotional or a practical person in real life?

Not at all I am not an emotional person because I am brave and bold and even I don't like to be sensitive and emotional in my life because in life you have to pass through Maine ups and downs so if you are weak then I don't think so that being an emotional person you can be compatible of all those challenges in your life.

I have learnt many more things through my life and maybe during my childhood I was emotional to some extent but not too much but now I am as strong as iron so I can handle any challenge in my life and I am confident of it and this is a characteristic in me which I really like.

Do you have any suggestions for youth which one they should follow in their day-to-day lives?

I have observed some of the things in youth that they are not at all able to beer any load on them and specially youth that is totally dependent on their parents don't have idea that what kind of challenges they can face in there practical life so my advice and suggestion to that youth is that they should get out of their comfort zone so that hard work would make them strong.


My second suggestion is also simple and it is about ability to beer that with the passage of time when they would work hard and when they would face different ups and downs in their life then it would let them know what life is all about.(Life is all about struggle and to achieve targets 🎯). By the development of ability to bear challenges youth would become strong and they would be able to enhance their decision making also and they would maintain a balance in making decision from heart and brain.

I want to invite here @karrianaporras,@uzma4422,@malikusman1 to participate



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 5 months ago 


 5 months ago (edited)

Both our mind and heart are two good ways for making decisions which whatever any tells us we should accept it and work towards it. Thanks for publishing quality post.

 5 months ago 

I agree with you that mind and heart both are important for decision making and we cannot neglect anyone from them for making more precise decisions.

My pleasure to publish this content 😄

 5 months ago 

•সিদ্ধান্ত নেয়াটা আসলে মানুষ তার পরিবার থেকেই প্রথম শেখে। এইজন্য শিশুদেরকে ছোট ছোট সিদ্ধান্ত নিতে সহায়তা করা উচিত। যাতে পরবর্তীতে তারা বড় হয়ে সিদ্ধান্ত গ্রহণে সিদ্ধহস্ত হয়।

•সঠিক সিদ্ধান্ত নেওয়ার ক্ষেত্রে আপনি সময়কে সবচেয়ে বেশি গুরুত্ব দিয়েছেন। এটা আমার কাছে খুবই ভালো লেগেছে।

•আপনি যে মোটেও আবেগপ্রবণ নন এ কথাটি আপনি অকপটে স্বীকার করেছেন। এটি অত্যন্ত সাহসের একটি ব্যাপার।

•সব মিলিয়ে আপনার লেখাটা আমার কাছে চমৎকার লেগেছে। প্রতিযোগিতা আপনার জন্য অনেক শুভকামনা রইল।

 5 months ago 

I Agree with you that the way in which a person makes decision all depends upon his family background and I am happy that you really like my importance that I have given to time for making right decisions and yes I am not at all emotional and I am happy that you like my writing.

Thank you for wishing me best of luck 🤞

 5 months ago 

Hello my friend. Very valuable your point of view when making decisions. Every circumstance is handled according to time, which also determines if what is to be decided is more a function of the heart than the mind.

In romantic situations, time is important in making the decision of passions or feelings, although the mind plays an important role in that decision.

Thank you for sharing your personal point of view on the issue raised.

 5 months ago 

Hlo dear

I am happy that my points are valuable for you in making decisions as well as I agree with you that but kind of and what extent of decision you are going to made according to the type of decision there would be the requirement of time in your life as well as romantic and emotional situations really wants your more time and want your heart to death involved more in that situation rather than brain but steel mutual participation of both can let you bring precise decisions.

My pleasure to share my point of view

Dear beloved brother @khursheedanwar , I admire your struggles for this contest. I found your points are really important and appreciateable. I am happy to come to know that your are not an emotional person, am not an emotional person, you are brave and bold and even you don't like to be sensitive and emotional in your life because in life we have to pass through Maine ups and downs. Best wishes

It is important to strike a balance between emotions and logic when making decisions, as relying solely on one aspect can lead to biased or irrational choices. By combining both the heart and mind in decision-making, individuals can make well-rounded and thoughtful decisions that take into account both their feelings and rationality.

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