Steem engagement challenge-s7/w1|My priorities for the year 2023".

in Incredible India2 years ago (edited)


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My three wishes to God for 2023 would be to end world hunger, to provide clean drinking water to all, and to ensure equal access to education for everyone. I chose these three wishes because they are three of the most pressing needs facing the world today.

The first wish, to end world hunger, is an issue that has plagued humanity for centuries. Today, the world’s population is facing an unprecedented level of hunger, with an estimated 821 million people going hungry every day. This is a tragedy that can be solved by providing access to food and resources to those in need. My wish is that God will provide the resources and support necessary to end world hunger by 2023.

The second wish is to provide clean drinking water to all. Water is a basic human right, but millions of people around the world still lack access to clean water. This lack of access to safe drinking water leads to a number of health issues and can even lead to death in some cases. My wish is that God will provide the resources and support necessary to ensure that everyone has access to clean drinking water by 2023.

The third wish is to ensure equal access to education for everyone. Education is the key to unlocking a person’s potential, but millions of people around the world are still denied the opportunity to pursue an education due to a lack of resources or access. My wish is that God will provide the resources and support necessary to ensure that everyone has access to an education by 2023.

Although these three wishes are meant to satisfy my own needs, I also believe that they can help others. By providing access to food, clean drinking water and education to those in need, we can create a better world for everyone.

In order to employ these wishes, I would first focus on the issue of hunger. We can start by providing resources and support to those in need, such as food banks and soup kitchens. We can also work to improve agricultural systems in order to increase food production and make it more accessible.

Second, we can focus on providing access to clean drinking water. This can be done through the construction of water treatment plants and the installation of water filtration systems in areas that lack access to clean drinking water. We can also work to educate people about the importance of clean water and how to use it properly.

Third, we can focus on ensuring equal access to education. This can be done by creating educational opportunities in areas that lack access to education and providing support for those who are unable to afford an education. We can also work to improve existing educational systems and make them more accessible to all.

By employing these three wishes, we can make great strides in improving the lives of people around the world. By providing access to food, clean drinking water and education, we can help to create a better future for everyone.

I would like to invite @rumman @nijam468 @monnacox to join this contest.

Thanks for Reading
 2 years ago (edited)
  • Thank you very much, you asked for 3 things in this participation. 1. Snack 2. Water 3. Education of the needy.
    By 3 o'clock I am choosing education.

  • In fact, there are many people who cannot acquire education due to lack of ability, for them it is necessary to ask the creator to make them capable so that they can acquire education.

Be well and be healthy.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your thinking.

 2 years ago 

Your words of explaination are great.

we can focus on ensuring equal access to education. This can be done by creating educational opportunities in areas that lack access to education and providing support for those who are unable to afford an education

A great idea,eduaction is the basic necessity in this era.We should focus on the managment of education in the country and pay our role to improve it and also help the people to learn who are unable to afford it.Thanks fir sharing.Good luck for the contest.

 2 years ago 

Hunger, Water and Education for all are all necessity for human advancement. They are the basic needs of human and hence government at all levels should endeavor to make them available.
Great thoughts from you. Best of luck in your entry

 2 years ago 

Thank you

 2 years ago 

The wish to end world hunger is really a huge wish I must tell you.

Your three wishes are geared towards others and not just yourself. You have desired a good thing. Clean water and access to education is gold.

I just wish your desires will happen, it will go a long way to making the world a better place. Thank you for sharing.

 2 years ago 

Greetings friend @joynalabedin, you are asking God for humanity, food, drinking water and education, they are unbreakable rights to life and that millions of people in the world do not have them. God grant your wishes and may they come true.

Hi Joynal (@joynalabedin).

Reading your post, I realize that selfishness is not your thing.

In your desires, I manage to perceive the fact that you want to achieve goals for yourself, but for your fellow man.

This speaks very well of you and I congratulate you for it.

I hope your wishes will be fulfilled.

Happy 2023!


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