Steemit Engagement Challenge S10/W2| I love to take the interview of Elon Musk

in Incredible Indialast year (edited)


Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well and enjoying life with the blessings of Allah Almighty. I am happy to take part in the exciting challenge hosted by Incredible India community' Contest Steemit Engagement Challenge S10/W2|Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos- Whom would you like to choose for an interview and why? So, without any further delay, let's dive right in!


Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos- Whom would you like to choose for an interview and why ?

I would choose Elon Musk for the interview because mr Elon musk is my favorite person. I really admire him and would love to have a wonderful conversation with him. He is such a fascinating individual with his innovative ideas , ambitious projects and . I want to know in dept about his vision for the future and how he plans to make a positive impact on today world.

Elon Musk stands out to me because of his achievements & the way he thinks differently. He has brought electric cars into the mainstream with Tesla, revolutionized space travel with SpaceX, & is even working on brain-computer interfaces with Neuralink. I want to delve into his mindset, understand his creative ideas , and learn from his experiences and challenges.

Moreover, Elon Musk's outspoken nature and active presence on social media specially on twitter make him an intriguing personality. His tweets & interviews often generate headlines and spark discussions. I want to explore his thoughts and perspective on various topics, including renewable energy, artificial intelligence, and his opinions on societal issues.

Which three guarantee questions would you like to ask during the interview?

The vary first question I would like to ask Elon Musk is, "What inspired you to pursue such groundbreaking projects like Tesla, SpaceX, & Neuralink?" I want to understand the driving force behind his ideas and what he motivates to tackle such ambitious ventures. His answer could provide me valuable insights into his mindset and passion for innovation.

Secondly, I would like to ask, "How do you handle setbacks & failures along the way?" Everyone faces challenges in life , and I am curious to know how Elon Musk deals with them. His response could shed light on his resilience & problem-solving abilities , which are crucial traits for success. Learning about his point of view to overcoming obstacles could offer inspiration and guidance to others.

Lastly, I must inquire, "What is your vision for the future, & how do you see your projects contributing to it?" Elon Musk has a reputation for envisioning a better and modern world and working towards it. Understanding his long-term goals and targets how he envisions his projects making a positive impact would provide deeper insights into his mission & aspirations. It would be interesting to hear his thoughts and perspective on the potential future advancements and their potential benefits to humanity.

Which would be the one suggestion you would like to take from your selected person?

If I had the opportunity to take one suggestion from Elon Musk, it would be about pursuing one's passions fearlessly. I would ask him for advice on how to overcome doubts & fears while chasing ambitious goals. His guidance on embracing risk-taking and having the courage to follow one's dreams in life could provide me with the motivation & confidence to take bold steps in my own life.

Elon Musk's journey is filled with ups and downs as per my research about Mr Elon musk , but he has consistently pursued his passions despite challenges & criticism. His suggestion would remind me to stay true to myself, believe in my abilities, & not ever let fear hold me back. It would encourage me to take calculated risks, learn from failures, & persevere in the face of obstacles. Ultimately, this advice could empower me to pursue my own aspirations & strive for personal and professional growth.

With Best Regards


Goodbye, friends. It's been a pleasure getting to know you all participating in this community. I will miss interacting with all of you, but it is time for me to move on. Take care & I hope to see you all again very soon , Best of Luck .

Your gorgeous friend Hamad khan

As the sun sets on the day
And the night falls softly in
We close this chapter, dear reader
But the story's not yet done
Tomorrow's pages wait, unwritten


(I would ask him for advice on how to overcome doubts & fears while chasing ambitious goals) i totaly agree with this point because doubs and fears are always dream killer.


Estimado amigo Me encantan la pregunta que formularías ahí los sobre todo esa que Versa sobre los contratiempos y reveses que ha tenido que afrontar porque sin lugar a duda llegar a donde ha llegado es porque superó y afrontó de manera sabia todos los obstáculos que se le han presentado. Bendiciones y éxitos

Thank you for your kind words & encouragement! I appreciate your support. Best wishes to you as well!

 last year 

Hola amigo es una linda entrada la que hemos leído hoy este personaje es muy importante en el mundo por todo lo que ha podido lograr.
Y tienes mucha razón pedir consejo a personas exitosas nos va a ayudar a alcanzar el éxito también en algún futuro.

Lo mejor es poder tomar lo bueno de cada persona como él y aplicarlo dentro de lo que podamos Saludos éxito y bendiciones

Thank you! I am agree that seeking advice from successful people can greatly contribute to our own success. It is important to learn from their experiences & apply what we can in our own lives. Best wishes to you as well, & may you find success and blessings too!

 last year (edited)

He is a successful person. There is no person about him who does not know or does not know him. Seek to understand creative ideas and learn from their experiences and challenges. Because he is one of the rich and wise who has come through many adversities.

The things you asked for are really great. Because how the shocks or failures of his life passed will inspire us.

Finally, thanks for participating in the Engagement Challenge post. Good luck to you.

Sería interesante conocer qué inspira a un hombre tan exitoso como Musk, alguien que ha revolucionado al mundo con sus ideas.

Excelente característica la que has decidido tomar de este personaje, dejar atrás los miedos y luchar por lo que se quiere.

Éxitos en el concurso.

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