SEC17/W1|Heaven and Hell fantasy or reality?

in Incredible India3 months ago



Do you believe there is a place named heaven and hell out of this world? Justify your beliefs

As a Muslim, I really believe in the existence of Heaven and Hell, because these two places are also mandatory for us to believe in and are included in the 6th pillar of faith. Since childhood, I have always been taught that humans will have two endings after being resurrected on the Day of Judgment, namely Heaven or Hell.

Heaven is a very beautiful place for us to enjoy and live in in the afterlife for humans who are good and obey God's commands, while Hell is a place full of terrible torment for humans who are evil and disobey God in this world.

Heaven and Hell are also written in the Koran and the Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW which makes me not have the slightest doubt that these 2 places really exist, because I believe in the Koran and the Hadith of the Prophet.

Do you believe karma decides our future, and we get results according to the same?



Even though I am still relatively young, I always observe the life around me and every incident that happens to myself or other people.

This makes me believe in Karma, in Islam the law of Karma is called the law of the world, whatever we do today, whether to ourselves or to other people, it will come back to us in the future.

If we do good to other people today, then we will also get good from other people in the future, not necessarily from that person, there will be many other people who will give good to us.

Vice versa, if we wrong other people today, then in the future we will be wronged too. This karma cannot be avoided, what we plant today is what we will reap in the future.

Do you believe immortality and chastity are some factors that affect our lifestyle? Describe



I believe in immortality, but that is in the afterlife after we are raised from the grave, but in this world we will still die because no human history has been able to live more than a thousand years, surely all living things will experience death and that is clearly written in the Koran .

Meanwhile, purity influences lifestyle, I really believe in it, because lifestyle all comes from thoughts and thought patterns, if we have a pure and good mindset then our life will also lead to goodness.

Likewise, if we have a dirty mindset, our lifestyle will lead to negative things.

This is my post for this week's SEC contest, I also want to invite @f2i5, @waterjoe and @chant to participate together in this contest.

 3 months ago 

Hi dear friend, thank you for your heartfelt sharing about faith and life after death. As a Muslim, I share your belief in the existence of Paradise and Hell. Your thoughts on karma and purity of mind are also inspiring and resonate with my own understanding of Islam. Thank you for your enriching perspectives. Thank you for your enriching sharing and I wish you good luck in this competition!

 3 months ago 

Saya sangat senang anda telah menyempatkan waktu untuk membaca postingan saya saudara, sebagai seorang muslim kita memang harus mengimani tentang adanya surga dan neraka, semoga kita semua Allah tempatkan di dalam surganya. Di hari Raya Idul Fitri ini saya ingin memohon maaf lahir dan Batin🙏

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 3 months ago 

Terimakasih atas dukungan nya Tgk @f2i5

Creo que el infierno es la Tierra donde vivimos, un purgatorio donde aprenderemos a apreciar la vida, hacer el bien y tratar de ganarnos el cielo.

Además de cuidar nuestras vidas debemos ciudar el alma que es eterna.

Saludos y éxitos

 3 months ago 

Terimakasih saudara, semoga kita semua selalu bahagia

With the clearly stated point of yours, i believe you on what you have discussed here. Such a great entry.

 3 months ago 


Hello friend greetings to you, hope you are doing well and good there.

You believe the existence of Hell and heaven. You said in Islam the law of Karma exist and it is called the law of the world. whatever we do today, whether to ourselves or to other people, it will come back to us in the future. Yes this is so true and we will face it's consequences in here world after.

I wish you very best of luck in this contest.

 3 months ago 

Terimakasih kawan, semoga kita terus sukses dan selalu bahagia.

My pleasure dear brother. Ameen.

Saludos amigo, muy bien estar claro en lo que respecta a este tema y saber que algún día daremos cuenta a Dios de nuestros actos, sean buenos o sean malos, de allí se define nuestro final, pero algo muy importante debemos estar a cuenta con Dios. Bendiciones

 3 months ago 

Benar sekali saudari, semoga kita terus sukses dan selalu bahagia.

🙏 amén

 3 months ago 

Holy Quran says that Heaven is a place where there is nothing except peace and hell is a place where there is nothing except danger. Holy Quran also says that it's up to a person that which thing he wants to choose from both of them depending upon the acts which he is doing in this world so that it becomes easier for him in the world here after to go into heaven if he have done good deeds in this world.

I wish you much success in your participation

 3 months ago 

Benar sekali kawan, Alquran telah memberitahukan kita segalanya, semoga kelak kita masuk ke dalam surganya Allah

 3 months ago 

Inshallah through our good deeds we would enter into heaven in the world here after

 3 months ago 

Hola deseo te encuentres muy bien. Leyendo tus respuestas tenemos creencias muy firmes y si estamos seguros de la existencia de los dos lugares eternos.
Así que el cielo y el infierno, son una realidad.
Mucho éxito y bendiciones 😇

 3 months ago 

Terimakasih saudari, semoga kita semua masuk Surga, salam sukses

The count on Paradise plus Heck is deeply deep-rooted in my belief. These worlds act as the best locations based upon one's deeds. In a similar way the principle of Fate reverberates with me mirroring the global legislation of domino effect. Additionally while endless life waits for in the immortality pureness of heart exceptionally forms our existing presence.

 3 months ago 

Terimakasih kawan, semoga kita terus sukses

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