Reading addiction is happiness

in LifeStyle3 years ago

Banyan Detox Stuart

“When a new book came out, my heart was happy. I definitely want to read books from my favorite authors. Imagine the contents while looking at the book design. My hobby is stopping at a bookstore. Sometimes books smell very good. "-Confession of a reading addict

Even today, e-mail advertisements from big bookstores such as Gramedia Bookstore and Starbook keep coming. 'In spring when reading is good, a glass of spring flowers is served with literature!', 'Good book + good book = better reading!' Various titles seem to stand out. In particular, I will pay attention to the recommended books and new publications this week. Books in various fields, such as economics, history, humanities, essays, and novels, each have a beautiful appearance.

Discounts and advertisements for new products sometimes come to shopping centers, but I wasn't really interested. The clothes I wear now are fine, and my favorite laptop, tablet and smartphone are still okay. It is said that this is an era where smartphones fold due to advances in technology, but somehow the desire to buy is unattractive.

But the book is different. The new announcement intrigued me. Not to mention the joy of finding a good book not only among new books but also among standard sellers. The most interesting ad in recent years is the new revised edition of Three Kingdoms. This is great news for me, a self-proclaimed Three Kingdoms fanatic. I was wondering when to buy this book. Of course, if you think about the physical space of your study room and bookshelves, it will be a tough decision. Still, I would be happy if someone gave me this collection instead of $ 10 to $ 25 worth of clothes, electronics and bags. I am happy only with imagination.

So what are the symptoms? Have you ever experienced it? Or is it still in progress? It's addictive. '

In general, the meaning of 'addiction' is used negatively. This is because the character 'poison' means 'harmful'. Internet addiction, game addiction, alcohol addiction, drug addiction, caffeine addiction, drama addiction, etc. Various words addiction are used. Of these, there is no addiction that does not harm our health. Of course, I think addiction is dangerous.

But not necessarily. There is also a healthy addiction. It is a reading addiction. This term is not in the dictionary, and instead, the word 'print addiction' is listed.

"Type addiction: The psychological state in which the mind is relieved when all printed material is read"

Reading addiction is a type of print addiction. There is a feeling of pleasure when reading a book. Even looking at the cover of your favorite book, it looks like the dopamine is off. Of course, this might be a little exaggerated, but it really does taste like that. Of course, dopamine is released in a much more stimulating environment. Alcohol, cigarettes, games, smartphones, social media, etc., or before they act, are naturally excreted from the brain, and gradually become addicted when they feel pleasure.

Reading is a more subtle addiction. In fact, no one will ever get out of hand or show signs of anxiety just because they haven't read a book. However, when you start reading a book, you find rest or enlightenment. It's not just dopamine secretion. It is an even greater joy. Reading addiction is happiness when you speak badly. Reading too much can lead to poor eyesight or turtle skin, but on the contrary, it conveys much greater happiness.

When the world is infected with the corona virus, the areas most illuminated are daily necessities and their contents that meet basic human needs. The time people spend in human relationships is extraordinary. Not only at work, but also at school, various clubs, social groups, social gatherings, etc., I spend time meeting someone. I can't help but chat at the cafe and relieve my stress.

However, now meeting someone has become even more careful and thoughtful. Refrain from meetings unless absolutely necessary. So, people are looking for content. Netflix servers are overloaded, and viewer ratings for various dramas are increasing. I watch a lot of movies at home.

There are American dramas that I have also enjoyed recently, and I have also enjoyed movies occasionally. Reading and writing continues. I am grateful to have this good habit again. Because drama, movies, internet content and social media are passive acts. It's as if you are lying on the couch and only accept what the content is telling you. This content sometimes makes us feel happy or sad, and even hate (a virtual person). It is a device that moves our hearts.

Someone will say you shouldn't take this seriously. "Why are you so serious? Can't we watch, enjoy, and relieve stress? "Of course, just watch and enjoy. However, if the degree is severe, symptoms of "addiction" appear and become lethargic. Don't you feel empty especially when your favorite drama ends? You suffer from side effects as if the world is over. That's because dopamine is low. So, I try to calm the void while looking for another drama or film. You will repeat this cycle until you die.

"What's left for us in the end?"

Finish staple food, clothing and board, and consume content in the remaining time. What are we like in a month, a year, and 10 years? Are you talking about solitude? Will you remain a consumer until you die? Will it become an object of life? Are you going to be the subject?

When you read and write, you think. I thought about why I was reading this book and the message it gave. And apply it in my life. History, humanities, self-development, philosophy, etc. Even though they weren't hard books, essays and novels also enriched my life. Reading books and getting used to leaving a few lines of my thoughts changed my perspective on life. Become the subject of life.

It doesn't mean that you only hold books. I usually read in the morning, at lunch, or on weekends. At night, the body and mind are tired and rest. In this case, I watch books on light topics, or plays or movies.

But early mornings are always with books. Read books and write. It's because I won't lose my center. This everyday rhythm provides 'happiness'. When a reading addiction is said to be happiness, some people say that it's a bit over the top, but it's not. It was a joy that only an addict could know. Even if you don't read much, just reading a few verses from a good book will change your life.

Not many addicts read. This is because it takes at least a week or more than a month for addiction to work out. On the other hand, other addictions take effect within 1 second.

To date, I have never met anyone who felt empty after reading or writing. I see only joy and happiness, or an eye for serious reflection. Reading addicts feel happy today as they read and write. I want more people to feel this feeling. Reading addiction is happiness.

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