Incredible India monthly contest July| Three things that bring a smile to my face.

in Incredible Indialast year

Photo by Justin Shaifer from Pexels: source
Hello friends! How are you doing today? Happy weekend. It's so good to be with you today to join a contest as organised by @meraindia. I trust you are in good health and having a very happy moments. This is in turn, a reminder contest onto my life presently and the recent past. Welcome to my blog, publishing on the subject matter "Three things that bring a smile to my face".

1.Share which three things bring a smile to your face and why?

Things that brought smile to my face, are more of memories, renewable and evergreen. Each time I remember what I passed through during my school days, and now in position where I can freely reach what I desire haven succeeded after all the stresses and difficulties, I won't seize to smile. Whenever am with friends in the office and other places, I keep wearing a laughing smile, some join my bright face, thinking it's all part of the office communication but only me knows where my inner peace and smile is coming from.

Secondly, last week Thursday, I was consumed in thinking on how I can get added fund to complete my on going project and thought around all possible means and the amount at hand at the moment, can't be able to take the work all through. At the long run, I lost hope and wanted to reschedule the job. After barbing at the barbing saloon, just few seconds to call my engineer to postpone the work to this week, let me see if there will be some financial appreciation for materials.

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels: source
Soon I scrolled to his number on my phone, someone I know, called that he sent money into my account, wether I have received alert, I said no! But in few seconds I got the alert then I asked him how come the money he said his father whom I designed for, early this year asked him to transfer the money to me that the job is about to commence and had to pay my part. I was amazed because I didn't and never expected it in this suprise.

And lastly, few weeks ago, my brother's wife delivered of a bouncing baby boy after all sorts of talk from some people over the years. Some said wether they shall Marry for ages and infinity remaining childless. Some people are actually a true talker but there was a huge interruption to those statements from the time of conception till now baby is peacefully delivered.

  1. Share with us if there is any surprising story hidden behind your smile.

Like I mentioned earlier, it is a through inner peace emanating from memories and life experiences. Wherever it comes, I smile even in the midst of friends where they don't actually know the secrets. Most importantly to me after all difficulties, stresses and strains to become a graduate, I succeeded as a matter of eventuality. I as well smile because of surprises under experience too.

  1. Have you ever been the reason to bring smiles to other faces? Share the story if you did the same.

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels: source
Yes! It's true that my brother's wife delivered of her baby boy by herself but in this part of the world, hospital charges are very high irrespective of nature of medical condition and I had to suprise my brother with a financial support where he thought his wife would not be discharged as soon but their period in the hospital was shorter than expectation.

Secondly, I was just passing by one day, I over heard one man begging for money to use and eat and whom he was requesting from, told him to go, there was no money but he insisted begging, I had gone a little distance far, I called him and gave him 4 times the amount he was begging from the other man. He didn't know when he jumped up and screamed. Before people start asking him why, I had left the place.

Photo by Daniel Xavier from Pexels: source
To put smile to people's faces have I been doing in my capacity. Sometimes if am purchasing something from a store and anyone especially women or anyone poorer, that come around to purchase on credit to be paid letter if the operator refuse, especially foods, I will pay for the person and never seize to be happy whenever they see me. Or case of a scene where someone is embarassed because of a little issues, maybe he or she could not pay for transport fair, I can pay making the person smile and to feel belonging. I shall continue in this because it also gives me joy seeing someone is not suffering, intimidated or embarrassed especially not caused by self.

Thank you so much invite @josepha @entity01 and @bela90 to join the contest.

 last year 

Good wishes for your brother's. Son.May God bless him.Hope he will save from every bad words.

Sure!! dear friend, thank you so much for visiting and wishes.


Is good that there are certain things that makes you happy bro, I really appreciate your kindness in paying the bills of others.

Thank you

I really admire your kindness. May you continue to smile always.

Thank you so much.

It is very important to smile around loved ones, it makes them feel at home and glad.
I am also happy for the new baby, I pray he puts smiles on the parents faces everyday of his life. You made great points with your post.

Thank you

It's a nice write up, the stresses of the school days when overcome, one need to be happy for success. Great job.

Thank you friend.

So happy for brother's wife. Such moments are very rare. Keep smiling dear friend @ebeke.

Thank you so much.

welcome ebeke

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