be:-Incredible India monthly contest of January #2|The finest and most imperfect decision for my life journey!

in Incredible India27 days ago (edited)



There are times when some certain decisions are difficult to make, especially when it has to do with your personal life, family, relationship, even the future etc.

At one point or another, we have come to the point where we need to take some certain decisions which maybe somewhat difficult for us. The point is, no matter how long a thing lingers, you must take a certain decision concerning it. The earlier, the better.

Share some perfect and imperfect decisions you made as of now!

Recently, I have taken a decision to take on any job or business as long as it pays genuinely and not some form of scam. I needed to take this decision because I have missed many opportunities in the past because I saw myself as too privileged to do some certain jobs not for the white coloured jack. And so, I usually lose the opportunity because of being too selective.


I remember my mother asked me to start selling fish and crayfish. I refused and said that such business wasn't for me because I thought the fish and crayfish would smell on me and my one-room flat too.

Today, I keep regretting why I didn't do the business. That would have fetched me good cash better than I am today.

This year, I have made up my mind. As long as the source of the business is legit, I am willing to engage in it. Currently now, I am really into the agro palm and farming business, not minding how I will look when I engage in the business or not minding what anyone will say about me.

It may sound weird but that the decision I have made recently.

Which lessons did you learn from those decisions?

I've learnt that whatever our hands find to do, we should do it with all our hearts and also, I have learnt that there's "no food for a lazy man." I have seen that there's no need to be selective in our jobs and business as long as it pays our bills and as far as it is legit.


Share some suggestions that we must think about before making decisions!
  1. You must first think about the positive and negative sides of the decision you're about to make.

  2. Make enquiries, and if possible seek advice from someone who's knowledgeable, to avoid regret in the future.

  3. Avoid hasty decision-making. That's making decisions in a hurry. Sleep over the thought, pray and hand it over to God for help and directions before making the last decision.

  4. Try other means or sources before arriving at the conclusion of making the decision.

Making good decisions is a great thing in life, because it makes you fulfilled, while a bad decision can mar one's life and even one's destiny. Think deeply, seek the right counsel and do your best.

I invite


Excelente participacion amiga, entiendo a lo que te refieres sobre vender pescados y cangrejos, ese tipo de mentalidad la tenemos cuando aun somos jovenes, ahora que hemos madurado como usted lo dice cualquier trabajo con sueldo justo vale la pena.

Thank you friend, I appreciate your lovely comment.

 26 days ago 

আপনার অভিজ্ঞতা ও সিদ্ধান্ত নেওয়ার গল্পটি অনুপ্রেরণামূলক। সৎ ও পরিশ্রমী যেকোনো কাজকে সম্মান জানানো উচিত, কারণ সফলতা আসে অধ্যবসায় ও ধৈর্যের মাধ্যমে।

সঠিক সিদ্ধান্তের জন্য ধৈর্য, পরামর্শ গ্রহণ ও আল্লাহর ওপর ভরসা রাখা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। আপনার নতুন পথচলা সুন্দর ও সফল হোক, শুভকামনা রইল!

Thank you so much for the kind comment.


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