SEC-S10/W5| The three significant reasons behind environmental pollution.

Assalam O Alaikum


What are three significant reasons behind environmental pollution? Describe.

Pollution is the term used to describe anything that endangers the environment and living beings. There are colorful factors that contribute to environmental pollution, but the most notable ones are discussed below.

Industrial Emissions The disposal of waste from artificial sectors plays a significant role in the escalation of environmental pollution. It releases dangerous substances into the air, leading to pollution. The incineration of dangerous chemicals in industries contributes to air, water, and soil pollution. Additionally, it contributes to the increase in greenhouse gases. Furthermore, the combustion of fossil fuels and the manufacturing and mining processes within diligence play a major role in the rise of environmental pollution.

Vehicle Exhaust The modes of transportation similar as cars, motorcycles, trucks, and ships also contribute to environmental pollution. The emissions from these vehicles release dangerous gases like carbon dioxide, sulfur oxides, and nitrogen oxides, leading to air pollution and health issues for humans.

Deforestation The act of cutting down trees and converting rich land into civic areas and artificial zones also leads to environmental pollution. Trees act as environmental buffers by filtering the air and removing poisonous substances from the environment. Therefore, deforestation also contributes to air pollution.


How can we prevent environmental pollution?

The prevention of environmental pollution necessitates collaborative individual efforts and incorporates artificial and government policies. However, by implementing the following measures, we can take action and safeguard our environment against pollution.

We should adhere to the 3R principle, which involves reusing, reducing, and recycling. In accordance with this principle, we should utilize applicable items, minimize the use of environmentally dangerous substances, and recycle materials that can be recycled.

Opting for public transportation instead of relying on private vehicles can alleviate congestion on roads and subsequently decrease the emission of dangerous gases, thus protecting the environment.

Reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and embracing renewable energy sources similar as solar power, wind energy, and hydroelectric energy is essential. This is because the burning of fossil fuels emits dangerous substances into the air, resulting in environmental contamination.

Preserving our natural resources and promoting reforestation are pivotal. We should aim to reduce urbanization and limit the expansion of domestic areas. In Pakistan, the conversion of rich land into domestic colonies poses significant environmental threats that may arise in the near future.


Share your opinion on how environmental pollution impacts all living creatures, including humans.

The environmental contamination is severely impacting all living organisms, particularly humans. When noxious substances similar as carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides are introduced into the atmosphere, they contaminate the air. Consequently, this leads to respiratory ailments and lung disorders in humans. also, air pollution contributes to the reduction of the ozone layer, heightening the risk of ultraviolet radiation exposure on Earth and increasing the likelihood of cancer in living organisms.

When these dangerous gases combine with rainwater, it forms acid rain, which poses a threat to monuments by causing stone erosion. Additionally, acid rain has mischievous effects on plants and trees, leading to their destruction. Furthermore, when artificial pollutants contaminate lakes and rivers, it results in the demise of fish and other submarine creatures. The weakened water obstructs the gills of fish, eventually leading to their death.

Have You Ever taken a part to keep your environment clean?

Indeed, maintaining the cleanliness of the environment is the duty of each person. During my student days, I engaged in multitudinous tree- planting initiatives within my school premises. Additionally, I enthusiastically took part in environmental cleanup campaigns organized by our teachers to increase awareness about pollution's mischievous effects on our surroundings. Moreover, whenever I ventured on picnics to parks or other locations, we consistently carried a garbage bag along to insure proper disposal of waste materials and uphold the cleanliness of our surroundings.


Share one message that all human should keep in their mind to keep the environment healthy.

As we're well apprehensive, Earth is the sole elysian body that sustains life. Should we persist in contaminating our surroundings at the identical rate, a time will come when it becomes uninhabitable. Hence, it becomes the duty of each and every person to maintain the cleanliness of our home planet. By preserving Earth, we secure our own existence as well as that of unborn generations. I encourage everyone to actively participate in the improvement of our homeland by increasing the number of trees we plant.


Invite to @rosselena @f2i5 @anelafatima


You've highlighted some significant impacts of environmental contamination, particularly in relation to air pollution and water pollution. The release of harmful substances like carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere can indeed have detrimental effects on human health. Respiratory ailments and lung disorders are among the health issues that can arise due to air pollution.

 last year 

¡Saludos amigo!😊

Los 3 puntos que destacas sobre la contaminacion ambiental son muy bien acertados y, justo hoy estaba viendo un vehículo transitar expulsando humo en exceso y, el olor fue altamente asfixiante. Pensé en todo el daño que se hace ese humo diariamente.

Excelente trabajo amigo💚

 last year 

Has nombrado y explicado tres grandes contribuyentes a la contaminación ambiental como la emisión de gases tóxicos por parte de las industrias, así como el humo tóxico que expulsan la gran cantidad de vehículos y también la desforestación que está acabando con la fauna silvestre y los seres vivos rompiendo el equilibrio del ecosistema muchas gracias por la invitación te deseo mucha suerte en tu participación

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