Never enjoy what you can't afford

in LifeStyle3 years ago

Today, a friend of Uncle Rath invited me to play and introduced two golfers.

One of them, a little older, looked familiar, but couldn't remember where he had seen her.

We chat over lunch over lunch to find that we all train in the same training ranges and are the same coaches a few years ago.

Therefore, we can be said to be "classmates".

When we talked about the coach, we both sighed, because the coach has been missing for years.

In other words, it had blurred over the years ...

The coach used to have a good relationship with me. She is from Shandong. He is strong and handsome. He's kind and friendly.

However, in many areas, golf coaches are mostly at the bottom, with low incomes and very limited living conditions.

Likewise the coach, lives with his wife and children in the kelurahan.

The time has come. A super rich man comes to the training ground and asks this coach to learn how to play. The rich man was very generous and took the initiative to increase the cost of coaching by 20%.

He also introduced some friends and coaches in his circle.

Of course, the rich are also rich.

That period was supposed to be the coach's best time, not only did he receive a group of rich students, but these rich people also took special care of him, asking him to play games in the court or give him something from time to time.

I saw with my own eyes a rich man give him a box of Maotai ...

Gradually, the coach's sense of disobedience among the rich also diminished, and he hung out with them all day long.

And, you know, rich people are very gamblers. They have to bet on the next game, and they play a lot. For every stroke they lose, they start at $ 10.

Under normal circumstances, it is normal for everyone to have a 10-20 stroke difference in a game, so each game requires a bet of around $ 100 or $ 200.

Coaches can't afford to play such big stakes, and the rich are also very attentive, he is calculated at $ 50 per hit.

Of course, the level of the trainer was much higher than these beginners, it was normal to beat them by more than 20 hits in one game.

Therefore, this coach can win over $ 100 with almost no tension as long as he is out of the game, and the rich don't care at all.

Teaching soccer was fun, I felt like I had found a way to make money, so I didn't teach too much, and I followed the rich every day.

About half a year later, I looked at the coach again and found that he had already bought a car, and enthusiastically discussed buying a house in Shenzhen with me.

I thought it was too easy to make money at that time ...

As the saying goes: "The human heart is insufficient, the snake swallows the elephant."

The sweetness made the coach unable to escape. He felt sure he was winning at the game, so he actively asked to raise the stakes. Like everyone else, starting at $ 10 per hit ...

Rich people say that since you took the initiative let's play it like that.

However, what was unexpected was that the coaches who made their living teaching people couldn't beat these rookies.

Do not think this is a deliberate set by other people, if you also play ball, you should know that many people who learn to ball for a year, as long as they have good psychological qualities, will get good results.

And these rich people, most of them are people like that, and the better the result.

And the coach? Because the stakes were too big, he had a great psychological burden, it was said that his hands trembled when holding the bar and often made low level mistakes.

In this way, after losing several matches in a row, all previous wins are lost and a car is bought to pay off the debt.

However, he did not give up and continued gambling, until he ended up in debt of millions of rupiah, he could not afford it, and eventually fled with his family.

To make a special statement, gambling is illegal, and from the rumors it is said that you have to be a story.

However, one of those principles shouldn't be difficult for you to understand. People's obsession with wealth and prosperity does not arise from time to time because you cannot get them, it is precisely because you have tried them that you cannot stop them.

Most people have to be like this. When you get some benefit you don't deserve, you won't feel like it's just a blessing. When you want to lose, you won't comfort yourself and say that it was for nothing in the first place.

No, you don't think about it, you want more, and you will take these benefits as what you deserve.

In the end you will let go, only to pay the painful price, and burn what you once had.

There's no more sadness in life than this, right?

So, never enjoy what you cannot afford, otherwise you will only double.


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