in Incredible Indialast year

🤠 look at this beauty, a mini bird made its nest in my mango 🌲 tree, I have been waiting for days to nest and today I caught it.

Hummingbird in the nest

It is wonderful to see how she carries little things to nest.

And it fits like a glass and very well made, I couldn't see if it had eggs or a partner, because it's high for me and I've seen it alone.

And it doesn't even move, just watch, it didn't fly when I got closer, it's something so beautiful 😘.

Nature has its magic and its charms the truth.

They say in my town that when a hummingbird approaches or visits your house it is a deceased relative that is visiting you and others say that they are angels that come to remind us to live in the present and be happy.

IMG-20230516-WA0017.jpg Mango tree with nest

There are so many legends about hummingbirds that many believe it, I only see in them the wonder of creation.

I think it went out to look for food or other things to finish the nest, because I understand that the females do not abandon their nests.

In the Bible, the hummingbird is mentioned as a messenger from heaven that calls us to move on and leave the past behind.

IMG-20230516-WA0009.jpg Dug-shaped nest

Genesis relates that on the fifth day the animals that inhabit the waters and the air are created, and on the sixth day, before man, the animals that inhabit the mainland. While throughout it, the hummingbird is mentioned as a messenger from heaven that calls us to move on and leave the past behind.

The hummingbird nest is also a symbol of good luck. Remember that the hummingbird chose to build its nest near your house for a reason.

Casita del colibrí
Hummingbird: Very small bird, with bright plumage and bright colors, a very long and fine beak, which allows it to feed on the nectar of flowers, very short legs and very long wings; it flies suspended in the air, thanks to the strength and speed with which it beats its wings, and it is the only bird capable of flying backwards; there are many different species, spread throughout the Americas.

"the smallest species of hummingbird measures 5 cm in length"

Note: These images were captured by a Redmi9A phone

My achievement 1


En una ocasión vi un nido de colibrí en uno de los tantos árboles del parque de un fraccionamiento en donde vive una amiga mía. Ahí estaba el ave resistiendo los embates del viento (estaba muy nubladonese día); son aves magníficas y coloridas. Aquí en México se les considera mensajeros de buena fortuna (o eso me han contado).

¡Saludos, @jazminru, y que tengas un bonito día!

Realmente se siente bien ver a algunos animales resguardados en su hogar. Y si el animal es un pájaro entonces no hay problema, es genial ver un nido de colibrí en tu casa.

 last year 

Los niños le quitaron los huevos y la colibrí ya no está tengo una tristeza

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