SEC17/W5 | Do you believe in reincarnation?

in Incredible India2 months ago (edited)

Hello Everyone, firstly I appreciate the Incredible India Community Team for creating an Engagement Challenge with a wonderful theme on Reincarnation.

I first heard the word Reincarnation when I was in elementary school, from a movie on television called Kera Sakti, which tells the story of a monk's journey to find the holy book. In the movie, there was a commander named Tian Feng who fell in love with a goddess on the moon named Chang E. One day the goddess fell from the moon, commander Tian Feng wanted to help her, but it turned out that there was another commander who helped the goddess first, which led to love blossoming between the two of them, and commander Tian Feng was heartbroken. Not accepting what he experienced, Tian Feng tried to turn back time to when the goddess fell, so that he could be the hero, he repeatedly tried, but he was still faster than the other commander who helped the goddess Chang E. The actions of Tian Feng were discovered by the emperor of heaven, so he was sentenced to be sent down to earth, undergoing a thousand reincarnations that ended in heartbreak.

I also learned that in my country Indonesia, there is an island called Bali, where the majority of the people are Hindu. In the belief of Balinese Hindus, reincarnation is the rebirth of humans in the world after dying in a previous life, with the provision that what will be felt in the next life depends on what has been done in the past life. Balinese Hindus believe that the proof of a reincarnation is when there is someone who often does bad things, but his life now is always lucky, this is the karma of his good deeds in the previous lifetime, otherwise there is someone who always does good, but his life now looks suffering, it is also karma that must be felt due to his actions in the previous life. As a Muslim I have never studied reincarnation, because there is no concept of reincarnation in Islam, so of course I do not believe in reincarnation. However, I need to quote a verse from the Qur'an.

How do you disbelieve in Allah, when you were dead, then He gave you life, then He put you to death, then He brought you back to life. Then to Him are you returned. (QS Al-Baqarah: 28).


Islam explains that after death, humans will indeed be revived, but not in the world but in the hereafter, which is called the Day of Resurrection. All humans without exception will be resurrected from the grave on that day and will get the fairest retribution from the Lord of the Universe for all their actions while living in the world.

It's interesting if you ask me, do I accept my current life or do I want to have a life like other people?
It is certain that in this world what we are looking for is happiness, but what exactly is the indicator that someone is happy?

I'm sure most of us would think that wealth would be very happy and not a few also think that happiness can be obtained with popularity, if this is the case, why are there a series of Hollywood artists who end their lives by suicide, are they not rich or are they unhappy?


I don't think we need to want to be like other people, Just Be Your Self.
Don't burden yourself, be the best in your own version of life.

I would like to invite @dwiearisandi, @ravikadevy and @hoesniy to join this challenge.



Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

An explanation that is a pleasure to read. Good luck!

Terimakasih, semoga keberuntungan terus menyertai Anda juga.


Reincarnation is a word I find it hard to believe actually because it is actually difficult for understand. The word of God always say that we will die once and then after that is judgement

Saya sangat setuju dengan Anda, memang banyak pertanyaan yang muncul di kepala saya terkait reinkarnasi.
Namun ini juga kepercayaan dari teman-teman kita yang lain, dan kita harus menghormatinya.
Hormat saya untuk Anda.

 2 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!😊

Recuerdo haber visto un documental de reencarnación que grabaron en un lugar llamado Soori Bali... Allí explicaban que, todas las personas que fundaron la isla de Bali son producto de la reencarnación y, con motivo de dejar presente que es posible reencarnar, decidieron fomentar este tipo de creencia en el lugar.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Reinkarnasi adalah sebuah kepercayaan yang harus kita hormati walau kita tidak meyakininya, karena setiap manusia sudah menentukan pilihannya sendiri.
Terimakasih atas komentar Anda..

 2 months ago 

Menarik sekali pembahasan nya tentang reinkarnasi dengan perpaduan kepercayaan umat Hindu di Bali, anda juga membantah kepercayaan tersebut dengan mengutip firman Allah dalam kitab suci Alquran bahwa manusia akan dihidupkan kembali namun bukan di dunia melainkan diakhirat.
Semoga sukses dalam kontes ini.

Setiap agama memiliki pendangannya sendiri, tentu kita harus menghormatinya.
Yang terpenting kita harus memiliki dasar yang jelas dalam menjelaskan sesuatu yang kita anggap benar.
Terimakasih telah berkomentar @miftahulrizky

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