How to Stay Energized All Day at Work

in LifeStyle4 years ago

“There are days when you throw up your hands. And there are no words, no music, no strength ... ". Even taking into account the figurativeness of these lines from the song "Time Machine", everyone had similar feelings.

Only a robot can work effectively for 8 hours in a row. And it's not a fact that he will not need recharging. So taking short breaks is not only possible, but also necessary. But how useful they will be for productivity is up to you.

Do your exercises

Yes, exercise is useful not only in the morning, but throughout the entire working day. Firstly, we lead a sedentary lifestyle, which negatively affects our health , and secondly, the best rest is a cardinal change of activity. Let your brain rest for 5 minutes. After even the simplest exercises, it will work much better, because the blood is saturated with oxygen, the nervous system will relax and you will feel a surge of strength for a new assault on your tasks.


Take a walk around the office

You probably have some questions for your colleagues or you need to wish someone a happy birthday. So solve these tasks personally, and not through instant messengers. You will both be distracted from the work flow and build relationships with other employees. Invite someone over for coffee, because it's much more enjoyable to discuss work tasks. Good relationships with colleagues are the key to the success of any business.

Go get some water

We so often forget about water balance, and this is an important part of a healthy body. Get distracted, go to the kitchen for plain water, because even when we are not thirsty, the body still wants to drink, especially in such stressful situations and with so much coffee drunk. You can add a wedge of lemon to the water to add flavor.

Exercise your eyes

If you do not have time to get up from the table, then at least do eye exercises. Moreover, they account for the main load when working at a computer. Close your eyes, move them from side to side, turn, open and look into the distance. In general, do whatever it takes to rest your eyes so you don't get dry eye syndrome.

how not to rest

Try to minimize social media and news checking . This distracts attention and, more often than not, takes more time than we think. And it's hard to call it a change of activity. You can set aside 5-10 minutes from the hour break, but do not read the tape while you eat.

Pull your earlobes down . If you massage your earlobes in this way for a short time, you will be able to get rid of drowsiness.

Run your tongue over the palate . Not very pleasant, but also especially ticklish, right? But the signal from the nerve endings almost immediately reaches the brain and contributes to concentration.

Massage your neck . Pay special attention to the top by pressing with your fingers where the neck meets the head.

Do a short breathing session . 5 minutes will be enough. You can start with the simplest exercise: concentrate on breathing, breathe deeply, mentally counting on inhalation and exhalation to four. This practice will fill your circulatory system with oxygen and invigorate.


Use aromatherapy . Many essential oils stimulate the brain to make you feel more energized. These include: citrus, bergamot, cinnamon, cloves, cypress, eucalyptus, fir, ginger, pine, rosemary, basil.

Turn on the light . When you have work to do, never sit at dusk. The brighter the light, the more active your brain works.

Listen to music at a high tempo . If it doesn't distract you, make a special playlist with "catchy" songs and listen to it every time you want to cheer up.

Laugh . A surge of positive emotions energizes, therefore, after watching videos with funny animals, you will relax for a while, and restore the balance of power a little.

Motivate yourself . We have written about various ways of self-motivation many times .

Change your socks . Quite frankly, the trick is weird, but it works. And if you change your socks for fresh ones in the middle of the working day, a surge of vivacity is guaranteed.


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This is a really really interesting and it made me energetic. 💛

Awesome! Reading this post make me feel happy. I will try each of them at work.

This post has received a 25.9 % upvote from @boomerang.

Muy buenos consejos, gracias por compartir

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