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RE: Steem Engagement Challenge-S10/W5 | The three significant reasons behind environmental pollution.

in Incredible India11 months ago

Great content by you my friend and your view points about pollution are great.

Industrial development, for example, produces polluting waste that impacts the quality of air, soil, and water

Industries wastages are in different types as you mentioned that it affects air and land both. The gases affects air quality badly and various chemicals is bad for the land.

use of transport that do not emit gases, consciously using electrical appliances and lamps, separating waste, recycling, etc.

This is a big issue people are using their own cars rather than public transport which contributes lessor to pollution than own cars. Using electrical buses in public is making environment neat and clean. Furthermore, recycling is what we need to do to reuse the things rather than making it a wastage

not leaving chargers plugged in when they are not being used, and turning off the lights during the day.

Most of the people are ignorant about these activities so your point about has fulfilled it that we should do the same as you said we should turn off the lights in days and plug out charger not being used


Con pequeñas acciones se pueden realizar valiosos aportes para la conservación del medioambiente; haciendo un uso consciente de la energía eléctrica, y aplicando técnicas de reciclaje en nuestros hogares.

Gracias por el apoyo.

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