Physical Fitness And It's Benefits To Human Health

in Incredible India3 days ago


Hello friends,

It is another amazing day and I see the need to come before you today and today, I will be sharing interesting post about physical fitness.

We all know what physical fitness is and I am sure we are all trying our best to keep fit as it has so many advantages amongst which we will discuss but a little today.

And for those that have little Idea on what physical fitness is, you can learn a lot from the post I am sharing below, please follow along.


Physical fitness can be explained to be the act of performing excercises, it is also known to be the ability of a man to go about his daily routine which often requires physical strength and endurance with the sole aim of reducing the risk of illness.

Physical fitness is also known to be series of activities done by human to ensure that they remain physically fit and healthy.

Without physical fitness, humans will be limited to some activities, their muscles may grow weak and weary at a very young age, they won't look attractive and many more.


There are several advantages attached to being fit as a human and in this post, I will be examining some of them.


One advantage of physical fitness is that it leads to an improved cardiovascular health, that is, it makes the heart healthy.

One thing regular excercise does to the heart is that it helps to strengthen the heart to enhance blood circulation, when the heart is healthy it defense mechanism against cardiovascular attack becomes stronger, it becomes hard for the heart to be attacked by diseases.


Another advantage of excercise for the heart is that it reduces the risk of stroke, stroke is a disease that affects the human body and makes one side of the body dead and irresponsive to internal or external stimuli.


When a person excercises regularly, such a person will have an increased muscular strength, that is, he will be able to freely perform his day to day activities without internal tears.

When a person is not fit, whatever physical pressure he undergoes will have effect on his muscles and this will result to internal tears and might lead to death.

But when a person is fit, he can freely carry out his daily activities, with or without physical pressure without the fear of pains or internal tears of his body tissues.


Another importance of physical fitness is what we know to be weight management, in fact, you can be right to say that the most important form of weight management is physical fitness.

When you excercise regularly, you can never become overweight irrespective of how much you eat, regular excercise helps you to burn calories and this increases metabolism in the body.

And with an increase in metabolism, one would be able to regulate his/her weight and also maintain a very good and attractive weight.


Another advantage of physical fitness is that it boosts one's mental health , because the more you excercise, the more endorphins your brain releases, and the body needs this hormone to ease your stress.

Another effect of the endorphin hormone is that it helps ease the body of symptoms of anxiety or depression, and in essence, you can say that the more you excercise the less depressed you going to be.

And looking at people that excercise regularly, we would notice that they look very healthy and not depressed, and this is as a result of constant excercise.



We have examined what physical fitness is and we have seen it to be the act of exercising so as to be able to regularly carry out your daily activities.

With regular excercise, we reduce the risk of been diagnosed with heart diseases, we also reduce the risk of stroke and other severe complications in the body.

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