SEC17/W2| While making decisions, what do you prefer to follow: heart or mind?


In life decision-making is important. It is impossible to exist and not make a decision at one time or the other. It might range from decision on what to wear, which school to attend, where to worship, what course to study in school, what job to do, how many children to have and even who to marry, so decision making is crucial in our lives, but the question is, which would you or I go for and why, the heart or the mind?Also, people may make decision from the heart because they are emotional and cant stand being hurt. Others make decisions from the mind knowing that it might hurt now, but it will pay later.

What is your preference while making decisions, heart or mind?

Sometimes we are at a crossroad because of the decisions we have to take in life. At different times, I have been faced with such a situation and each time, my preference for making decisions is my mind. Emotions can make or destroy us and when one is at a crossroad, it's preferable to be logical and make decisions from the mind. I am realistic knowing that making decisions from my mind might haunt me for the rest of my life, one needs to think clearly in making decisions knowing that sometimes, emotions come and goes.

Image by from Pixabay

Do you think we need both in terms of making decisions? Describe reasons.

Yes, we need both in terms of making decisions but choosing one over the other depends on the decision. Some decisions are to be made from the heart example decision on whom to marry, which child should be sent to the boarding house, the decision to continue staying in marriage or to walk away depending on the circumstances while some decisions are to be made logically from the mind. Example what job to take, is it the one that pays more but no time for the family, or the one that pays less, but there is enough time to spend with the family. Making decisions from emotions can make life worth living or can lead to depression. When needed or when it is necessary, some decisions are to be made from emotions like deciding to go ahead to marry whom you love rather than chose one with riches, this is because you might get tired of a loveless marriage later, but also, one needs to think logically by managing feelings calmly. Example, trying to keep a relationship that is one sided is emotional but not logical.
Image from Pixabay

Are you an emotional or a practical person in real life?

I'm an emotional person but I don't take decisions based on my emotions. I try to control myself and take responsibility for the way I feel because I know if I take decision at the last moment based on my emotions, I might leave to regret. Example, deciding to leave my state because I had been hurt by someone is an emotional decision that might leave me stranded especially when I wasn't ready financially and mentally. I am a very practical person, I try not to attach emotions to my decisions, example resigning from my work place because of the abuse I was going through despite the fact that I was attached to the place was a logical decision. I also decide on what is what dwelling on, this is another way of being logical rather than emotional. Deciding to work as a teacher to earn a living even though my heart was in practicing my course of study was another logical decision I took.

I think and decide from my mind, not emotions

Do you have any suggestions for youth which one they should follow in their day-to-day lives?

As a youth I have an experience from making decision both from emotions and from the mind and I have faced the consequences of each. It's better to make decisions based on the mind logically. I know that whatever decision you make today is what you will live with for the rest of your days. Is it in marriages? It's good to marry whom you love but if the person is violent and possibly a cheat, it's better to be logical and let the person go rather than end up as a punching bag or even dead or contact sexually transmitted disease. Is it in education? It's better to choose a course that you are passionate about than to choose a course because you're after money. As a youth, it's better to be logical and face your studies than to be emotional and fail maybe ending up as a dropout. It's very important to also make decisions based on your mind which sometimes may come as to still small voice from God instead of making decisions based on emotions or feelings which you might live to regret. Finally, emotions are temporary and are bound to change while facts and decisions from the mind are permanent.

Advising my students to be logical and face their studies instead of being emotionally attached to the opposite sex at this young age.
Shot from Infinix note 5

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 5 months ago 

¡Saludos amiga!🤗

Diariamente nos suceden cosas donde debemos decidir... A veces es fácil y otras no por ello, no me queda la menor duda de que, las decisiones están muy condicionadas a circunstancias y a pesar de ello, debemos emplear el equilibrio visto que, si decidimos solamente empleando el corazón o la mente, en realidad nos estaremos empujando a un escaño terrible.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Estoy de acuerdo con tus sugerencias sobre todo cuando se trata de decisiones tan importantes como el matrimonio y equivocarse es terrible . Suerte

Both the heart and the mind is precious and I believe should be used in making wise and strategic decisions in life depending on how you view it. The most important is to end up making wise decisions

Is true that whatever decision we make today will certainly be what we will leave for the rest of our lives, especially in marriage. Because when once you make a wrong decision of marrying someone with the decision you make through your mind, eg. Marrying because of money or beautiful then be ready to leave with it for the rest of your life. I wish you success on your post as you have written so well.

Your thoughts are very clear about making decisions. You told us you try to control yourself and take responsibility for the way you feel because you know if you take decision at the last moment based on your emotions, you might leave to regret. You also told us your are a emotional person but you did not take decision emotional, it means you have good control of your emotions. Best of luck

Your advice to the youth is very good, as for the youth they should think logically, knowing the good and the bad of your decisions, seek advice from mentors or trusted individuals, and make decisions that will benefit you in the long run rather than those that are based solely on emotions.

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