Steem engagement challenge-S10/W5| The three significant reasons behind environmental pollution

in Incredible Indialast year (edited)

Hello everyone, hope that all of you are doing well.

Welcome to the contest of Incredible India and may all of you get your desired votes and replies.

Today our topic is about environmental pollution, what causes it or why it is caused?

Environmental Pollution


  • What are the three significant reasons behind environmental pollution? Describe

  • Industrial Activities

  • Deforestation
    *Energy Production

Industrial Activities


Many industries releases waste materials which are unwanted chemicals into water and soil and gas(smoke) to the air. This type of pollution causes air, land and water pollution which affects the health of living things. e.g. humans, plants and animals etc.




Cutting down trees a lot of trees leads to deforestation of nature and lots of animals lose their houses. It destroys nature of habitants and reduced amount carbon dioxide is absorbed by the plants, this climate change causes heat stroke and global warming.

Energy Production



Electricity generated from all type of fuels like oil releases greenhouse gas which changes the daily climate. Catalyzing these fuels also releases polluting gas that causes air pollution and affects living things health.

  • How can we prevent environmental pollution?

I'll discuss this in simple points:

  • By limiting our use of things which causes any type of waste material and pollution.
  • Recycling of waste things reduces the pollution.
  • Saving of energy by using required electricity and turning off other lights.
  • Using public transport or transportation which does not releases CO2 gas.
  • Reducing use of plastics.
  • Using sustainable and renewable energy sources.
  • Producing energy from environmental friendly methods e.g. wind turbine.



  • Share your opinion on how environmental pollution impacts all living creatures, including humans.

All environmental variation causes difficulty for living things and it makes life difficult.

  • One of the main disease caused by chemical use is Cancer. it is caused by environmental exposure. Our country Pakistan has many patents having this disease, in our mountainous areas chemicals are used for tunnels in blasting which causes cancer.
  • Deforestation of hilly areas causes road erosion and floods. Last year our country faced a greater flood which killed many people and animals, many of them were displaced. Crops were destroyed and our economy was badly affected. This is due to deforestation.
  • Air pollution causes respiratory problems in animals and humans.
  • Water pollution affects the aquatic life and plants, which also indirectly causes problems to humans and animals drinking water from it and thus leads to various diseases and lastly death.
  • Climate changes due to green house gas leads to to extreme weather which limits the food production, clean water, and displaces of humans from its place.
  • Have you ever taken part to keep your environment clean?

Yes, I have taken part in plantation. Last month plantation authority came to our town and I took part in their work and planted small plants in our nearest ground. Before that I also took part in cleaning society conference to keep our society clean and teach our kids to work for societies betterment.

  • Share one message that all humans should keep in their mind; to keep the environment healthy.

One of the best personality in this world said:

Do not waste water even if you were at a running stream."
―Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

"Do not cut down fruitful trees."
― Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

"I will say that this earth is created for us and it is our obligation to look after it"

I invite my friends @hamzayousafzai @sailawana @cryptokannon @goodybest @wilmer1988

Thank You


That's wonderful to hear! It's great that you actively participate in initiatives aimed at making a positive impact on the environment

 last year 

Thank you for your precious reply and best of luck for your future


Sebagai manusia yang tinggal di muka bumi maka sudah sewajarnya kita menjaga kebersihan lingkungan agar bumi ini tetap lesatari dan bisa dihuni oleh anal cucu kita

Enyry yang bagus sobat..
Smoga berhasil

 last year 

Walaikum Salam.
Thanks for your precious comment, yes it is our duty to look after our society anf take care of it

Thank you, friend!
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