SEC17/W2| While making decisions, what do you prefer to follow: heart or mind?

in Incredible India2 months ago

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AOA, dear friends! I hope you're all in good spirits, blessed by Allah's grace. I'm doing , how about you people ?

Today, I am excited to join the this wonderful contest of "SEC- Season 17" thanks to community team organizing such an awesome event. Now, let's get this started, shall we?

What is your preference while making decisions, heart or mind?

When it comes to decision-making, I am firmly on Team Mind. My brain is like a seasoned detective, analyzing clues, weighing options, & delivering verdicts with precision. It's like having a trusty sidekick, always ready to jump in with logic & reason.

While the heart might be out there making passionate speeches and shedding tears, my mind is calmly sipping its tea, unaffected by emotional theatrics.

Sure, emotions have their place, but when it's decision time, my intellect takes the wheel like a seasoned driver navigating the twist and turns of life's highway.

So, while others might be listening to their heartbeats, I'll be over here, listening to the soothing hum of my brainpower.

Do you think we need both in terms of making decisions? Describe reasons.

Absolutely! It's like having a dynamic duo—Batman and Robin, peanut butter and jelly, or socks and shoes. While the mind brings the logic and strategy to the table, the heart adds that special touch of passion and intuition.


Think of it this way: the mind is the cool, calculated strategist, mapping out the best route, while the heart is the enthusiastic cheerleader, injecting excitement and inspiration into the mix. Together, they form an unbeatable team, balancing practicality with emotion to make decisions that are both smart and heartfelt.

So, next time you're faced with a choice, let your mind and heart join forces—they make quite the dynamic duo!

Are you an emotional or a practical person in real life?

I am absolutely the poster kid for practicality when it comes to making decisions. Like a machine that is well-oiled, my method produces logical solutions more quickly than you can say "spreadsheets."

Though my practical side keeps passions in control like a vigilant bouncer at the place of evalluate, emotions may try to sneak in through the back door.

Logic, my trustworthy sidekick, & I are sipping on a cup of tea while others may be experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions. So please, give me a call if you ever need help making a decision that is both accurate and efficient.

I am going resolve it quicker than anyone can say "heart versus mind."


Do you have any suggestions for youth which one they should follow in their day-to-day lives?

Ah, for the youth navigating the maze of daily decisions, here's a nugget of wisdom: why not have the best of both worlds? It's like choosing between pizza and ice cream—why not have a slice of both?

Embrace your inner harmony by letting your mind do the heavy lifting while allowing your heart to sprinkle in some flavor.

It's like a delicious recipe for success, where practicality and emotion dance together in perfect harmony, creating a symphony of balanced decisions.

So go ahead, mix it up like a cocktail of wisdom and passion—you'll thank yourself later!

kind Regards


Adieu, folks!

May the winds of fortune
carry you to greatness!


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It's great to see how you prioritize following the mind over the heart in decision-making, emphasizing logic and practicality. Balancing both can lead to smart and heartfelt choices. Advice to youth to blend both rationality and emotion in daily decisions is invaluable. Keep up the wonderful approach to decision-making!

In making those decisions, both can make wise and strategic decisions for us only if we know how to utilise it and also depends on the situation, we can make use of the heart to make right decisions and same also for the mind

 2 months ago 
Walaikum Salam

Heart and Mind are important for people. Using both of them is right; heart is passionate and intuitive while brain is more logical and suggestive.

Both are important to make decisions; think about the decision before and after you take it to face the consequences and to think about it that it was helpful or not.

Best of luck for the contest.

Greetings dear brother! As for the youth navigating the maze of daily decisions, here's a nugget of wisdom: why not have the best of both worlds? It's like choosing between pizza and ice cream—why not have a slice of both?

Embrace your inner harmony by letting your mind do the heavy lifting while allowing your heart to sprinkle in some flavor.

While making decisions, we really need to be careful of how we make decisions or the type of decisions we make whether we use the heart or the mind at the end of the day

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