Contest of July#1 by @sduttaskitchen| Which do you value more: Name or Fame?

in Incredible India27 days ago

Greetings everyone how are you all doing today it's a great day and I'm happy to participate in this contest that was organized by @sduttaskitchen thanks for hosting this contest.

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Which do you value more: Name or Fame(choose anyone) and describe the reason behind your choice.

I will definitely value name more than fame because a name is one’s reputation, character, and integrity, while fame is the popularity of the fame and superficiality of the recognition and I value name more than fame because one is earned and fixed for generations while fame is temporary and can be earned for a silly stunt and lastly unlike a name, fame does not carry respect and people trust it as it has other virtues such as integrity, honesty, etc


Fame, on one hand may not command the same reverence, while building a good image is often about creating a good image beyond the self-acquired fame and this entails changing society for the better through one’s work and character while fame is often dubious as an individualistic construct.

What's the difference between Name and Fame? Describe.

In one respect, name and fame can be said to be synonyms though they refer to two different things.

Specifically, name refers to the word or words by which a person, place or thing is called or known while in this context it is the given name or title that gives a person or thing its characteristics station or position in society to mean that is having a good name is to have noble character or position in society.

According to the given definitions, fame in on the hand means the recognition an individual gets in the society or in a certain field in relation to the activities; achievements, actions, or talents through which this individual became famous; therefore, once more, fame is known as celebrity, popularity, attention, and sometimes even scorn, which are not similar to the name, as fame comes from the outside world, and the result of the work done by an individual

Therefore, while a good name is defined as the image that a person has in the society, fame is all about being known or recognized in the society for the deeds they have or have not done they are topics where one may have a good name and remain unknown and, in the same way, one can be popular yet undesirable.

Do you think that Name and Fame are essential in our lives? Share your viewpoint.

As such, it is possible to agree that name and fame essential for various reasons firstly, it is important to have a good reputation, as well as being well-known, as this can benefit in the development of oneself on the personal and professional level since it can help to establish trust and form relationships with the other people and to promote one’s career.

Besides, name and fame can help feel that people appreciate one’s work and acknowledge the accomplishments, which can contribute to the increased self-esteem and confidence. Nevertheless, one should not forget that the real happiness is inside us and not in the popularity so aiming for name and fame is good for life happiness but not for genuine happiness which is inside.

What are the ways to achieve them?


To achieve name and fame, there are multiple ways, some of them are to acquire a skill or a talent, to deliver good work repeatedly, to get in touch with popular personalities, using social networking, getting involved in charity and being involved with social issues, doing interviews and collaborating, writing, publishing, or creating something, public speaking and leadership, being oneself and being relentless in practicing and striving for perfection.

Thanks for reading my post I'm inviting @emmy01, @josepha and @goodybest to participate .


Good to see your choice of name between name and fame, a man is known by his name, though many times fame is achieved by gaining fame, thanks for sharing the beautiful post with us, all the best to you.

 26 days ago 

I really appreciate your comment

Dear friend, you have speaking so well about name and fame, name is actually a good thing that last for generation but Fame as you have said is temporarily people who acquire good name bear the name for a long life generation, and for you to obtain this fame and name you have to acquire skills just as you have said or talent that will provide you with such opportunity, best wishes with the contest.

 26 days ago 

Thanks for your comment I do appreciate

 26 days ago 

আপনাকে অসংখ্য ভাবে ধন্যবাদ জানাই আপনি এই কনটেস্ট এর প্রশ্নের উত্তর গুলো অনেক সুন্দর করে আমাদের মাঝে উপস্থাপনা করেছেন, এবং আমি অবশ্যই দোয়া করব আপনি যদি এই কনটেস্টে উইনার হতে পারেন। এবং আমি মনে করি নাম যদি আমরা কামাতে পারি তাহলে খ্যাতি অবশ্যই একদিন আমরা কামাতে পারবো,

 26 days ago 

Thanks so much for your kind comment I really appreciate

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