Creative writing contest of Incredible India|Contest #2|If almighty give you His power for one day|by @aminasafdar

Hi, this is Amina Safdar, greetings to all of you guys.This is my first post here. Thanks to @meraindia for bringing this contest where we can fulfill our wishes if Almighty wills. So let's jump into that without overdoing here.


Almight wants us to be kind to each other as well as to other creations of him. If he wants that so with all his might and power, then why we are so cruel and harsh towards each other?
I'll tell you why because he has given us the right to show for ourselves to whether be kind or cruel towards each other.


So if I'll get the chance to do the job of Almighty, I'll just simplicity abandon the people of their right to choose. I'll make each and every creation to practice kindness no matter what.

The reason behind my wish is so universal, even you can relate. Do you remember how many times you get bullied by friends, family, colleagues, or your community members? How many times do you feel you heart break into pieces by the subtle remarks of others about you? Feel ache is the heart right?

I'll make the hearts and tongues of everyone so pure. That the only option they will have is to give nice compilents to each other.

Like honey you're doing the best you can, you rock, you're so kind to do this for me, you look divine.

Almighty has created the heaven where no one will speak filth but only modest things. So my wish is to make this world like heaven. Where people care for each other.

My wish is to make people:

  • To help other during difficult time
  • To counsel the anxious and depressed person
  • To give smiles and laughter
  • To stop yelling and cursing, and abusive acting
  • To feed each other with love
  • To stop fighting when you know I'll destroy the relation
  • To love the animals and plants, and give up the activities that become havoc for them.

All these thing i mentioned above are the features, i want to insert in my character too, that no one feel danger from my hands and tongue.

2.Stop Murder and assassination

Second thing that i wish to stop is hurting someone physically and killing the humanity. We see and hear so many cases about target killing, honor killing, suicides, bombing others, nuclear terrorism that kill innocent people.

As it is said

To kill a person is to kill all humanity.

So my wish is to erase the cause of killing, things that trigger a person to commit sucuide or murder someone.

Causes of muder include:

  • envy and jealousy of someone's success(including their property, personality, fame and name)

  • indifferent opinion, perspective and religion triggers man to kill the opponent

  • fight for women, real estate, and goods.

  • fight for higher status and power as in politics results in massacre.

  • cracks in the honor makes people kill each other.
    For Instance: Men mostly kill women who indulge in immodest acts to protect their honor.
    Women who refuse to marry someone get killed, mostly in Mena countries (middle east and north African countries)

  • people who change their religion or do things outta the context of their religion are on the edge to get killed

  • people who raise their voice against oppression get killed whether you're a singer or a fighter for fredom.

So my wish is to make people understand each other, empower each other to win this world and the hereafter rather than hating each other.

If we give a person right to choose and express his demands without any restrictions about life partner, political view, religion, future, thoughts about a particular thing. This muder thing wouldn't happen anywhere.

My wish is to make ever person on the planet called earth to humble towards each other, to be kind and affectionate.

Almight don't want us to kill his other creations but he is testing us with our open will to choose things in life.

So I'll make them choose to understand first and then respond with logic and intellect that makes human higher in status than all his creations.

3. Restoration of Nature / Instincts / Elimination of ailments

As a child, when we all came to this world we were on our instincts, with natural clock inside our body to monitor when to eat, sleep or wake up.

This is the natural potential of our body to function. Ideal time to wake is before dawn and to sleep is immediately after dusk.

Then our bodies are supposed to eat only those things which are coming directly from the mother nature(fruits, vegetables, grains).

And what were our place and homes look like? They used to be surrounded by maximum trees, with open view, made of clay, full of oxygen.


Everyone would wake up early to make a living and chit chat at evening with friends and family members. And every stress and anxiety they might have would vanish.

They were the people of no modern and artificial diseases like we know in the form of depression, mental health issues, obesity, heart diseases and what not.

This happened when we changed our instinct and distanced ourselves from nature, after industrial revolution.

Now every child has the smart phone right after their birth. They don't drink milk but of the branded companies only. They eat and drink all kinda rubbish in the form of chips, cookies, colas, and juices.

When they grow up, they worry about their degrees, marriage, career. Ignoring the mental health that nourishes when you spend time with loved ones in a home (not like the compartment we own now). They stay awake all night to seek pleasure and to make a living, sleep all day to recharge themselves.

But this is not how it works. When we tried to change the nature according to our feasibility, we got modern ailments (diseases). Now talk to anyone, he'll tell you that he has anxiety, depression, physical health issues just because of their lifestyle.

My wish is to


  • Erase all these ailments from this planet
  • Make everyone stick to natural laws of this universe(because nature won't get hurt you'll)
  • Make everyone eat that comes from nature
  • Bring back the family system where elders were respected for their words and wisdom
  • Bring back the evening chit chat corner with friends and family where everyone will talk and laught their heart out, and leave with their heart at ease.
  • make everyone build a connection with The Almighty whose mercy is on us in the form of this universe, nature, family, health, food, job, home and you.

Inviting my friends @abdullhahsafdar @sabanaqsh and @murriumkhalid to come in.
That's all dear members for this contest. Hope you gonna like my words:)




You have written a very good post with strong messages. Best of luck for the contest. @aminasafdar

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