Contest of May #1 by @sduttaskitchen [things for which i want to thank the almighty]

in Incredible India3 months ago

Greetings to everybody,

Its a new month and a time to reflect on our lives. So many people did not have the opportunity to see today but you woke up strong and healthy isn't God wonderful. God is truly a merciful and forgiving father if not some of us would have been dead by now because of the sins we have committed even me and that is why I always say thank you lord.



I am so much grateful to god for so many things he has done in my life. One of among the many things I am grateful to god about is the gift of life. Life is very fragile and can be taken away from us at anytime. When ever I begin to think about the Nigerian actor who died in a boat accident I begin to ask myself am I better than him to still be alive. This gave me a realization of how God is in control of our life and the universe, in 1 Thessalonian 5 : 18 we were told to give thanks to God no matter the circumstances or situation because he is the owner of the world.


Another thing I give thanks to God is the preservation and life of my family and loved ones. I was taught by my mom that family shows who you are and our strength and weaknesses. This is a thing of being thankful because without my family i would not be alive and I wouldn't be where I am today and as such I thank god for the gift of keeping my family and my loved ones.


My life is a testimony and I would like to share a short story with you guys. Yesterday which was the last day of April was when this incident happen, it was around 10 pm at night and I just finished washing the dishes about to leave the kitchen when they brought light and I decided to on the heater to boil some water to use wash a particular clothe which was very dirty. So as I boiled the water I then went to the parlour to watch TV while I wait for the water to boil but the light didn't last for long so they took their light.

As they took their light and everywhere was dark I then went to my room to sleep and forgot to off the heater. While I was asleep not knowing that the heater was still on they now brought light and the water started boiling. It boiled but there was no one to off the heater as I was the only one at home. It boiled to the point that the heater got red and the bucket caught fire and it began to burn. Only for me to wake up by the grace of God but I didn't know what was smelling burnt because I was still with a sleepy eye and so I went to the back of the house where we kept the heater then I saw the fire and immediately I saw it I quickly rushed to get some water and pour it on the body and then I unplugged it from the socket then it finally quenched. But before I got there the fire has already done a lot of damage to the bucket and there was nothing to do about it.

The burnt bucket


When the accident was over I began to thank god for saving my life from this deadly accident because If I hadn't woken up from my sleep I would have been burnt by the fire by now and all what happen I give thanks to god Almighty because he saved my life. And from that day I learnt my lesson never to leave electrical switches or item on and sleep or go out as it is very dangerous.



I strongly believe that God answer the prayers of the heart and only if we keep to his commandments and follow him no matter the situation he will surely reward us and bless us according to our heart desire. As they once said God search the heart and answers the prayers of the righteous, so it is only the righteous and those who follow him that will receive his blessing and divine grace in their lives.
I would like to invite @patjewell @writer123 @saintkelvin17 @mesola and @mhizta to join me in this contest.

Cc @sduttaskitchen

 3 months ago 


This contest commences on May 02, 2024, and concludes on May 08, 2024, at 23:59P.M, UTC

  • As per the contest rules, the contest entry period has not yet started. Therefore, I would request you, while participating in the contest, to read the rules of the contest properly. Thank you🙏. Stay blessed.

So what should i do, am l to delete the post or leave it like that

 3 months ago 

You can delete and post it again.

Thanks dear for mentioning me. Inn sha Allah i will try to participate in this contest. 🥰

We continually need to always give thanks to God for everything he has always do and what he has been doing in our lives. We must not always take it for granted because we didn't deserve it

that true its not by our power we are here today its simply by the grace of God and that is why we must thank him always. Success in your entry friend

Sorry for the damage of your bucket. And I want to appreciate God for saving your precious life. Please next time you need to be more careful......

Success 🎉

Of course i will be careful after what happened i will never stop thanking god for what he had done for me and i will also be more careful next time, thanks for stopping by

Always welcome

 3 months ago 

Your post is really amazing to see how Gods blessing impacts our lives in ways you may not even realize thank you for sharing best of luck in the contest.

Thank you friend @entity01 for sharing your thoughts on my post success to you too on your entry

 3 months ago 

You are welcome my dear friend 🤗

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