The Basic Foundation For True Friendship

in Incredible India17 days ago


Hello family,

It is another great day and I feel happy to appear in this community today to share my thoughts on friendship.

As I sat yesterday, I wondered about the effect of friends on a person's life and today, I want us to understand what a friend is and the effect it has on a person.


A friend can be explained to be someone who have earned your trust, someone you enjoy spending time with and someone you feel comfortable being yourself around.

Friends give their support to each other, they share similar interests and show their support for eachother both in favourable and unfavourable times.

A friend can further be explained to be someone whose role in your live is positive and significant, and it is also characterized by mutual respect, trust and care.

Friendship most times is built on emotional support, shared experiences and a deep understanding of each other's interest and values.


Friendship is built on very important features and in the absence of these features, friendship won't be built, and explained below are some key aspect in which friendship is built on.

  • TRUST:

One basis of friendship is trust, true friends trust eachother and know what eachother are capable of doing.

True friends trust eachother to protect them and be there for them in times of need, they trust eachother with their insecurities, feelings, secrets and thoughts.

And this trust is the foundation to such a beautiful friendship they share, thus allowing them to feel safe with each other.


Another strong foundation to a true friendship is support, true friendship provides support to one another.

A true friend provides emotional support to the other during challenging times, and they are also the first to celebrate you during happy moments.

A true friend is always there for you when you need comfort and advice, and even when others desert you, a true friend will always be there for you.



Another foundation for true friendship is mutual interest or we can call it a shared interest.

Two individuals with contrasting interest cannot be friends, let alone true friends.
For true friendship to exist, the individuals involved must have similar interests and goals.

These shared interest and experience play a very huge role in strengthening the bond between friends and also, it brings opportunities for connection and fun between these friends.


Another foundation for true friendship is understanding and acceptance, true friends understand and accept one another for who they are.

Without accepting one another, true friendship cannot exist, you need to understand the flaws of your friends and accept them for whom they are.

Also, true friends understand the differences of their friends and this goes a long way in resolving conflict and also avoiding unnecessary arguments.

 11 days ago 

Your post offers a comprehensive and insightful perspective on what defines a true friendship. I completely agree with your points. True friendship is built on a foundation of mutual respect and care, enriched by the experiences and values shared between friends. Thanks for articulating these important aspects so well!

 17 days ago 

You have really made a beautiful post about the wisdom of who is a friend, we all have some friends in our life, friends who are not compatible with our lives, friends who stand by us in times of trouble are true friends, and those who are there in good times and go away in times of trouble are never true. can't be friends Thanks for sharing such a beautiful post about friendship with us.


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