SEC17/W3 | Experiences come with age or circumstances!

in Incredible India3 months ago



How do you define maturity?

In my opinion, the maturity characteristic of a person is not due to the number of years he has, because I also often find that younger people have a higher level of maturity characteristic than older people.

For me, maturity is when people are able to control their emotions well and are able to respect other people well. Simply put, mature people are people who have good morals and morals.

What do you believe experiences come with age or circumstances? Define



In my opinion, this is a complicated choice, because logically older people have more experience than younger people, but on the other hand, people who have had a life path with more difficult circumstances and are independent sometimes have more experience than older people who live in cheaper conditions.

After thinking for a moment, I finally got the answer, for me circumstances provide more experience than increasing age or being older, because it could be that teenagers who live in poor conditions and have worked hard at an early age have more experience than older people. who is lazy.

Circumstances teach us many experiences that enable us to learn many things. The circumstances we are currently experiencing can make us better people if we can deal with them well.

Do you believe older people can also learn so many things from youth? Justify



Of course, parents understand many things better than young people if they live their youth well and continue to learn new things every day. Older people are usually more experienced in doing anything because they have learned a lot when they were young.

However, there are also parents who can never learn from their youth. Usually parents like this are selfish parents so they will not be able to achieve anything in their lives.

Life is full of knowledge and experience, we have to be truly wise in living our lives so that we can continue to develop into better people every day and in old age we can be good role models for the younger generation.

This is my post for this week's SEC contest, I also want to invite @f2i5, @waterjoe and @chant to participate together in this contest.


Logically I strongly believe both goes together. I mean the act of getting experience through age and also through circumstances. The more we grew older, we get experienced due to circumstances

 3 months ago 

Benar sekali kawan, semoga kita semua terus dewasa dengan setiap pengalaman yang kita lalui, salam sukses dan selalu bahagia

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Encantado de leerte apreciado amigo. Coincido con tu criterio respecto a la definición personal que nos das sobre la madurez ya que la misma se va desarrollando independiente de la edad. Es bueno cuando señalas que también los padres pueden aprender de los hijos porque la verdad es que mientras estemos vivos estamos en constante proceso de aprendizaje No importa la edad. Te deseo éxitos.

 3 months ago 

Terimakasih saudara, semoga setiap hari nya kita bisa menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik dari kemarin, semoga kita terus sukses dan selalu bahagia

In my opinion, the maturity characteristic of a person is not due to the number of years he has, because I also often find that younger people have a higher level of maturity characteristic than older people.

I totally resonate with this viewpoint. You know, it's like when I was younger, I had a friend who always seemed so wise beyond her years. She could handle tough situations with such grace and empathy, which really showed me that maturity isn't just about age. It's about how you carry yourself and how you treat others, regardless of how many years you've lived.

After thinking for a moment, I finally got the answer, for me circumstances provide more experience than increasing age or being older, because it could be that teenagers who live in poor conditions and have worked hard at an early age have more experience than older people who live in cheaper conditions.

That's a really interesting perspective! It reminds me of my own upbringing, where I had to work part-time jobs to help support my family. Even though I was young, those experiences taught me so much about responsibility, hard work, and resilience. So yeah, circumstances really can shape our experiences more than just getting older.

Of course, parents understand many things better than young people if they live their youth well and continue to learn new things every day.

I completely agree with this. You know, it's like my dad always says that learning doesn't stop just because you're older. He's constantly reading books, trying new things, and embracing new ideas, which I think is so inspiring. So yeah, age doesn't determine our ability to learn; it's all about having an open mind and a willingness to grow, no matter how old you are.

All the best

 3 months ago 

Anda memiliki Ayah yang hebat saudara, pemikiran kita tentang kedewasaan cenderung sama dan saya sangat senang anda telah menyempatkan waktu untuk membaca dan mengomentari entry saya, komentar anda membuat saya semakin semangat untuk menulis lagi kedepannya, semoga kita terus sukses dan selalu bahagia

Hello 🤗@ikwal

ji bro like your previous posts this post is very much appreciated and very well presented its very nice to read about maturity and old age also got great information it is really a matter of age requirement. It is from our wisdom, as we grow older, our wisdom will also increase, we will become wiser, and when we reach our last age, we return to our childhood, so again our mind is what it is. When one becomes a child, wisdom is lost, but our middle-aged part is included in our maturity, so that we express everything with wisdom and conviction, and do not follow people. Make the decision yourself.

 3 months ago 

Terimakasih saudari, saya selalu merasa sangat senang anda telah menyempatkan waktu untuk mampir di postingan saya, semoga kita selalu bahagia.

 3 months ago 

¡Holaaa amigo!😊

Este tema tiene tantas aristas que, ha sucedió que personas jóvenes viven más experiencias que los adultos y, esto hace pensar que la situación no depende de nuestra edad sino, de las situaciones que se desarrollan en nuestro entorno... En lo personal soy creyente de que, las circunstancias son quienes se encargan de darnos las experiencias y, la edad es solo un elemento circunstancial.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

 3 months ago 

Kita memiliki pola pikir yang sana tentang kedewasaan saudari, semoga saja dengan bertambahnya pengalaman hidup kita bisa menjadi lebih baik.

Saya sangat setuju dengan pandangan anda sobat bahwa kedewasaan adalah ketika orang mampu mengendalikan emosinya dengan baik dan mampu menghargai orang lain dengan baik. Sederhananya, orang dewasa adalah orang yang mempunyai yang baik, karena banyak sekali kita jumpai orang yang lebih tua, namun tidak mampu mengendalikan emosinya.

Semangat sobat, semoga berhasil.

 3 months ago 

Terimakasih atas komentar baiknya pak, semoga kita semua bisa menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik setiap harinya.

It's true that age doesn't determine maturity, while I accept that most youths who have lived under a difficult condition may have more experience than the older people who have lived a better life.

Nice entry, I wish you all the best.

 3 months ago 

Teroris saudari, salam sukses

Saya suka publikasi anda, ditulis dengan bahasa yang mudah dipahami dan lugas.

Dewasa adalah seseorang yang mampu menjadi lebih baik dari sebelumnya, dikatakan dewasa seseorang telah mampu mengendalikan emosi dengan baik, mempunyai etika dan juga mampu menghargai orang lain.

Banyak keadaan dan hal yang kita lalui mampu membuat diri kita menjadi lebih dewasa dalam bertindak.

Semoga beruntung teman 👌

 3 months ago 

Benar sekali kak, semoga kita bisa menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik setiap harinya, semoga kita semakin sukses juga😊

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