Meditating will help you to be happy.

in LifeStyle4 years ago (edited)

Meditating will help you to be happy..

In the previous publication I mentioned that your brain can be trained, to obtain greater abilities, in this case to be well emotionally and to be happy and for those you need to meditate.
The vast majority of meditations propose something similar, which is to concentrate on something external to lower the level of internal dialogue in your mind, it can be a mantra, it can be to be attentive to your breathing or any other method that helps you reduce activity internal brain and our constant internal dialogue, you can use a mantra as they use in transcendental meditation, you can give techniques in which you are attentive to your breathing, whatever you want.

I'm going to give you an example of how to meditate following some established rules.

So how do we meditate?

Sit in any position that is comfortable for you, where you do not have your head resting on a surface, or on the wall, or on the bed, or anywhere else and if it is possible for you to have your spine straight without forcing it, this is simply to that you can improve your breathing technique, when you are meditating and so that you do not fall asleep, there is no proven extra benefit to be meditating in strange positions, such as the lotus unless you have the hip flexibility to do it and you have fun assuming that position , but honestly choose any position in which you can feel relaxed and in which you feel that you are not going to fall asleep, just that.

What do I have to do during meditation?

Our brain is made to respond to stimuli, this means that the more external stimuli we have, the more brain activity we are going to have, that is why many types of meditation try to eliminate external stimuli, less stimuli, less responses from my brain. In the vast majority of meditations, they usually close their eyes, they are usually in quiet places where the sound will not interrupt my meditation, you can listen to quiet music if you want, but you do not have to have any stimulus that will prevent the relaxation of brain activity Like a loud sound or like particularly marked lices or people who walk near you, none of these things is mandatory or mandatory, simply closing our eyes for example helps us to be less distracted from this process.

What you are going to do in a normal meditation is to concentrate on your breathing, you are going to try to listen to your breath to be attentive to the outside and have the senses trying to capture information from the outside, but at the same time you are going to breathe with an intensity in which you do not get to hear your breathing, this is paradoxical and is obviously trying to force your brain to listen to something from the outside to reduce the internal dialogue and at the same time have a calm enough breathing to help you lower the brain activity, this basically puts your attention outside of your brain, if I am breathing slowly and did not hear my breathing, but at the same time I am attentive to my breathing.

How do I know that this process that I call meditation is working?

Well basically because there are a lot of ways in which the body communicates this drop in sympathetic activity, this drop in brain activity, through relaxing muscle tone, through lowering the respiratory rate, through lowering the rate. cardiac; And if you are someone who enjoys doing experiments on your own and wants to see if this meditation is actually having a result, you can meditate with a saturometer and you have one and evaluate to see if your heart rate, if your respiratory rate while you are meditating they go down.

But it is really very easy to perceive in a meditation, once I have been doing this that I mentioned before, the physiological changes that are taking place in your body, when your body decreases excessive brain activity and the sympathetic activity of your autonomic nervous system.

How long do I have to meditate?

The average time of the different meditations is usually 20 minutes, but honestly if this is the first time that you are going to start meditating or the first time that you are going to take meditation as something a little more seriously, start with 5 minutes than They are easy to carry out and do not say that "uuuufs I have to start meditating" so that you start to generate the habit without representing a burden or an effort that you have to do and simply because it gives you pleasure to do so.

In the next post I am going to give a method that works much better for me than to borrow from Matthieu Ricard who is known as the happiest man in the world, do not miss it.

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