Steemit Engagement Challenge S10/W1|Do you believe God and evil power exists?

in Incredible Indialast year (edited)

Firefly creates an image where you can see the power of God is the power of evil 10955.jpg

Hello dear friends of this wonderful community, and I want to thank you right away for organizing this contest, with this very interesting theme, so I will have the opportunity to share my idea with the entire community on this topic, something that I always consider important for human beings.

Do you believe that God and the power of evil exist? Explain?

As a person, I believe that both God and evil exist, but honestly, this may be a bit difficult to explain and make others understand, especially to those people who are deeply attached to religion. I don't believe in religions myself, for example, in Italy, the Catholic Christian religion is widespread, but even though my parents are very religious, I have never felt that attachment to this religion. I always fear that most religions try to manipulate human beings, perhaps this is just my impression.

However, I do believe in God because even when I go for a simple walk in the woods or amidst nature, I can perceive that He exists. Sometimes, the creation seems so perfect to me. Unfortunately, in my opinion, evil comes from human beings, and we see this especially through the wars that are happening around the world. These are futile things that never bring any good, and unfortunately, I'm realizing that this evil is increasing more and more.

Nevertheless, we can also notice evil in everyday life. I'm speaking specifically about where I live in Italy. Fortunately, when certain tragedies occur, like the recent flood, I have also seen many people doing good, and this can be interpreted as a hope for humanity.

Firefly creates an image of the manifestation of God in nature 10955.jpg

Have you ever experienced any supernatural power? Describe it.

No, I have never experienced such a thing. I know that some people have unique powers, but I'm a bit skeptical about it. Personally, I'm someone who always wants clarity, so I'm always afraid that there may be scams behind certain things. For example, in Italy, there have been cases where people claimed to witness apparitions of the Virgin Mary, but in some cases, it turned out to be massive fraud.


Share your perspective on the power of God and Evil.

Well, as I mentioned earlier, I believe that the power of God manifests itself in nature. In many cases, I have noticed that certain animals are much more intelligent than humans. On the other hand, evil is somewhat created by humans, especially in societies that seem more advanced in terms of progress, where the predominant factor is individualism. When people are individualistic, they often resort to evil to defend their positions. In fact, I realize that the society I live in is highly fragmented, and in many cases, there is little solidarity. Fortunately, the situation is not so tragic.

Thank you for reading. I hope you have somewhat understood my perspective on this topic. It may seem strange to some, but I'm not the only one who thinks this way in Italy. It's very interesting to read the posts in this community because they provide different perspectives on these matters, and I believe that dialogue and discussion are the most important things.

Wishing you a good day and enjoyable reading of the other posts.

all the images I have shared within this post have been created with artificial intelligence

I invite these people to participate in this contest:@alegnita @stefano.massari @maryamnadeem

Black Modern Blogger YouTube Channel Art.jpg

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Come and visit Italy Community

Hi @hotspotitaly,
my name is @ilnegro and I voted your post using

Come and visit Italy Community

Thanks for inviting be inshaAllah i will drop my entry soon 😍

this post is nice. I couldn't tell you if the devil exists, but the wickedness that certain people have is incredible, above all the wickedest are always the ones who rule entire nations. I wonder how this is possible?!

 last year 

Saludos estimado amigo.

Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con usted en su planteamiento de que Dios existe y es esa fuerza superior que nos hace experimentar nuestros día a día. Además que no se necesita ser adepto a una religión para confirmar si existencia.

Creo que la Fe va más allá de las religiones que como bien describes, se han vuelto un fraude y un engaño para muchos, no solo en la religión católica sino en todas las religiones del mundo se ven este tipo de estafas y lo que generan es que más personas dejen de confiar en la existencia de Dios.

El mal claro que existe lo vemos a diario reflejado en tantos flagelos que están atacando duramente nuestro mundo, las guerras, las torturas violaciones forman parte del mal.

La única manera de combatir el mal es haciendo el bien.

Le deseo el mayor de los éxitos.


Jesus didn't come to offer a merely formal religion to people. He came to explain the true meaning of the Scripture. And yes, God and the evil both exist, two forces in a warfare. Obviously, evil (the devil) is lower.

Ps.: I'm not Catholic, in spite of my Italian origin. I'm protestant, Calvinist oriented.

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