Why are daughters more attached to their fathers and sons to their mothers?

in LifeStyle3 years ago

Before we can understand why such attachment happens we need to understand how the child develops his personality in his early years.
After going through certain experiences the child develops certain unconscious goals that shape his life style later on.
In early stage in life,a young infant’s primary attachment object would be its mother because the mother fulfills the infant’s oral desires through feeding.

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A pyscologist assumed that a young infant’s primary attachment object would be its mother because the mother fulfills the infant’s oral desires through feeding. However, he believed that the father begins to play an important role in development when the child enters the phallic stage of development, which generally occurs approximately at the age of three.

Children begin to form an incestuous desire for their opposite sex parent and an antagonistic rivalry with their same sex parent.

The resolution of this stage of development occurs when the child, usually at the age of six, renounces their desire for their opposite sex parent and begins to identify with their same sex parent.

The resolution of this stage of development occurs when the child, usually at the age of six, renounces their desire for their opposite sex parent and begins to identify with their same sex parent.

In many families, you find daughters playing around with their fathers, sharing secrets and so on more than their mothers and vice versa to boys. For some instance,a mother of two daughters here in Nigeria said It makes me so depressed to hear people tell me that my daughter soon will want nothing to do with me, and that all girls are daddy’s girl. However she continues saying that every parent has something to do with a child’s life”.
Another mother also said My daughters so loves her daddy, they do have a special bond, but so do we. They have the things they like to do and we have ours. I think little girls melt a daddy’s heart and they are more apt to give in to certain things. I have 2 sisters, we were all daddy’s girls, he could do no wrong, still can’t! But I’m extremely close with my mom as well. I love seeing my daughters’ relationship with her dad.
A pyscologist explained more why that attachment occurs he said, it depends on the stage of the child, such bonds can’t fail to happen however it is not easy to identify why it happens. Men are more playful to kids than mothers that’s why most girls are attached to their fathers , so according to that i said boys learn that mother is more forgiving of them (than dad who disciplines them) and girls learn they can get away with more with daddy (than mom who will chastize them).


It happens everywhere. Daughters are the daddy's princesses while boys are the superhero of their moms. Pandemic parenting has brought closer the level of attraction between parents and their children and I believe that this is the only positive thing during whole this deadly time.

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