SEC17/W3|Experiences come with age or circumstances!

Hello everyone, I hope we are all having a swell time. I'm here to contest in this wonderful topic that says 'Experiences come with age or circumstances'. We all have had experiences in life, and I believe the experiences has taught us a lesson, whether good or bad, but the question is was the experience as a result of age or circumstances? This is a question I'm going to answer based on my experiences in life and also research.

How do you define maturity?

Maturity is a period or stage in ones life where, physically the person is more developed, having the signs that is found in an adult like deeper voice for the male, breast gets bigger and hips wider for the female, but that is not the aspect we are dealing on today.

Maturity is development mentally, physically, emotionally, psychologically and in other ways.

Maturity is the period in ones life when one can make the right decisions which will benefit one in future.

Maturity is doing the right thing despite the rumours and despite what others think of you.

Maturity is taking what life throws at you and making it into something valuable or making something valuable out of your circumstances.

Maturity is being independent of one's parents and being able to decide on what to do at a stage without running to advise from family frequently.

Maturity is not only by age

Maturity is also by having the right attitude and qualities

What do you believe experiences come with, age or circumstances? Define.

I believe experiences come with age and circumstances, depending on the person. Let me start with age first. Experience can come with age because a person has lived for years and has experience both the good and bad and might be able to learn from his experience to the extent of advising the young ones.

For example, those who were alive during the second world war and who experienced it are in a better place to tell the youth not to agitate for war to get whatever they want because these elderly people experienced the war and they know that it's not a good thing. Also, an old man who has had many wives is in a better position, from his experience to advise a young man whether to marry two wives or stick with one. An elderly or old man who made money his priority and put his family second, and who probably is lonely in his old age is in a better position to advise a younger person based on marriage and family.

People who stay married to one partner for as much as 50 years, are in a better position to advise on marriage. There is an African proverb that says 'a young person can have as many new clothes and an old man, but not as many rags'.

Experience can also come with circumstances. The truth is, life doesn't give us what we want, and sometimes life gets harsh. People have found themselves in terrible circumstances, so the experience it gives them is what they learn from and make something positive out of it.

I have met young people who are wise beyond their age based on their experiences and circumstances in life. I have met a child of 15 whose parents died, and as the eldest son, he had to start taking care of his siblings at that age. He became matured than his age, and started providing for the family but circumstances made him have that experience. This boy of 15, by the time he is 20 might even be more matured than a man of 40 who is still living in his father's house and demanding for food from his mother.

A lady who got married at 18 and has given birth to many children can be more matured than a 30 year old woman who has been in marriage for few years. Another way of explaining experiences is in the years one has spent doing the same thing over and over again. A 35 year old man who has spent years doing the same thing over the years might be more experienced than a 50 year old man who is starting that same thing newly.

I didn't study education but I have taught for more than 5 years and I can say this has given me more experience than someone who studied education and is working in another sector or just starting teaching. Since I haven't been working in the sector I studied for, a person who didn't study in that sector but has been working there has more experience than me. It is said that experience is the best teacher and this is true. Sometimes we judge others and condemn them, not knowing or understanding what they are facing, but when we face the sane thing, experience teaches us better. Experience makes people mature more than they should.

Experience can also come from what people have faced

Do you believe older people can also learn so many things from youth? Justify.

I believe older people can learn many things from the youth especially since we are in the 21st century. There are so many things evolving now that older people might not have much idea about, like social media, online banking, online skills, etc. We are in the era that most things are done digitally so the older people can learn. Example, in the past, if one wants to purchase something from another state, the person may have to travel far to that state but the older people can learn from the younger ones that now, with your phone, you can purchase anything from your bedroom and it would be delivered in 48 hours to a week.

Another thing that the older people can learn from the younger ones is working smart. He can learn that working smart is different from working all hours of the day. With one's phone, one can earn as much money in a day as another person's one month salary.

The older people can also learn from the experience and mistakes of the younger ones. A young person who has been swindled might advise an older person based on his experience.

In other to survive in this century, one has to be able to operate digitally. From operating ATM card to BVN to NIN and many other things, the older people have a lot to learn from the youth. The truth is, we all need to learn from each other, whether young or old. Sometimes, experience can be too expensive, it's better to learn from another person's experience.

Old people can also learn from young people

I'm calling on @chichigirl,


@yakspeace to join this contest.


Greetings @destinedhanik
I agree with you that experiences do come with age and the situations we go through. When we've been around for a while, we've seen and done a lot of stuff, both good and bad. And from those experiences, we can learn a whole bunch and maybe even give advice to younger folks. It's like we've got all this wisdom from living life and we can share it with others. Age definitely plays a part in gaining experience, but then what we've been through (circumstances) shapes our experience. Therefore the both are needed.

You are correct. Thanks for engaging.

Your analysis of how experiences can be shaped by both age and situation is concise and perceptive. You underscore the importance of embracing technological advances and adapting to changing times, emphasizing the mutual exchange of knowledge and experience between generations. Good luck to you

One really needs to grow in exposure to make sure that things actually work out well as expected. We gather experience either from circumstances or from age

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