Steem engagement challenge-S10/W6| If God gives me the power to read three minds.
In life, when you are with someone, you will always be trying to read the mind of the person to know if the person is planning evil or good for you. Knowing the mind of a person reserves the evil plan of the person's agenda for you. Friend, in this post I have shared with you the names of the three people whom I would like to read if God gives me the power to do so.
If God gave you the power to read three minds, whom would you select and why? |
If today God gave me the power to read three minds, I would read the minds of these three people closer to me.
- My Dad
- My Girlfriend and
- My closest friend
The reason why I selected the three people is that they are the people closer to me, and knowing their minds would be of great benefit to me.
What are the main things you would like to read from those minds? |
Well, the main things I would like to read from those minds are things that happen around us. like my dad, I would like to read his mind to know his plan for his retirement from the military, and I would like to know how best he is planning to spend his pension and gratuity when he retires.
As for my girlfriend, I would like to know if she loves me or is trying to gain something from me because women are hard to trust. Finally, for my closest friend, I would like to read his mind to know whether he has an evil agenda for me.
How could you react after reading their minds? Share your thoughts. |
Well, I will react normally and stay in my lane if their minds are full of evil thoughts. After my reaction, I will then advise them to stop what they are thinking. However, if their minds are good, my reaction would be nice, and I would then praise and encourage them to continue their good works.
Do you think some devices in the future will work like our mobile to read other minds? |
Yes, I think so, but it would take a very long time for such technology to be invented. However, even if such technology were invented, it wouldn't be that effective to read the minds of humans.
Do you think some things should always need privacy, like our thought process? Describe. |
Yes, I think some things should always need privacy because even myself i like having privacy so I can think very well. This is the reason why whenever a person is in meditation, you will see him or her staying at a quiet place where no one will disturb him or her.
Imagínate todo lo que pudiéramos hacer sentir o pensar si tuviéramos el poder de leer las mentes.
En tu casa te leí un poco inseguro de ti recuerda que no es que no se pueda confiar en las mujeres sino saber elegir la correcta y para esto la guía de Dios es perfecta Porque nos ayuda a buscar cualidades en una persona que va más allá de lo físico solo así encontrarás una mujer fiel y con amor verdadero para ti.
En cuanto a tu amigo más cercano has dicho lo correcto debemos estar seguro de que nuestros amigos son especialmente Los indicados porque el mundo está lleno de muchas personas malvadas que solo se acercan a nosotros con el fin de conseguir algo que les beneficie solo a ellos en esto también te puede ayudar muchísimo la Biblia ya que los consejos de nuestro creador están allí hasta para conseguir buenas amistades, apártate de las personas que no cumplan con los requisitos de ser buen amigo y acércate a los que aman verdaderamente al creador que estos sí te brindarán una amistad sincera.
Cuídese mucho éxito y bendiciones en tu participación.
Thanks so much, for i appreciate your support and contribution here. You are right with what yiu have said concerning women. Thanks
Sí, saber lo que piensan nuestros amigos es algo interesante,sí tuviermanos ese poder conoceriamos realmente quien es honesto y quien no.
Thank you for the invite..
Well, I totally don't agree with this sincerely. You could have probably said some women!! Not women! Does it mean you don't trust her that's why you want to know what's in her mind?😜
It's will be a disaster if we have the power to read minds..
Reading the mind of those around us, will definitely keep us safe at all times.
Your father is really a strong man for being a military man and he's still healthy and strong, am sure most of his comrades are dead. I wish him a successful retirement sir.
Women are definitely hard to trust my boss because they hardly have a regular lifestyle. They can be this today, they can be that tomorrow.
I wish you good luck in this contest.