Incredible India monthly contest of May#2| Significance of Education!

Hi, Steemians I am glad to reach you today with this piece of writing. I hope it will be educative. A big thank you to @meraindia and the incredible India for organising this contest.

Education is the process where we learn or teach basic knowledge. In education, we develop skills, learn social norms, build our reasoning ability and also learn good from the bad.

Why education is significant in our lives.
Education is significant in our lives in the following areas:

  1. Helps us to become literate: It teaches us how to read and write
  2. . It helps us to become self-reliant.
  3. It builds confidence in us especially when we understand what we are taught.
  4. It prepares us for employment.
  5. Social development: it teaches us how to take care of ourselves, and relate with others and our society.
  6. It improves our quantitative and verbal reasoning.

How do you classify education? Describe.

Education can be classified into FORMAL, INFORMAL and NO-UNFORMAL
Formal education:
This is the type of education where learning takes place at the four corners of the classroom or in the school. This school could be a nursery, primary, secondary or tertiary institution (polytechnic, College of education, university).
Photo from Samsung Galaxy A12

In the formal system of education, deliberate plans are made by both the teacher and the learner. For the teachers, objectives are set, lesson plans are written alongside lesson notes and for the learners, pen and book are always available to pen down what is learned. Finally, evaluations are made as tests or examinations to confirm whether Learning has taken place or not.

Informal Education:
In this type of education, learning takes place outside the class or school. This shows that it can be anywhere and anytime.
This type of education is unstructured. An example of this type of education is parents and their children at home. Parent teach and train their children but there is no curriculum, lesson plan or examination to ascertain the level of learning. Other examples are learning through social media, personal studies, observation etc.

Non-formal education:
This is a type of education that has structure to some extent but is not an institution. It is flexible and adjustable. Examples of non-formal education are adult education, and roadside learning of handwork like carpentry, welding, tailoring etc.


Do you believe besides institutional education, we have a lot of other educations that are equally essential? Justify your answer.

Yes, I believe that besides institutional education, we have a lot of other education that is equally essential. Some of these educations are:

  • Learning of handwork: learning of handwork is equally essential. When someone is learning hand work, he/she receives theoretical and practical teaching from his/her master. Examples of hand work are solar installation, carpentry, welding, etc. Today in Nigeria it is very difficult to be employed by the government due to numerous factors. But having a hand work makes one self-employed.
  • Churches/Mosques: These are also places where we also get educated. We get shaped morally and spiritually which is equally essential.
  • Home Training: Here comes another education session where the lives of children are shaped toward becoming better people in society. At home, children learn how to cook, greet and respect elders, treat other people etc.

According to you, which education carries more value in life? Describe.

Both the institutional and other educations carry value because they teach or train someone to become a better person in the society. Most importantly, institutional education carries more value because it trains someone to be socially, morally, spiritually and academically sound.
At the nursery, primary and secondary levels for instance, children learn how to respect elders, support their parents in house chores, perform their civic rights etc and at the higher level of learning they get trained to become professionals in a particular field of study. If all this training is harnessed, it becomes holistic.

In one way or another, we all have to pass through education whether institutional or other forms.
I believe that I have done justice to this topic. I invite @okeke-blessing, @ajegena and @bela90 to participate.

Thank you all for reading

 2 months ago 

Thank you for inviting me and I wish you good luck

Helps us to become literate: It teaches us how to read and write

We can communicate with the outside world is as a result of reading n writing and it has open doors of opportunity to people

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